As the server has progressed we have added a significant amount of custom critters for quests, endgame content and holiday events. However over time some of these changes do not get implemented into the proper slayer category. Listed below will be the current slayer drop/application information so that we can crowd source some fixes and have a discussion on proper application. Note: Please do not quote these posts, as they will be long. Just post your suggestions/fixes/inaccuracies and we can compile a list of changes. Note2: One option to consider is that we could add additional slayer groups under any of the main categories to better hold some of the newer monsters we have created. Also we have almost never updated monsters in which slayers can be found, only adding monsters to the lists that slayers are effective against. So this probably needs an equal review. Reptile Slayer Definitions Found On typeof(TerathanAvenger), typeof(TerathanMatriarch), typeof(FrostSpider), typeof(Mephitis), typeof(TerathanWarrior), typeof(DreadSpider), ypeof(TerathanInfiltrator) Reptile Super Slayer - Reptilian Death typeof(AncientWyrm), typeof(DeepSeaSerpent), typeof(Dragon), typeof(Drake), typeof(GiantIceWorm), typeof(IceSerpent), typeof(GiantSerpent), typeof(Hiryu), typeof(IceSnake), typeof(JukaLord), typeof(JukaMage), typeof(JukaWarrior), typeof(LavaSerpent), typeof(LavaSnake), typeof(LesserHiryu), typeof(Lizardman), typeof(OphidianArchmage), typeof(OphidianKnight), typeof(OphidianMage), typeof(OphidianMatriarch), typeof(OphidianWarrior), typeof(SeaSerpent), typeof(Serado), typeof(SerpentineDragon), typeof(ShadowWyrm), typeof(SilverSerpent), typeof(SkeletalDragon), typeof(Snake), typeof(SwampDragon), typeof(WhiteWyrm), typeof(Wyvern), typeof(Yamandon), typeof(Rikktor), typeof(Yamandon), typeof(AzureDragon), typeof(ElderWyrm), typeof(WyvernMonarch), typeof(Nessie), typeof(OphidianQueen), typeof(Faranth), typeof(Python), typeof(ReptileArcher), typeof(ReptileAssassin), typeof(ReptileMage), typeof(ReptileFencer), typeof(TheThing), typeof(WyrmMage), typeof(WyrmSoldier)); Reptile Slayer - Dragon Slaying typeof(AncientWyrm ), typeof(Dragon ), typeof(Drake ), typeof(SerpentineDragon ), typeof(ShadowWyrm ), typeof( SkeletalDragon ), typeof(SwampDragon ), typeof(WhiteWyrm ), typeof(Wyvern ) , typeof(Rikktor ), typeof(ElderWyrm), typeof(AzureDragon), typeof(WyvernMonarch), typeof(Faranth), typeof(WyrmMage), typeof(WyrmSoldier)), Reptile Slayer - Lizardman Slaughter typeof(Lizardman ), typeof(ReptileArcher), typeof(ReptileAssassin), typeof(ReptileMage), typeof(ReptileFencer)), Reptile Slayer - Ophidian typeof(OphidianArchmage ), typeof(OphidianQueen), typeof(OphidianKnight ), typeof(OphidianMage ), typeof(OphidianMatriarch ), typeof(OphidianWarrior ), typeof(OphidianQueen)), Reptile Slayer - Snakes Bane typeof(Anaconda ), typeof(DeepSeaSerpent ), typeof(GiantIceWorm ), typeof(GiantSerpent ), typeof(IceSerpent ), typeof(IceSnake ), typeof(LavaSerpent ), typeof(LavaSnake ), typeof(SeaSerpent ), typeof(Serado ), typeof(SilverSerpent ), typeof(Snake ), //typeof( Yamandon ), typeof(Python) )};
