It's been quite some time

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by napo, Sep 19, 2016.

  1. Dr Satan

    Dr Satan Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2015
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    As a long time player in a guild that sees lots of people come and go, I have seen more then a few people attempt to play here, but claim their ping is to rough to play, I've also seen even more come and stay for a while now that have mentioned ping issues but not more so then to say it's noticeable difference then where they came from (such as osi servers).

    I have had 3 long term UOR friends take a break til things change.. that is what effects me most, people you've played over a year or so with that really move at a snails pace, one is in Brazil, and two are in Europe somewhere . They come and chat in irc time to time still, but that's becoming less and less. I don't see more leaving then joining, but I do miss some quality pals of mine due to it. I don't know a solution, maybe there is a middle ground, I couldn't route a packet if my life depended on it so can offer no other insights.

    My personal experience is I jumped from 90-120 to 150-180, I can't really tell a difference but some people run quicker then me it seems (literally quicker then my character can move) but it's not very much or a big difference to me then before. I had a LOT of issues the few days to two weeks after the last move, but all that has been fixed
    BlackEye and One like this.
  2. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  3. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    I PvPd last night for the first time in probably a month. My ping went from 12 to 80-90 after the move. The only thing I noticed last night were frequent world saves (seemed excessive) and the lag spikes, which froze everyone, every 10 minutes or so. The lag spike was annoying but it didn't spoil anything, it hit everyone, just like a world save. I'm not saying it shouldn't get looked into, though.

    I haven't seen anyone leaving due to the server move. I saw the same old names last night running around. I hear there was even a fight for sigils the night before last.

    I have yet to see anyone come to the forums, or IRC, claiming they were quitting because of the server move. New players starting here and deciding not to stay is a different issue, but I haven't seen people "leaving in droves" because of their new ping.

    It's a shitty situation for all of those players who either cannot play or cannot play in the way they desire. At the end of the day it's a free server and we can't expect Telamon to fork out more cash so that we can all play on his server on his dime.

    Those of you who have access to the subscribers forum can see plain as day that the server operates at a deficit. Telamon pays for the operation of this sever out of his pocket when the donations aren't enough, and it doesn't look like they ever have been.

    TL;DR I can always pay for coffee elsewhere, and it might be better. Free coffee always tastes the best though and I can't complain when it's cold, weak, sweet, or too light. I drink it, or I go pay elsewhere, it's simple.
    Mindless likes this.
  4. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    people quit

    people gave their testimony in the other thread, and this one too. My guild is pretty large and we had to stop playing after the server moved to cali. When I try to move there are big black patches on the screen and consistent freezes. I've tried not to say anything because I don't think anything will change and I have gotten quite a bit of heat/threats about saying things that are negative in the past year.

    Players show up and say wow 500 online! Then after two weeks its:

    <harambe> the server is empty
    <harambe> like there are 500 online players
    <harambe> but 5 people are playing

    then you don't hear from them again

    <name> Holy fuck <name>, it's laaaaagy sometimes. I couldn't even get a macro going before I left the house earlier today. It was baaaaad. They gotta figure something out or they are gonna lose their player base. I don't care how much the server sweethearts try to hype it up, if it's too laggy to play people will leave. I don't want to mention names but I know at least one prominent player who isn't playing because of the lag.

    But It's like north korea in here. You are expected to tell everyone that everything is great and there are no problems and keep a fixed smile while interacting with new players. And if you do this you get telamon's favor too. But it isn't doing a service to the shard to pretend like there isn't a problem and that the server hasn't lost most of it's player base.

    If I'm being honest, I've got more than a foot out the door (and you know that by now), because I haven't been able to play since the server move and if this is where it ends for me that's fine. Maybe its just a server not meant for east coasters or euros or south americans anymore.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2016
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  5. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  6. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Regardless of the numbers cited, this has been exactly the same story for four years. I'm not denying that there's problems and the ping time change hasn't impacted anyone. However, you're fooling yourself, or completely ignorant, if you don't remember people saying that same thing verbatim for the last four years. I remember when it was 100 accounts online and players coming by saying "where is everyone?". Same old shit, different complaints (or some of the same).

    I personally don't want anyone to quit, even napo who has quite literally told me to quit before. If the shard is unplayable for you presently, that is unfortunate, but just the way the cookie is presently crumbling. Telamon is one person and whether you agree with his choice to keep the cards close to his chest or not, he can only do so much. I barely play as much as I used to, even though my ping times are fantastic now. It has nothing to do with server performance or who plays here and how. I'm definitely sorry so many are negatively impacted by the issues at hand but as has been said, there are no droves of people quitting that can be cited in any reasonable fashion. Though I guess a drove is subjective enough that one guild can consider themselves a drove.

