I don't know what the hey has happened to fishing lately. I used to fish them up rarely enough to be an exciting reward and often enough to be worth spending time on. I also used to fish up shipwrecked crakens with a regular fishing cast as well as from nets along with a shipwreck. Now though... I spent the fishing tournament seeing no amibs or big fish with hours of fishing. I've docked my boat for awhile. .
I also spent many hours on the open seas in the last tourney, I did catch a few big fish, but didn't see a single kraken or amib
Don't worry, @BlackEye my crew has been re-purposed as scribes sentenced to sit at cramped desks and pound out scrolls till their fingers bleed.
If you die in an AMIB and cant get to your body, do it get returned to you when you leave like in level 7 Tmaps or you have to retrive your boyd to get your belongings?
If you leave the body undisturbed, it is likely you will run out of time before it decays. Once you start looting (even if you don't finish) the decay timer starts....at least that is what I have observed from hundreds of amibs done.
Thanks so it just gets spit out where you entered? so if you opened it in your home it would put you there at the end? with the body?
It's actually quite funny especially seeing all 37 of your bodies spit out on the floor after a badly bungled amib lol
Negative. They "spawn" where you exit. So, in the event hall...or in case of the blue amib (in case you take either of the blue or red gate out) in Papua docks. EDIT: Even if you take the red gate out to Buc's Den, your body will pop up in Papua.
Is that a guard zone area? Only ask because if I’m bringing good weapons don’t want to risk loosing them when I’m at half hits and no gear on me yet.
It is a Trammel area. You will be spit out to a small pen with a wandering healer and where your bodies will appear. It is also where all the other instances are exited. 999/1000 times you will be alone in the pen (I have NEVER encountered anyone in there). After that you take a teleporter to the “general” event area, which is still trammel and there you can bank/stable. Then you take a moongate out to a town.