Unique, one of a kind, THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE! Stav's nailed the usage of the word. But unique means one of one. Not one of two, not one of three, and not one of four, but one of one. Attila's got it right with server birth, but a unique item is like the metal chest in hue 1154, it is one of a kind.
As stated in my first post. I know that Unique means "one of a kind" but... reading comprehension 101. Also as I previously stated, the words unique and server birth have been interchanged for several items. Alot of the items that were scavenger hunt items were also called "server births". At one time, they may have been server births, but after being introduced at the scavenger hunt as rewards, are they still server births? Same goes with a unique, when it was 1 of a kind, and then reintroduced as a scavenger hunt item, is it still a unique? You can't change the "UO" meaning of 1 and not the other. A word is exactly intended for how people use it. Im sure the words in the english language such as the word "cool" that have several meanings didn't always have several meanings until people used them in that way. In this case, several people have used the word unique to mean a very desirable, expensive high end rare, because at one time, it WAS unique. Just doesn't happen to be the case with the reintroduction of the items at previous scav hunts. Im not exactly sure why this conversation even got started unless the OP edited his post and changed the word "unique" to server birth, but I do not believe someone using the word "unique" to describe a desirable high end server birth/rare/scav hunt item is wrong/dastardly or purposely misrepresenting said item. They are just using the "other UO definition of the word" meaning "highly desirable/rare/server birth/scavenger hunt item" Yes I will call webster's dictionairy tomorrow to have it added. P.S. No I won't.
Hue 1193 book of dark magic WAS unique when I first obtained it, however in the coming weeks a second one spawned, making it NOT unique. Hue 1154 metal chest spawned back when xmas event scrolls had 5 hues, seems an unwanted hue slipped through before being removed, alas, unique. Server births can be unique if theres only the one, otherwise respawning em just drops their value while still being server birth rares. Way to fuel the international downgrade of english comprehension 101. If you care to discuss more, please create a thread for our amusement in discussion, or the more appropriate trash talk section, as this is the TRADE SECTION. Some of us don't live on the forums but still want to keep track of bids