I can work with any size. My obstacle is working with your lock downs and type of use for the house. I don't usually volunteer to do decos. Just catch me on irc. I use Xegugg or Onions in irc.
THE BIG REVEAL! I am still in shock after seeing what an amazing job has Xegugg done. I cant thank her enough. Thanks Onions! WOW!
Looks great! Congratulations, Praetor and Xeg I haven't forgotten this offer. If you'd like the plates, pitcher and candlesticks, Praetor, send me a PM or find me on IRC.
I love how this turned out. I want to chime in and express that I'd very much like this to become a regular thing. Having never been into house decoration before, I just recently finished 10 locations over a 3 day weekend and I must say, my brain is absolutely fried but that pales in comparison the sense of accomplishment. Moving forward I'd hope to see the hiring of a personal decorators become the norm around here. Some people have the knack for it and I think it'd be cool if they got the opportunity to leave their "mark" via decorating contracts!