Hello everyone, as the tittle states I am new to UOR PvP and would like to git gud! I heard this was the way to go for a PvP Template: Anatomy (100) Eval Intel(100) Healing(100) Magery(99.0) Meditation(100) Resist(100) Wrestling(96.8) (Current skill lvl) I have nearly completed his training and have no experience with this era of PvP.. I played a Hally Mage and Dexxer Mage on UOSA 3 years ago. Any advice/link to a video of a stun mage on YouTube/assistance would be greatly appreciated I will of course be asking my guild aswel but wanted a broad opinion of PvP. -AO
Not many people out there who actually take the time to show others a way of pvp. Check out all his videos may help some than others.
I watched a good few of his videos, for entertainment purposes and wondering how many hours it took for him to memorize the placement of these hots it was a good suggestion hah. I am sure i will just need to duel/spar in order to figure out what combos and stuff people go for. Going from being a hally/dex mage to this is a bit of a struggle so far haha. Just finished Magery and now to either mess around or finish wrestling and then practice..
I recommend these guys for pvp practice/field fights: @Pax Romain @Pill @Mandevu @Animal Control @Ron Jeremy Also do CTF events when they are going to get some plat / sell off to get a start too. No items are used up except explo/strength/agil pots. Glad more pvpers are joining! Good luck
Thanks, I finished the PvP account and did some PvP but I honestly have a lot to learn about this play style.. used to hally mages and Dexxer Mage haha weird not having a weapon. Got destroyed in every PvP attempt as a newb stun mage hah Will be working on a Dexxer soon but definitely need to learn to use this stun mage account right
I recommend trying UO Renaissance test server. Here you can set all skills/stats to 100 to experiment whatever class you wish to play. test.uorenaissance.com port 2597 Some commands to help out: set magery set magicresist set int set str etc Grab a friend and duel away. All supplies are available to get the knack. Hope to see you on the field. Cheers
I would but I plan on having 1 of each PvP class along with my other PvM and crafters, so just going to learn it as I 7xGM the accounts hehe. I would get lost trying to do that test server stuff Thanks tho man, appreciated
Agree, I think his keyboard schema is far from optimal (but hey, whatever works for him). @AO welcome to UOR! Your template is great (arguably, the best PvP template), but it's an "all-skill-no-luck" template, so it requires perfect execution to land kills. I'm far from being a pro, but can give you a few advices: 1) Preparation is the key. You must have a good hotkey setup and have all necessities with you if you want to win. Armor: GM leather or fortification / invulnerability leather (if you are rich ). Pots: heal cure stam explo str dex. Wands - lightning (to finish opponent when he has <10hp), mana drain - to break opponent's magic reflect, greater healing - to save your ass when you're stunned and about to die. 2) Winning duels is all about burst damage. Don't waste mana on "poking" your opponent if you aren't prepared to finish him (unless you're casting a fast low-circle spell e.g. Harm to break his cast). Have your mana displayed in a title bar and try to remember mana requirements at least for the most common spells (Explosion, Ebolt, Lightning), so you know how much damage you can deal before you run out of it. There are a lot of different spell combos. A random example: 1. pre-cast explosion (do not release it on the target) 2. come close to your opponent and stun him 3. release explosion 4. throw an explo pot behind him 5. cast ebolt / poison (denies or better say delays healing) / a finisher spell (if opponent was low before you started the combo). If executed perfectly, this gets your target pretty low or dead. 3) Remember about buffs. Try to buff yourself and debuff your opponent (especially if he's a dexxer). Have your stats visible to you at all times. 4) Find some sparring partners within your guild and practice a lot. Good luck!
Very useful info Twister thanks! I didn't think of half of that haha. I am sure this is a complicated and dedicated template for PvP, and my time for gaming is short right now, but I will slowly but surely get accostumed to it and the UOR ways haha!
Honestly i can name more then a handful of guys that got better after dueling crooks endlessly. crooks personality might not be for everyone but he is good at teaching people how to be better at pvp