Hello UOR Community I am about to buy a large house and would like to know if there is any players who decorate houses or even rooms in exchange for gold?
I think you need to be clear. Is the 200k for the price of deco & the decorator? Or are you supplying the deco and that is the fee for the decorator? 200k won't go very far if you are after rares as part of the decoration. I'd suggest you go look at the housing deco contests from previous years, Here's a link to last year: http://www.uorenaissance.com/list/HouseDecor/M Have a look through here and see what kind of things you're after, what themes grab you, colour schemes, etc ... that helps as a way to get started. You'll find Xeg's award-winning entry here: http://www.uorenaissance.com/info/30037 She is definitely one of the most imaginative designers on the shard! Good luck with the deco and have a lot of fun!
I deco, pick theme, give me ownership till I give you the big reveal. I am done with my decos and have tons of free time. I can send links of my work in a bit. Not at my desk atm. Best thing is I don't charge to do it, I enjoy it. I use my materials and yours if you have them.
I can also vouch for Xegugg's decorative skills. Make sure you're clear about how much blood and guts you want though. If you give her carte blanche, it could get pretty gruesome in there. You can trust her to not rip you off as well, should you have any concerns about that.
You are right Azoth i wasnt clear. I have 200k and no materials. I am not looking for rares, i am a new player and dont get all the hype around the rares. All i want is carpenter/tinker/stonemaker to decorate it with HIS/HERS OWN materials. 200k I have now can grow as I farm every day. PM sent to Xeg, hopefully she wont refuse to help me.
I'm looking forward to seeing the themes! If Xeg's doing it, I'll donate some of the household rares like plates, a pitcher, and a couple of candlesticks
This is my keep. I have added a few more things since, and centered my pentagrams after, I took the pics. It's house of summoning on the borders of the swamps that brings back the dead, with a succubus's lair with a walk in closet theme. A villa I did for someone recently, I've done other in past don't have any of those pics. Deco contest ones: http://www.uorenaissance.com/info/30023 http://www.uorenaissance.com/info/30037
Wow, that Sacrifice Room, with the books piled on the altar and the blood-knight's scimitar on the floor is fantastic! First time I've seen one of those plat lanterns, too ... oooh, just noticed the fish heads near the soul-jar!
Also to note, my decos, take more than a day to do, depending on details and lock downs I have to work with.
If you're as good as your reputation, I may call on you in a month or two as I acquire more wealth. Do you do small houses too? I doubt Ill be getting anything too large due to my being new and all. Edit: I posted this without reading the complete thread. That summoner's keep is gorgeous.