Hi, ill have my first pvp char done in a few days and i want to jump on the faction wagon. I'm wondering what the fights are like in there because the population is around 500, 3 accounts per player, only some of them are in factions, sooo its like 4-5 players per faction when there are fights over town? Also, is there a way to have some stats on the current factions/town ownership? so i can pick which faction need new players etc. Thanks!
Faction Town Status: http://www.uorenaissance.com/?page=m_factionstatus Individual Faction Status: http://www.uorenaissance.com/?page=m_faction&faction=Minax True Brits have pretty much ZERO players. CoM has enough to muster 6-7 people at a given time. SL can muster 13 people at a time or so if they are all online. Minax can muster 4-5 players it seems. There seems to be quite a few 3v3 4v4 5v5 fights out and about on a daily basis. Those fights get larger when everyone is fighting over sigils. Welcome aboard and grats on the first pvp char! I highly recommend picking a faction and finding a group as people roll in gank squads a lot here. Finding solo fights is getting less and less common.
Thanks for the links it's going to help a lot, didnt found those on my own before posting hehe. Got another question now, can someone tell me when are each factions most active? (are there a majority east coasters in sl or minax etc, cause i dont want to get in a faction where the majority of the people play when im alseep.)
I'm west coast myself. It seems that most of the action is 3pm eastern on, and then it continues to pick up as it gets later. Although I know a few of us guys on the west coast that are in minax would love to find more early action.
You will very rarely if ever find a solo fight in factions anymore, unless you join something other than Minax and find one of us running around. For the most part, when you see 1 orange there are going to be many many more following.
Pick any faction except TB. Or pick TB is you're the type that likes to fly solo or you have friends of your own who are interested in factioning. My suggestion is to not pick Minax, because the largest group of players in Minax doesn't play with outsiders. Com and SL usually field groups between three and seven, and I think that both groups are reasonably accepting of newcomers. Also you really shouldn't believe any of the estimations of numbers that you hear, most people on this server don't know how to count.
I honestly didn't mean to trash talk in the slightest. The past few faction fights I've participated in were exactly this. If you run in packs I don't find anything wrong with that, I'm just trying to let it be known that a 1v1 is extremely rare... even when you think it might be a 1v1, it's not. I just don't want anyone joining TB solo and thinking they are going to accomplish a thing other than getting farmed. It's also been made very clear by an SL member that they will always call in the gank even if it's 1v1, I can post the irc log if needed. There's no pain here though. More numbers = more fights.
I mean you're saying you're not trash talking and then following it up with trash talk. It's been made very clear by Noxmage that he owns sandro and clyde 1v1, does that make it true?
Not sure why you are afraid to say who it was. I'll tell anyone that asks. If I'm on my faction char, and you see me solo, I will always call the gank in, if my fellow factioners are on and around. I'm not interested in fighting 1v1, nor am I very good at it. My faction chars are Blast Hardcheese and Smoke Manmuscle. So if you see me running around, don't expect a 1v1.
I'm sure that there are some SL members that have expressed that they'll only gank. We have a lot of members that are still learning to play. I'll fight 1v1 most of the time, provided it's not some lame dexer template that's impossible to beat 1v1.
I really don't see how any of what I said was trash talk. I guess you're reading into it too much? I'm calling it how it is, it's reality. If a certain faction ran around with 20 people and I mention that in here is it trash talk? I would see it as spreading the news. What you see as trash talk I see as me relaying current events. You even have a faction mate admitting to what I assume would be the only part of my message that could be construed as trash talk. Coming to the forums and saying, you're a bunch of terrible newbs that only know how to gank l2p is what I would consider trash talk. This is not what I said, this is not what I think.
I think that is what you're saying, actually. You suggested Minax is out solo'ing while everyone else is ganking. I see plenty of minax solo'ing sigils at 4 in the morning, sure. I've also watched minax lose even fights while they have faction guards because they're running around uncoordinated on dexers. I've also seen minax ally up with other factions vs us on a regular basis and still lose. But mostly, I haven't seen minax at all, although I know you're all still there. Current events, ne c'est pas? If you want to pump yourself up and throw subtle jabs at us that's fine, but I am going to call you on it.
The proper French is "n'est-ce pas". 1v1 pwned, and if you do that again then next time I'm calling in the gank squad.
Well hopefully my guild will be going TB sooner then later. Good luck in the field, I'm looking forward to getting rid of my pvp rust.
I miss TB. Their base was pure royalty, and minax sucks. Our fearless leader decided a hole in the rocks was a suitable choice for us to hold up.