I thought @SteelyDan was going to handle it for a while but I'll bite here since you got it started. Yes, I know this was my singular entry for house deco stuffs but well.....this is too good not to share again and again:
I love this haha. The only reason I put this up was because a top shots for this month was not up. @SteelyDan this is your contest still man. Just figured I would help you out a little bit
I had a chat with @Chris last month and he said after July he will be creating the post. I assume he got side tracked so I would keep your post going.
I give a contract for a new house construction. They start the job and the contractor disappear.... This is the result Even the inside is not finished...
Thanks for creating this thread Scuba, I stickied it and will make next months myself. Some of the players have offered to volunteer and help manage the contest each month as well. And remember if you win in a Top Shots contest, make sure to track me down for your statue (Page ingame, contact Telamon on irc)
http://uorforum.com/threads/finally-got-it-on-the-wall.18166/#post-165857 Tried to repost picture, phone wasn't having it.
Well, I'd have to rate the bong pic in the top UO images ever taken, but here's a screenshot from myself. Coming soon (3 days maybe?) to a bank near you afk runebook holders beware!