Taking Offers. Accepting Trades Plat @7.2k Buyout's on select items: 100k Pirate's Bow 350k x10 Pec Meat. 2m Brown Mask of the Wilds. 200k Orange Special Mask Dye 500k Purple Special Mask Dye 500k Green Special Mask Dye PM or IRC me @ [UO]Dyne I will not be insulted by any amount of offers, so just throw me an offer and we'll go from there. Most items will be a quicksale if offer is accepted. A few of the higher end items I may post the high offer and give time for other offers to come in. I reserve the right to refuse sale to scalliwags or otherwise dastardly individuals that I do not like. Tarot Cards - SOLD
High offers: Deer 2.5m Tarot 1.75m bottles 375k Thanks for the offers tho guys. Trading is the one thing that keeps me interested in UO. Nothing like merchanting!
I have a trade offer of 2.5m in total trade value on the deer. I paid 4m for it myself so wouldn't go anything lower than probably 2.5-3m, just wanted to get that out there so you didn't waste your time following the thread if it was out of your price range. I really do appreciate the offers tho.
Ya, I always love offers! Even if they are low and for things already sold, I just like to trade, take offers and give my own offers! haha That's part of the fun. The Tarot cards have been sold for 2m. Thank you all for your interest.
This was sold last night to a guildie. Just didn't get time to update the thread yet. Thanks for your offer tho. I really do appreciate it.