Arachnid Found On typeof(AncientWyrm), typeof(Dragon), typeof(OphidianMatriarch), typeof(OphidianQueen), typeof(ShadowWyrm), typeof(DeepSeaSerpent), typeof(Drake), typeof(IceSerpent), typeof(GiantSerpent), typeof(LavaSerpent), typeof(OphidianArchmage), typeof(OphidianKnight), typeof(OphidianMage), typeof(OphidianQueen), typeof(SeaSerpent), typeof(OphidianWarrior), typeof(SilverSerpent), typeof(SkeletalDragon), typeof(WhiteWyrm), typeof(Wyvern), typeof(AzureDragon), typeof(ElderWyrm) }; Arachnid Super Slayer typeof( DreadSpider ), typeof( FrostSpider ), typeof( GiantBlackWidow ), typeof( GiantSpider ), typeof( Mephitis ), typeof( Scorpion ), typeof( TerathanAvenger ), typeof( TerathanDrone ), typeof( TerathanMatriarch ), typeof( TerathanWarrior ), typeof(TerathanInfiltrator), typeof( DroneMage ), typeof( DroneSentry ), typeof( DroneSpitter ), typeof( DroneWarrior ), typeof( DroneWorker ), typeof( ArachnidEnforcer ), typeof( Ilyxia )); Arachnid Scorpions Bane typeof( Scorpion ) ), Arachnid Spiders Death typeof( DreadSpider ), typeof( FrostSpider ), typeof( GiantBlackWidow ), typeof( GiantSpider ), typeof( Mephitis ), typeof( DroneMage ), typeof( DroneSentry ), typeof( DroneSpitter ), typeof( DroneWarrior ), typeof( DroneWorker ), typeof( ArachnidEnforcer ), typeof( Ilyxia ) ), Arachnid - Terathan Slayer typeof( TerathanAvenger ), typeof( TerathanDrone ), typeof( TerathanMatriarch ), typeof( TerathanWarrior ), typeof(TerathanInfiltrator) )
Abyss Abyss - Found On typeof(BloodElemental), typeof(ToxicElemental), typeof(AgapiteElemental), typeof(AirElemental), typeof(BronzeElemental), typeof(CopperElemental), typeof(DullCopperElemental), typeof(EarthElemental), typeof(Efreet), typeof(FireElemental), typeof(GoldenElemental), typeof(IceElemental), typeof(PoisonElemental), typeof(ShadowIronElemental), typeof(SnowElemental), typeof(ValoriteElemental), typeof(VeriteElemental), typeof(WaterElemental) }; Abyss - Super Slayer - Exorcism typeof( AbysmalHorror ), typeof( Balron ), typeof( BoneDemon ), typeof( ChaosDaemon ), typeof( Daemon ), typeof( SummonedDaemon ), typeof( DemonKnight ), typeof( Devourer ), typeof( Gargoyle ), typeof( FireGargoyle ), typeof( Gibberling ), typeof( HordeMinion ), typeof( IceFiend ), typeof( Imp ), typeof( Impaler ), typeof( Ravager ), typeof( StoneGargoyle ), typeof( ArcaneDaemon ), typeof( EnslavedGargoyle ), typeof( GargoyleDestroyer ), typeof( GargoyleEnforcer ), typeof( Moloch ), typeof(Semidar), typeof(Succubus), typeof(PurveyorOfDarkness), typeof(ObsidianGargoyle), typeof(GreaterDemon), typeof(LesserDemon), typeof(DemonArcher), typeof(DemonAssassin), typeof(DemonFencer), typeof(DemonMage), typeof(Abaddon), typeof(Belphegor), typeof(Agiel), typeof(Azazel)); Abyss - Daemon Dismissal typeof( AbysmalHorror ), typeof( Balron ), typeof( BoneDemon ), typeof( ChaosDaemon ), typeof( Daemon ), typeof( SummonedDaemon ), typeof( DemonKnight ), typeof( Devourer ), typeof( Gibberling ), typeof( HordeMinion ), typeof( IceFiend ), typeof( Imp ), typeof( Impaler ), typeof( Ravager ), typeof( ArcaneDaemon ), typeof( Moloch ), typeof(PurveyorOfDarkness), typeof(GreaterDemon), typeof(LesserDemon), typeof(DemonArcher), typeof(DemonAssassin), typeof(DemonFencer), typeof(DemonMage), typeof(Abaddon), typeof(Belphegor), typeof(Agiel), typeof(Azazel) ), Abyss - Gargoyles Foe typeof( FireGargoyle ), typeof( Gargoyle ), typeof( StoneGargoyle ), typeof( EnslavedGargoyle ), typeof( GargoyleDestroyer ), typeof( GargoyleEnforcer ), typeof(ObsidianGargoyle) ), Abyss - Balron Damnation typeof( Balron ), typeof(PurveyorOfDarkness) )
