CPU and IRL shouldn't have to split their groups of friends up to find more PvP.. that makes no sense . We need to attract more pvpers. That's the intention of this post and other posts I imagine.
PvP Discussion Template Subject: O Complain about O Insult towards: O Zerg Guild O Griefer Guild O Shard Favoured Guild for: O Househiding O Unfair Methods O Using Gameplay Mechanics O fightig Outnumbered O Rezz Killing Repeat every 1 - 2 years, change group names and involved people
Lol I don’t househide for shit and i take bad fights. I try to 1v2 and sometimes 1v3 depending if there are objects to try and offscreen ect... when was the last time you Actually tried to fight a 1v2 lol? Have you ever? We recruited ppl to have more ppl to play with not Zerg. If everyone is on yeah we roll together... & we aren’t IRL anymore guess you old, shitty washed up, sync dropping vets need to put your reading glasses on. We also recruit across servers and offer people willing play on UOR free pvm or pvp resources. Anyone interested in helping with this PM me. We have brought a few ppl here so far!
Seeing the COM guys roll with scrubs is sad. Even when they out number us the COM guys push into us first the scrubs are always 1-2 screens behind them. Pathetic
It's a shame I did not get screenshots of Nasty Man and I taking on CPU 2v5 and you guys running into your house and gating out.
Shift focus ppl this is still the best suggestion ive seen on these threads. @Mandevu Have you talked to @Chris about this?
Firstly, as a player who never mounts anyway, I am 100% for adding bolas... But people are not going to like them. What you're going to see is PK gank squads running in spamming harm to prevent recall and gate while one of them throw a bola. You're basically done for if that happens to you unless you can recall or otherwise escape before they get close enough. I can do that, most people that don't think PKs are any big deal can do that. Despite that, there's a lot of complaining about the very minimal, almost nonexistent (compared to OSI uo and other shards) PKing going on, so I must believe that some of you simply aren't capable of that reaction time, or are otherwise occupied watching netflix or something when the PKs arrive to PK your "totally not afk" tamer/miner/fisher/whatever. On top of that, everyone already hates the tamer mare pack nonsense that goes on here. Imagine how simple that would be if you can just unmount an opponent? I see adding bolas as being a problem since it would just take the two most (pvp related) complained-about things going on in UOR-land, and make them more powerful. If you think it's going to change how dexers play, you are just wrong. In dexer vs dexer combat, it will only provide an advantage to the bola tosser, and really then it comes down to who has the better runic weapon for the vast majority of battles. It doesn't change much about how it is now. In dexer vs mage fights, it's basically going to lead to a situation where the dexer wins. There's very little you can do when you cannot move away from a dexer as a mage, but one thing you can probably do is manage to escape between misses. So this isn't going to promote PVP to any degree. Obligatory and unrelated @Mandevu tag I think PKs, however easy to avoid here, have it too easy due to the basically non-existent statloss system, and the completely pointless "bounty" stuff. If I were to suggest some way to add bolas into the gameplay I would have to consider: PK's would use this to gank people. Tamers will use it to get easy kills. "PVPers" want bolas to increase "fair" 1v1 style combat without constant escaping etc. Dexers want bolas to prevent mages from just dodging them making them pointless. Mages want bolas to NOT mean a death sentence vs a dexer. The first one is easy to solve. Murderers cannot use bolas. That's it, problem solved. PVPers can still use it, tamers can use it to gank still. People can use them in defense to stop "that cowardly pk that tried to pk me then ran off!". The second one is also pretty simple, just "require a skill to use bolas". A skill like herding would even work here and it's at least "related" to thow a rope at something I think. Tame, Lore, Mage, Med are the minimum for a pvp "tamer". so they can still pack it in there to use bolas by skipping out on eval, or vet. It's not perfect, but it's a start, and perhaps given that it's such a powerful item to use, even 2 skills being required would make sense, like tactics + herding. This allows the pvp tamer to play with tame,lore,mage,med,tact,herd,resist (or wrestle or whatever) but be a weakling without the pets. A simple para field could ruin their day. The above also gives a slight advantage to dexers and tank mage, as they already have tactics. Weapon, tact, anat, heal, resist, herding gives a dexer another 100 for LJ or magery, but not both. So no dismounting an opponent, then killing them with 2 axe hits due to LJ bonus etc... Also means that when a normal mage (stun or whatever) is facing such an opponent, they at least have the disadvantage of either not being able to heal instandly with their 25 int and gm magery, or not being able to be an annoying lumberjacker (or not having resist!). This would also allow other templated like stealth dexers to be more viable, but not too overpowered. It's better than the curent state where it's basically pointless to even bother as a dexer with stealth. Except for that whole "reds cant use it" thing of course, but that's not a perfect solution.