Could they have killed Jimmy the Hand without blocking him in, most definitely. Without getting in to specifics, Jimmy isn't built for combat, he carries 10 of each reg and sometimes a rune to a bank. His clothes are newbied and wears no armour. Most characters can kill Jimmy; most mobs can kill Jimmy! So to clarify, yes, they could've killed me with ease without blocking.
Heh ya I saw the 3 of them when they were first created. I followed him all the way back to the log cabin in Yew. Word is he has 5 accounts? This is just hearsay tho...
I thought you meant that, but, how could they know who is or isn't killable? It's random really who ends up there. I'm not sure how a decision could be made in that regard. But for the record, I entered and there was multiple walls of flame running and I was blocked in, there was no hope of survival, let alone PvP. Someone who could PvP? I really can't say, we're now getting in to specifics of character builds and player skill. I'm more concerned about the fact they knew I was blocked in, knew I couldn't get out, killed one of their characters themselves to come in ghost form to confirm that yes I was indeed still there, then left the blocks in place. Edit: Oh! For the record "a skunk" was present when I entered that first gate. I've seen him around Occlo - I believe this character is used to scout for locations to place gates. Saw him there other night when they were opening the gates at the steps of vendor houses and just saw him appear now after noticing a gate open but remain unused.
The moral of the story here is don't hop into someone's gate unless you're prepared for whatever asshattery may follow. If you take off your gate gump, and you're red and just happen to, oh, accidentally run into a gate in the front of a high traffic dungeon while looking for prey and end up at the throne room of Lord British or in the middle of Ocllo town square, you took that risk when you take off the automatic gate gump
Oh I disagree strongly Paddy. The moral should be: Those who use intended or unintended mechanics to intentionally and for the sole purpose of ruining someone else's experience in a game, will be punished. Remember, the house was bought "for shits and giggles" as quoted by SteveIrwin in IRC. Not for looting, not for gaining kill count, not for RP, not for any gameplay reason other than to ruin someone's day. I'm actually amazed that some of you don't understand this. Go read an EULA from literally any online game, you'll find something similar.
I understand your reasoning for sure, but someone could also play nothing but a pk and dry loot and horse kill solely for the purpose of ruining someone's time as well, but the only way to stop that is ban people or put in trammel. The gate warning gumps were supposed to serve as a fair warning to people to avoid falling prey to this type of behavior rather than a "trying to kill a fly with a sledgehammer" approach to the problem.
You're right. There is a difference though - especially in the first case of it that I encountered, which was the blocking of my character and forcing a non-gameplay solution to a gameplay problem. I was stuck, by the intentional act of a player. My only recourse was to logout or to use the help system. That's over the line in my book. As for "putting in trammel" well... coming from a thief, it may as well be already!
The claim of "having your day ruined" is pretty meaningless given the subjectivity. But if this managed to ruin your day, you were having a pretty amazing day, let's be honest. "forcing a non-gameplay solution to a gameplay problem" ^ This I can't disagree with. I think quickly logging or using help-stuck works just fine in this situation, but you make a valid point. Either way I see it as an adventure that should be taken in stride, like most things in UOR. You made a decision to follow a gate and are unhappy with the consequences of your unintended trespassing.
This, I have stated here and on IRC; they were very aware of my presence in ghost form unable to move. Look, Im actually more concerned about other players, the placement near vendors, etc. I've lost nothing from the experience except some regs, and learned a valuable lesson - there are many fuck heads on UOR that log in to multiple accounts specifically to grief and troll people. My day was never ruined, I've been using that terminology because that is what seems to be the point and what these people get off on. For the record, help-stuck takes about 10 minutes, or in my limited use experience does. Re-logging takes seconds. However neither are something that my character would do, how would he!? (Yes I do think in these terms sometimes, more so when RPing of course) I honestly think this should be discouraged. UO was never a free for all, do anything you like, "coz fel bro", there were always rules and breakers of them got punished. Griefers were punished and it was based upon why they were doing it and the effect it had on the griefed. I'm glad I've been understood at least. It was very, very intended trespassing.
I've seen a few of the threads hehe. He's not wrong you know, for all the claims of this being a Felucca shard, thieves are nerfed in to oblivion with all the little extras the trammies have to protect their wealth. For me, its the insane amount of blessed items. I don't mean blessed from a deed, I mean things that you just can never ever steal nor loot. The worst of it being the stuff that isn't marked as blessed. As well as the really, really strange weights. Ringmail Arms are too heavy, Plate Chest is not. Some weapons are over weight - this essentially ruins a PvP disarm thief. etc. etc. I'm sure you've all heard or read this before. So now back to our topic
Wait, so item weights being entirely wrong for Era / having any form of consistency with them... is NOT considered a bug? Okie dokie! I'm having a great time as a thief regardless, its quite challenging, but I've funded 3 characters from thieving, so its not technically all bad