    Currently still sitting at over 600 accounts online. Based on the activity and fanfare around the anniversary events, I daresay the shard is just as active as it has been for the past couple of years.
  7. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I acknowledge your reply but I just don't agree with you if you think the playerbase hasn't diminished. I also acknowledge that there are 600 clients logged in.
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  8. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    I know the player base has changed but I don't think diminished is the right word. No need for agreement, but that's how I see it.
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  9. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  10. bart simpson

    bart simpson Well-Known Member
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    Sep 13, 2012
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    @Cynic and I both play from the East Coast. No problems here! My ping is the same here as it was when I lived on the West Coast and the server was in Washington DC. I ping 100 +/- 10.

    I will say that there are server wide spikes but those have been here for some time. I don't remember when exactly they started but they were here before many of you joined the server. @Chris is working on a fix for it. They aren't game breaking, you can still do all activities without any real problems. I PvPed for >2 hours last night. So...

    Where are you connecting from @napo ??
    Mindless and Descartes like this.
  11. It'sallALark

    It'sallALark Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2015
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    How many of the accounts logged in are real accounts and not dummy ones standing around ocllo and the rest of the towns to flesh out appearance?

    How many of the accounts are from people playing more than 3 (pretend family members or not)

    Trade forum activity, in game activity, and other factors would suggest we're below the 150 mark

    I live 3-4 hours from DC and my ping tripled and I got the pauses to boot.

    How many vets has the hype train crew caused to leave? (quite a few I'd warrant)
  12. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  13. It'sallALark

    It'sallALark Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2015
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    I was speculating, not implying, don't take anything I usually type without a grain of salt
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  14. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Roughly the same amount who have left from your thieving. Let it go already, you're a broken record in your words and actions.
  15. It'sallALark

    It'sallALark Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2015
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    Here comes Blaise to the defense again. However wrong he may be as usual.
  16. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    I can write a list of players who have left on your account. Can you do the same? If not, I encourage you to stop wasting your breath being mad that they don't let you get any loot at the IDOCs. I defend them because they aren't doing anything wrong, just like you aren't doing anything wrong when you're stealing. It's all part of the game. Beat them, or join them (trust me the former would be easier, if you could make enough friends and coordinate a committed effort).
  17. Pill

    Pill Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    I seem to recall the server-wide spikes starting right around the time the added layer of security was introduced in order to mitigate the DDoS attacks. I think this may have also been when the host move occurred to the new provider. I remember pretty vividly thinking to myself "damnit what the hell are these spikes, oh well at least we're not losing connection entirely like last week".

    I'm going to assume that the existing hardware was not shut down and physically shipped to the new site for this transfer, as I don't remember the server being down long at all during transition.

    So what likely happened was - an exact copy of the server/database was installed onto new hardware, at the new location and it was simply routed to the new IP during a brief downtime.

    If this is the case, it may be something pretty simple (doesn't mean it is).

    We often build new racks at work and if some of the bios settings are not exactly as they need to be, server performance becomes degraded. An example of that would be Hyper threading (simultaneous multi-threading) enabled on a server in which the software does not support those mechanics, ultimately leading to performance degradation.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2016
    Artex, Mindless and Halabinder like this.
  18. It'sallALark

    It'sallALark Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2015
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    yeah I'm sure I've caused a ton of people to leave by stealing 10 mandrake at a time

    it's exactly the same as having an idoc or champ spawn mafia, or using false forum accounts for auctions and etc and etc

    I like you dude, but you're the biggest toady I've ever seen in my life. Stop being the henchmen for your shady friends, it's pathetic. Anytime anyone questions them or doesn't like something they do, you're the pawn on the front line spitting out your usual nonsense.

    One day the server will just be the hype train show and you'll sit around wondering where everyone went and never once point the finger at yourselves cause in your egocentric minds you and your friends can do no wrong.
  19. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    I'm not a henchman for anyone. I defend those I know are doing nothing wrong because it's pathetic to see them attacked by those who get salty for losing. Same way I've defended you and most of TT for what they do, when it's not shady. Sorry you only want to see what you want to see, and you suck at IDOCs. Stay salty, toad.
  20. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    ah yes, what would i do without blaise always coming to my defense
    Ermey likes this.

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