Terms: last bid must stand 24 hrs . Plat @ 7.9k. Hcoin @4.5k. You are a bidding on a fortress located just south of the Bloody Plains/Compassion desert. SB: 6m BO: 9m
Ohhhhhh When I was jus' a little newbie Macroing in the city streets The veterans said newb don't let it get to ya Some day you can be l33t just like me L33t just like me With a fort on the bayou A fort on the bayyyyyouuuu Fort on the bayou full of loot loot loot loot loot
TC, have you been getting into my stash again.....cuz u b high af right meow. Trinsic, which lies just south of the Fens of the Dead, is no where near the Bloody Plains. The fortress pictured is at the northern reaches of the Bog of Desolation, east of Britain. You silly goose.