Hello i have been looking for it i feel like i have seen it before i need a magery guide with reists. And does anyone have any idea which regs and how many of each i will need to get it going? Thanks Sorry if its hear already i have been searching and cant find it
40-45 / fireball / 500 pearl 45-63 / lightning / 650 mandrake+sulphurous ash 63-89 / energy bolt / 2500 nightshade+black pearl 89-100 / flamestrike / 6000 spider silk+sulphurous ash each character varies on #casts needed and of course, regs used
a rough idea is... say bank pause 300 restock 1 pause 300 target reg bag pause (w/e suits your needs) a for loop here of "x" times (w/e suits your needs again... 20, 30, 50?) could also do a if ash < x then restock but that bugs out often i suggest 10 if hits > (your desired number) cast spell wait for target (never changed this/no bugs for me) target spellbook end if if mana < (your number) use skill meditate wait for mana >(your desired number) end if if hits < (your number) use bandage pause 300 target self end if end for You could take it further and put a if statement that looks for success/fails in your meditation routine and retry the skill. If you're going to copy paste a script and don't understand it... just don't. You're basically putting a nail in your own coffin. Get a basic idea and figure out the details yourself, please. OR hunt reapers, make $, have fun
The way I did it was use a second account with a heal macro on loop for the character training resist. That way the magery / resist training character could be meditating instead of healing, which is the much slower thing. For the caster, re-target absolute targets to your character: Code: !Loop Assistant.Macros.IfAction|50|0|20|Sulfurous Ash Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|0|Restock Agent-1 Assistant.Macros.WaitForTargetAction|30 Assistant.Macros.AbsoluteTargetAction|0|0|97523|3691|2528|0|400 Assistant.Macros.EndIfAction Assistant.Macros.IfAction|1|0|60 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:08 Assistant.Macros.UseSkillAction|46 Assistant.Macros.EndIfAction Assistant.Macros.WaitForStatAction|1|1|60|3600 Assistant.Macros.WaitForStatAction|0|1|50|3600 Assistant.Macros.MacroCastSpellAction|51 Assistant.Macros.WaitForTargetAction|30 Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|1059| Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:02.2500000 For the healer, re-target absolute targets to your healer and caster respectively: Code: !Loop Assistant.Macros.IfAction|50|0|10|Bandages Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|0|Restock Agent-2 Assistant.Macros.WaitForTargetAction|30 Assistant.Macros.AbsoluteTargetAction|0|0|348747|3614|2886|9|400 Assistant.Macros.EndIfAction Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickTypeAction|3617|True Assistant.Macros.WaitForTargetAction|30 Assistant.Macros.AbsoluteTargetAction|0|2|143121|3614|2887|9|400 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:05.2500000
I think these are a bit conservative Just last night I used 1200 Mandrake + Sulf Ash to go from 49.0 Magery to 59.8 (using Lightning). I was surprised, I thought 1K would cover the skill gains to 62-63.0 all the way. The avatar in question is already GM Med and Eval Int if that has something to do with it. The 89-100 sounds about right - around 6k of each reg. I think shown, because its about the difficulty of the spell being cast vs your skill in casting it.
It does... stats boost shown rather well at lower skill levels Also, if not pressed for attended time, I recommend firefield for initial resist gains.... or free player ran resist events.
Hey, i read anywhere that resist can be raise to 55 walking on a fire field? It's true? And anopther question is: Anyone has tried to use mana drain and mana vampire? time ago it works good to get resist up and have not problems with healing.
you can cast lightening / e-bolt / flame strike and target your spellbook if you want to use these spells but not have to heal.
To gain resist the spell must be cast upon you. Casting on a book is for gains in magery and allows for gains in meditation, and evaluate intelligence as well.
But in reality, with how frequent this shard has free resist events... save yourself a lot of time and money and cast on your spellbook and GM Magery first. Then GM resist at the next event. They are typically every other month or so.
Starting off with 50 Magery / 50 Resist I have some updated information: I used a little more than 1000 Lightning going from 50 to 63
March 17th "Freesist" event is next one. These events are only way to go.. last one I got GM resist on every character on 3 accounts excluding a couple that won't have resist... If I wasn't sure I GMed it anyways and will drop it later