Nobody forces you guys into the gate. It's just another example of something totally avoidable getting heavy government regulations further taking away from freedoms to play the game.
I just wanted to provide a public service announcement and have some of you folks kick this guys ass. What have I created?
You're asking me? It'd be a ridiculous change. There is no problem... unless you're talking about people. Changes made to the core fundamentals of any game because some players get emotional when they fail to navigate them is a sucker's choice. However, having a mechanic/system/ability in place that allows players to specialize in pure grief is worthy of immediate attention. Defining what is/is not grief appears to be a challenge but, it really isn't. I've never aligned with the belief that harassment is defined by the person being harassed. That too is a sucker's choice. Anyway... Failure to read a notification that warns you that you are about to enter a gate that leads to an unguarded zone is like a gump added to a tinker trapped box that says, "Hey, are you aware that sometimes boxes like this can contain a trap strong enough to kill you instantly?" and you click on it anyway. Would you expect a sympathetic audience when you complained publicly? PvP is the closest thing to obtaining the power to issue (their version) of balance to this game from within so long as the game's mechanics are all that's involved. This thread is still hilarious. Will read again. 12/10.
Gate shenanigans are a part of uo, and there is already a gump for warning about houses. I generally will assume someone following my gates intend to mess with me so I usually attack someone who does haha
I love seeing that still someone does these gate traps. And I even more love the payback these guys received.
I was going to leave this alone as it is most definitely my fault for jumping through a gate.... but the very first one that occurred to me, was in the log cabin. I was killed and blocked in by tables and a trash barrel. For a couple of hours. I didn't reveal so as to avoid a ban, attempt to rez in the house and get a little revenge. Eventually they removed the trash barrel, I assume they realised that blocking me in there was fairly griefy/would earn them a talking to. Unfortunately during one rez attempt, my ghost was seen and banned, damn. I'm certain that doing this in such a way that the player is forced to use the help teleport system would be considered not allowed. As for their motives... well apparently "its for shits and giggles", so, its being done for no other reason than to screw up players gaming time. This is the sort of thing that isn't cool. Other forms of bait, I rather enjoy when it happens to me. e.g. A rune in your bag marked "idoc" that is infact a rune to shadow wyrms... I stole it, I recalled in, I died horribly. That made me lol. Whoever you are, well played on that one. The difference being I was able to stealth back in and get what I'd lost, including my rune to get the fuck outta there
Thanks One, I am aware of this. Again though, that's forcing the player to use a mechanic that isn't part of regular play. No one should be forced to logout of the game in order to break free of a trap that was set intentionally to interrupt their gaming time. As I said though, I chose to not reveal (and not logout) in an attempt to punish them for trapping Jimmy like that.
That's exactly my point. From the experience I had - they are not doing it as a crafty way to get someone's loot or kills. If they were, there'd not be blockers in place to ensure the tricked player is trapped in such a manner. I know a guy who used to play UO in a bit of a strange manner. He knew he'd never be able to do all the things others could do, for reasons I won't go in to here. He absolutely loved jumping through a gate and seeing a new part of the world or deep in a dungeon he had only ever seen the first level of. It's a legitimate play style, as most are. He would've been quite unhappy with being blocked in like that and forced to use helper systems to escape. When it comes to things like this, its all about the intent behind the action, as you said. If its to get easy kills, great! Loot? Decent tactic. To piss someone off because that's the way you get your jolly's? It shouldn't have a place in any game... its no longer about the game, it's about causing grief irl.