Literally flying through this now. Thanks for the solid advice @Bloodlust !! Currently at 89.1 REAL Find this works best with another character on a maniacal harvest hype just running cloth back and forward, going through it faster than I can harvest.
GM tailor was pretty easy! Also got some new razor skills out of this short venture. I needed about 3/4 the amount of leather (I used regular leather), and I think also about 3/4 of the amount of cloth total as well. Skill gain was very fast until about 95 or 96.0. I did experience the harvest hype, phew glad thats over.
This was working fabulously until 99.5... I haven't gained .1 since I switched to leather 400 hides ago... Is this normal? I'm making studded leather gorgets, for reference.
If you have the leather, maybe throw in some studded arms,legs or tunics. The actual amounts of resources and gains are going to vary a bit for different characters, sometimes you just hit walls at points you have to punch through. PS- I have had a few times that skills would not budge! Double checked everything to make sure i had points down to gain from and that the skill i was training was up. Everything was good, sometimes a good "Death" just seems to fix things.....just sayin....
I have had those walls myself. I would log out and log back in, then take my character to some other part of the world and craft there. ie If stuck in Moonglow go to Skara Brae or T2A. That seemed to take care of it 9 times out of 10. It worked not just for tailoring, it helped with smithing and tinkering too.
Hey used this guide twice now....its great. Just wanted to let you guys know i did studded gorgets for 99.4-100 and got there in about 400 leather...everyone is different but it worked twice for me! ALSO please be careful checking the amount of cloth you have left while while the macro is playing you click it at the wrong time you might end up with 3k bandages lol
This is the Macro I use, it requires you to setup 2 different Restock Agents 1 for Cloth, and 1 for sewing kits. I also created counters for each so I could you the If function Code: !Loop Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickTypeAction|3997|True Assistant.Macros.WaitForGumpAction|949095101|False|5 Assistant.Macros.GumpResponseAction|21|0|0 Assistant.Macros.WaitForGumpAction|949095101|False|5 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:00.5000000 Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickTypeAction|3999|True Assistant.Macros.WaitForTargetAction|3 Assistant.Macros.TargetTypeAction|False|5981 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:02 // Target restock bag for cloth Assistant.Macros.IfAction|50|0|100|Cloth Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|0|Restock Agent-01 Assistant.Macros.AbsoluteTargetAction|0|0|1080296409|1586|625|12|3701 Assistant.Macros.ElseAction // Target restock bag for sewing kits Assistant.Macros.IfAction|50|0|1|Sew Kit Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|0|Restock Agent-02 Assistant.Macros.AbsoluteTargetAction|0|0|1094539441|1586|626|13|3701 Assistant.Macros.ElseAction // Target drop bag for bandages Assistant.Macros.IfAction|50|1|250|Bandages Assistant.Macros.LiftTypeAction|3617|20 Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x406403D9|(-1, -1, 0)|0 Assistant.Macros.ElseAction