A declaration to the people of Yew: a call to arms.

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Aragorn - OCT, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. Aragorn - OCT

    Aragorn - OCT Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2016
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    From the desk of Lord AragornOCT
    The Tower of the Dark Octopus
    The shores of Yew Harbor
    Morimoto, scribe

    Dearest citizens of Yew and the surrounding forests,

    Darkness prevails in the land. Brigands and Orcs run rampant. The streets of Yew are empty. Your doors are barred, your windows closed. How long will you permit this?

    We of the Dark Octopus can no longer gaze out from our tower and allow the failure of the guards of Yew to blight our woods.

    We are the law. Abide and walk in the light, or be cut down.

    No prison. No trial. No jury.

    We fight.

    To the good folk of Yew, this is a call to arms. Join us against these brigands! Rise up.

    To the craftsmen, goodwives, and merchants of Yew: we will provide guarded escorts as needed. Call upon us in your need.

    To the poor: we carry bread and ale. Ask, and it is yours.

    To the Orcs and Brigands: you've been warned. Lay down arms and run. You may live. We will take your gold and return it to the community ravaged by your lawless actions.

    The light of Yew Harbor will throw back the darkness of your deeds!

    Walk in the light.


    Lord AragornOCT of the Dark Octopus
    Jupiter, eherruh, Eskull and 6 others like this.
  2. Dresden Wolfe

    Dresden Wolfe Member

    Feb 9, 2017
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    The darkness engulfs you as I fart on the flame of Yew Harbor light.
  3. kresso

    kresso New Member

    Oct 21, 2016
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    I answer your call Lord AragornOCT of the Dark Octopus and vow to ale the fine Yew people and protect them from the brigands and orcs!

    To Dresden Wolfe - Your farts simply fan the flames of the Yew Harbor light even brighter!
    Eskull, Vishakt, Bayara and 1 other person like this.
  4. Eskull

    Eskull Member

    Nov 26, 2016
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    I would gladly support your noble call, but alas, Yew cannot act without @Antos permission and/or approval.
    eherruh likes this.
  5. Dresden Wolfe

    Dresden Wolfe Member

    Feb 9, 2017
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    You cannot act without your master. You have until nightfall to make your way to the brigand encampment if you wish to live as a free man. Or you will die a slave.
    Vishakt likes this.
  6. Eskull

    Eskull Member

    Nov 26, 2016
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    That's it, you've just dug your own grave, motherfu...
    Shush, pleb! Until our guilds will declare mutual war - leave your pathetic insults to your fellow buddies.
  7. Rex

    Rex Active Member

    Sep 18, 2014
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    Hey, Eskull! Tell yer mother @Antos that the brigands very much appreciated the tribute left for us at yer lighthouse. I can't say it will make a difference, as some of the brigands are chompin' at the bit to collect a few Yew denzien ears, however it was certainly a nice gesture.
    *laughs heartily*
    And Eskull, the offer stands on you comin' out from behind yer mothers leg, joining the brigands and standing a free man. No more waiting for momma to give yas permission if you ride with us!
    Dresden Wolfe likes this.
  8. Dresden Wolfe

    Dresden Wolfe Member

    Feb 9, 2017
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    Mmm, fresh leathers!
  9. Eskull

    Eskull Member

    Nov 26, 2016
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    OOC: Dude, that was for valentine's days newbie charity event. Not cool at all.

    You and your kind are not honorable nor just. I will never join you and will do my best to put an end to your criminal atrocities.
  10. Rex

    Rex Active Member

    Sep 18, 2014
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    OOC: Dude, we don't care about pixels, we are just roleplaying brigands. It wasn't labeled, nor secured, and it amounts to probably 20k in random junk, most of it unidentified. How could anyone possibly know it was for a newbie charity event? Of course you can have it all back. If you want advice on securing items, especially things you plan on using for newbie events, feel free to pm me. Also, stay in character...
    Bayara and PaddyOBrien like this.
  11. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    ::looks at Dresden::
    Farting on their flame?
    ..... ..
    We only started hanging around these orcs and they are already rubbing off I see.

    *** the crowd gathered around the large fire within the camp walls... eagerly awaiting an announcement from the bucket headed lady. tankards and bottles clanked loudly and just barely audible over the chatter.

    ladies! gentlemen! ORCS! and traitors to the crown of all creeds...

    ::the sounds of banter and toasting die down a bit as peoples focus turns toward the speaker::
    firstly, I would like to grant some sympathy to The Dark Octopus.
    I know what a drag it must be having to look out over Yew proper...
    from atop that big tower...
    how drab and bleak the situation must look from waaaaay up there, through such squinty eyes!

    ::forces a clown-like frown with puppy-dog eyes to match, looking at various folks in the crowd, batting her eyelashes::
    ::the crowd laughing along, banging their mugs on the tables::

    you've all heard the proposition.
    it's the same one as always.
    ::takes on the voice of a bear that prevents forest fires::
    "just lay down your weapons"
    "leave the forest and don't come back"

    ::clears her throat and chuckles to the crowd::
    yes! right away!
    and of course, all our gold will find it's way to charity, yes?
    not into a handful of officials pockets, right?
    nooooo, of course not!