Elemental Elemental Found On typeof(Balron), typeof(Daemon), typeof(FireGargoyle), typeof(Gargoyle), typeof(IceFiend), typeof(Imp), typeof(Semidar), typeof(StoneGargoyle), typeof(Succubus) }; Elemental Super Slayer - Elemental Ban typeof( ToxicElemental ), typeof( AgapiteElemental ), typeof( AirElemental ), typeof( SummonedAirElemental ), typeof( BloodElemental ), typeof( BronzeElemental ), typeof( CopperElemental ), typeof( CrystalElemental ), typeof( DullCopperElemental ), typeof( EarthElemental ), typeof( SummonedEarthElemental ), typeof( Efreet ), typeof( FireElemental ), typeof( SummonedFireElemental ), typeof( GoldenElemental ), typeof( IceElemental ), typeof( KazeKemono ), typeof( PoisonElemental ), typeof( RaiJu ), typeof( SandVortex ), typeof( ShadowIronElemental ), typeof( SnowElemental ), typeof( ValoriteElemental ), typeof( VeriteElemental ), typeof( WaterElemental ), typeof( SummonedWaterElemental ), typeof(EfreetSultan), typeof(DiseasedBloodElemental), typeof(MarbleElemental), typeof(StoneElemental), typeof(SandstoneElemental), typeof(OreGolem), typeof(OreGolemLord), typeof(SnowVortex), typeof(IceGolem), typeof(AgapiteElemental), typeof(AmberGolem), typeof(AmethystGolem), typeof(CitrineGolem), typeof(EmeraldGolem), typeof(SapphireGolem), typeof(TourmalineGolem), typeof(RubyGolem), typeof(DiamondGolem)); Elemental Blood Drinking typeof( BloodElemental ), typeof(DiseasedBloodElemental) ), Elemental Earth Shatter typeof( AgapiteElemental ), typeof( BronzeElemental ), typeof( CopperElemental ), typeof( DullCopperElemental ), typeof( EarthElemental ), typeof( SummonedEarthElemental ), typeof( GoldenElemental ), typeof( ShadowIronElemental ), typeof( ValoriteElemental ), typeof( VeriteElemental ), typeof(MarbleElemental), typeof(StoneElemental), typeof(SandstoneElemental), typeof(OreGolem), typeof(OreGolemLord), typeof( AgapiteElemental), typeof( AmberGolem), typeof( AmethystGolem), typeof( CitrineGolem), typeof( EmeraldGolem), typeof( SapphireGolem), typeof( TourmalineGolem), typeof( RubyGolem), typeof( DiamondGolem)), Elemental Found On typeof( PoisonElemental ) ), Elemental Flame Dousing typeof( FireElemental ), typeof( SummonedFireElemental ) ), Elemental Summer Wind typeof( SnowElemental ), typeof( IceElemental ), typeof( SnowVortex ), typeof( IceGolem ) ), Elemental Vacuum typeof( AirElemental ), typeof( SummonedAirElemental ) ), Elemental Water Dissipation typeof( WaterElemental ), typeof( SummonedWaterElemental ) )
Humanoid Humanoid - Found On typeof(BoneKnight), typeof(Lich), typeof(LichLord), typeof(SkeletalKnight), typeof(AncientLich), typeof(BoneMagi), typeof(Mummy), typeof(RottingCorpse), typeof(SkeletalMage) }; Humanoid - Super Slayer Repond typeof(ArcticOgreLord), typeof(Cyclops), typeof(Ettin), typeof(EvilMage), typeof(EvilMageLord), typeof(FrostTroll), typeof(MeerCaptain), typeof(MeerEternal), typeof(MeerMage), typeof(MeerWarrior), typeof(Ogre), typeof(OgreLord), typeof(Orc), typeof(OrcBomber), typeof(OrcBrute), typeof(OrcCaptain), typeof( OrcScout ), typeof(OrcishLord), typeof(OrcishMage), typeof(Ratman), typeof(RatmanArcher), typeof(RatmanMage), typeof(SavageRider), typeof(SavageShaman), typeof(Savage), typeof(Titan), typeof(Troll), typeof( CaveTroll ), typeof( MountainTroll ), typeof( ForestTroll ), typeof(OgreMage), typeof(ArcticOgreMage), typeof(PirateBoatswain), typeof(PirateBomber), typeof(PirateCaptain), typeof(PirateDigger), typeof(PirateNavigator), typeof(PirateQuartermaster), typeof(PirateSailor), typeof(GVExecutioner), typeof(Executioner), typeof(TurkeyMacer), typeof(TurkeyKnight), typeof(TurkeyFencer), typeof(DarkElfArcher), typeof(DarkElfAxer), typeof(DarkElfBattleMage), typeof(DarkElfFencer), typeof(DarkElfKnight), typeof(DarkElfMacer), typeof(DarkElfMage), typeof(DarkElfRanger), typeof(ElfArcher), typeof(ElfAxer), typeof(TurkeyArcher), typeof(JungleTitan), typeof(TwoHeadedBehemoth), typeof(ElfBattleMage), typeof(ElfFencer), typeof(ElfKnight), typeof(ElfMacer), typeof(ElfMage), typeof(ElfRanger), typeof(TurkeyArcher), typeof(TurkeyArcher), typeof(ElementalMage), typeof(Brigand), typeof(BrigandArcher), typeof(BrigandStrong), typeof(Colossus) Humanoid - Ogre Trashing typeof( Ogre ), typeof( OgreLord ), typeof( ArcticOgreLord ), typeof(ArcticOgreMage), typeof(OgreMage) ), Humanoid - Orc Slaying typeof( Orc ), typeof( OrcBomber ), typeof( OrcBrute ), typeof( OrcCaptain ), typeof( OrcScout ), typeof( OrcishLord ), typeof( OrcishMage ) ), Humanoid - Troll Slaughter typeof( Troll ), typeof( FrostTroll ), typeof( CaveTroll ), typeof( MountainTroll ), typeof( ForestTroll ) )
Undead Undead Found On Basically Everything Undead Super Slayer - Silver typeof( AncientLich ), typeof( Bogle ), typeof( BoneKnight ), typeof( BoneMagi ), /* typeof( DarkGuardian ), */ typeof( DarknightCreeper ), typeof( FleshGolem ), typeof( Ghoul ), typeof( GoreFiend ), typeof( HellSteed ), typeof( LadyOfTheSnow ), typeof( Lich ), typeof( LichLord ), typeof( Mummy ), typeof( PestilentBandage ), typeof( Revenant ), typeof( RevenantLion ), typeof( RottingCorpse ), typeof( Shade ), typeof( ShadowKnight ), typeof( SkeletalKnight ), typeof( SkeletalMage ), typeof( SkeletalMount ), typeof( Skeleton ), typeof( Spectre ), typeof( Wraith ), typeof( Zombie ) , typeof(Neira), typeof(RevenantBoss), typeof(DarkOne), typeof(PirateCaptainGhost), typeof(PirateGhost), typeof(UndeadPirateCaptain), typeof(UndeadPirateSailor), typeof(UndeadParrot), typeof(EventZombie1), typeof(EventZombie2), typeof(EventZombie3), typeof(EventZombie4), typeof(EventZombie5), typeof(EventSkeleton1), typeof(EventSkeleton2), typeof(EventSkeleton3), typeof(Poltergeist), typeof(UndeadAcolyte), typeof(HeadlessHorseless), typeof(Vampire), typeof(SkeletalBloodKnight), typeof(SkeletalBloodMage), typeof(RoyalMummy), typeof(VampireLord), typeof(VampireMistress), typeof(UndeadDragon), typeof(GraveNecromancer), typeof(UndeadKnight), typeof(CorruptedSoul), typeof(DarkElfSpirit), typeof(DarkOne), typeof(UndeadCaptainJohne), typeof(Frankenstein), typeof(UndeadCatLady), typeof(QueenOfTheDamned), typeof(SuccubusConcubine), typeof(UndeadCat)); Fey Fey - Found On typeof(Balron), typeof(Daemon), typeof(FireGargoyle), typeof(Gargoyle), typeof(IceFiend), typeof(Imp), typeof(Semidar), typeof(StoneGargoyle), typeof(Succubus), typeof(ObsidianGargoyle) }; Fey - Super Slayer typeof( Centaur ), typeof( EtherealWarrior ), typeof( Kirin ), typeof( LordOaks ), typeof( Pixie ), typeof( Silvani ), typeof( Treefellow ), typeof( Unicorn ), typeof( Wisp ), typeof( MLDryad ), typeof( Satyr ) );
