Most everything will be included except my plat statues, regs, pots, wands, armor, and runebooks. LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS OF CUB. Great locations. SB 7.5mil B/O 15mil Auction ends 48 hours after last bid! It's SW of Deciet on the water. You will my characters afk there if you want to check it out. Also over 25k of CUB BODS in here. about 15k Smith BODS and 10k Tailor BODS!!!
I think he is just throwing it in with the purchase of the fort. Fort deed alone is 2m, so 6.5m (8.5mcurrent bid) for the spot is a pretty good deal
I'm just taking out mostly my pvp gear and runebooks and plat statues. most of everything in this fort can be used for cub. tons of bags in courtyard and in corners of the house.