    ::takes a dramatic pause::
    we deal with people and they lose a few fingers and a bag of gold...
    when they all get worked up, entire villages get burned down.
    wait... help a girl out... who are the badguys again??
    :: Orcish laughter is heard in the back::
    I'll be honest here...
    I don't have a plan.
    just kinda swinging in the wind.
    ::a drum beat slowly kicks up::
    I promise...
    when I do figure it out...
    those who go against us will wish I hadn't!
    ::weapons and fists are thrust into the air::
    for now...
    I'm going with what I know.

    war with octopus.jpg
  12. Aragorn - OCT

    Aragorn - OCT Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2016
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    Good Eskull,

    I respect your deferral to Antos. I encourage you to do what you can in the meantime to fight back these brigands.

    In these dark times, neighbors stand side by side against the darkness. We hope to hear word from fair Antos of Yew. Reinforcements would be most welcomed.

    Until we meet in the field.

    Walk in the light.


    P.S. It seems that the animals of the forest have been abused as well. I found a note attached to a bear! If it were possible for a bear to be embarrassed, he was.
    eherruh, Cero, Bayara and 1 other person like this.
  13. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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  14. Cero

    Cero Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Anyone who finds themselves in these woods, being pursued by bandits or orcs can make haste to the western guard outpost. The outpost is constantly under siege being so close to the orc fort, but it is fortified well with barricades, which should help against greater numbers. Supplies are limited at the moment but the Calvary Guild is putting together a caravan of supplies soon that will help anyone under attack.


    Long live the king!
  15. Muguk

    Muguk Active Member

    Feb 3, 2017
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    Dat pyle ov rok nub gon sayv aniash! Da bludklan katupult am redi ta smash down dem wallz. Diz am latz evikshun notiz!
    eherruh and Bayara like this.
  16. eherruh

    eherruh Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 2, 2016
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    Last edited: Feb 11, 2017
  17. Dresden Wolfe

    Dresden Wolfe Member

    Feb 9, 2017
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    Overfed noblemen gazing down from their towers, leeching dry the poor folk of Yew! With blade to the throat, we will strip you of land and title and dump your bones along the shores of the northern sea. For the gulls, and the plovers, and the sea lions, and the crabs, and the molluscs to nibble into tiny pieces. And then, we will restore Yew to an autonomous collective of scattered homesteads where every man and woman will live free as a brigand!
    jihad joe, Vishakt, Cero and 4 others like this.
  18. Muguk

    Muguk Active Member

    Feb 3, 2017
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    Bludklan klaymz dat grog maykin playze next ta dat abbi bank'ah.
    Vishakt, Cero and eherruh like this.
  19. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    :: points at her comrade, Wolfe ::

    what he said!
    Cero likes this.
  20. Antos

    Antos Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    We consider it an honor to count the orcs as a foe worthy of a formal declaration of war. This action was taken only after an understanding of our mutual rules of engagement had been reached.

    As it stands, we have made no declarations with the Brigand encampment due to the fact that no such understanding has been reached with them. At the moment, no clear consensus has been reached among the citizens of Yew regarding such a declaration. Sadly, Jaana is now strongly opposed to such a declaration due to the theft of the armor we had collected for the charity event that was supposed to be held today. In her opinion, the Brigands exist only to spread grief throughout the land and it would not be to our advantage to formally declare war with them. I have attempted to assure her that this is not the case, but the egregious theft depicted here has raised doubts in my own mind as well.

    Warred or not, I have had conflicts with the brigands on a couple of occasions now and was pleased with the results. On one occasion, I confess that it resulted in my defeat at the hands of Orion, but the consequences and acceptable losses of this defeat actually gave me some hope that the brigands could be counted as worthy foes someday. This most recent setback - and I hope that it remains a mere setback - has shaken this hope greatly, but has not broken it altogether.

    So it falls to us to set the example. Until further notice, citizens of Yew are encouraged to defend themselves when necessary and use words before actions with these dastardly bandits. If victorious over a brigand, take only their gold and any jewels they may carry as a fine for their crimes and then revive them if it is in your power to do so. Citizens may also claim brigand heads for bounty purposes and I will honor these when I am available to do so. In the event of your defeat, you are encouraged to report them as murderers to the authorities so that they may truly live the life of a red-handed brigand.

    Let these be our standing protocols for now. Perhaps other arrangements can be made in the future.

    Though time is not on my side, only time will tell...

    (((OOC: Despite his claim that he would return the armor that we collected, Rex has yet to respond to my private PM requesting that he do so... and now the date has come and gone. This charity event was Jaana's idea from the start and was originally intended to serve as a recruitment event for Yew. Until now, I have been pleased to see the growth of the brg and, just as we would never seek to disrupt their own recruitment efforts, we expect the same courtesy from them as befits responsible players. Remember, as per the Yew accords, we count our enemies as our friends and we engage in conflict with them only insofar as it enhances the RP experience.

    I know that there are players in brg - such as Orion - who have a clear understanding of the expectations of what serves as acceptable limits within the context of a declaration of RPed war with regards to looting. Obviously, this is not the case with all members within the guild as this thread clearly illustrates.

    Our war with URK was declared only after some discussion regarding the rules of engagement and they have given us no reason to regret the decision so far. In the event that Bayara and I come to a similar agreement regarding guidelines and expectations, the possibility of warring with them is still on the table.

    Sadly, my time is very limited these days due to a change in my career and the testing necessary to advance in it... add to that a serious and ultimately terminal illness in my family, and my schedule constraints rule out regular participation in the game for the time being. I try to keep my eye on the forums as much as possible, but my RL duties preclude any active participation in these matters for now.

    If I learned anything from my original UO addiction activities, it is this: REAL LIFE COME FIRST! So I would like to thank everyone, both friend and "enemy" for their patience in this matter.)))

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