This post is for Slayer Updates Scuba, not sharing your preferred gender. (I identify as an attack helicopter) Fey is not even properly implemented but I will list what it would apply to if it dropped.
Fey drops. @Chris Are you aware that it does? PM me if you aren't aware of it and want to know which monster does drop them. I also have an important request: Can you tie the Slayer-type drops to the category a monster is listed. Many monsters that are in the correct slayer categories don't drop the opposite slayer type, they drop standard silver weapons/instruments instead (e.g. many bosses like the Dark One, but also critters like mummies if I recall correctly).
Oh and a suggestion: Take Balrons out of the Daemon Dismissal category. Right now, Balrons are liste in two sub-categories: Daemon Dismissal AND Balron Damnation. I think, it should only be Balron Damnation.
All AMIB undead drop silver. Maybe put Gazers in Abyss category? There is no slayer for them and they drop silver.
Last time I fought an Azura Dragon neither the Reptilian Death or Dragon Slaying slayer's worked. Damage was very low and no white parry/hit graphic when landing attacks. Also, i'v noticed like many others that bosses only seems to drop silver slayers. This is shown as an Efreet can drop abyss slayers but the Efreet Sultan cannot.
Silver slayers have a roughly 1% chance to drop from any monster in the world. Not sure about the Azure dragon, that is the reason for the post to find and fix mistakes with the listings. Also the rest of the lists are now updated with some additional information in the first post.
Can we add a chance of slayer weapons to Tmaps, Amibs, and Xmas scrolls? I feel they all are equally as hard or harder then some of the lvl 7 tmaps which have a guaranteed slayer drop in both of the chest. Also, yes please fix "the dark one" dropping silver, you should be ashamed.
Level 7 Instanced Maps were created with the express purpose of introducing slayer weapons into maps with an appropriate level of difficulty/risk. So in a sense they are, but by doing normal maps, to get level 7 maps, to then get slayers. Each level 7 map has a single super slayer and normal slayer (random) item in the chests found inside. AMIB's maybe, but it would be more applicable to have a chance to get a slayer that is specific to AMIB events. Like a rare chance at finding a new human slayer type "Pirate Slayer" and an extremely rare chance to find a repond slayer. We have been planning some updates to the AMIB system as well (better tracking, no respawn, etc). The level 7 maps work by giving you the slayers that oppose the current map type rather than the matching type as well.
I’ve done a handful of level 7 Tmaps Chris, and every slayer has never had a damage modifier(ruin, might, etc). Is this intended? Or will there ever be chances to get might, force, powe, and vanq slayers?
For slayers it is a 90% chance to get a weapon. With a 70% chance to get an accuracy bonus, and a 40% chance to get a damage bonus (lower chance for better bonuses) There is also roughly a 5% chance for the slayer to be an instrument rather than a weapon.