REVIEW - Pateks Million GP Macro Mining

Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by LanDarr, Mar 7, 2018.

  1. Zathuel

    Zathuel Active Member

    Dec 27, 2017
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    That’s my question, are there X amount of rune books and you get 3 or 4 of those X rune books or they all the same with the same veins? Too many ppl start running the same route and someone isn’t going to be happy. Although my bro @DaTamer is happy with it and looks like @LanDarr is happy with it so far I’m definitely interested.
  2. DaTamer

    DaTamer Active Member

    Jul 25, 2013
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    if you run Patek's or Pirul's on 3 characters at once, you are looking 45k an hour minimum.
    I imagine if you mark spots that are mostly color ore, and you get out of the safe zones, you could easily get 65k to 75k an hour
  3. DaTamer

    DaTamer Active Member

    Jul 25, 2013
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    I'm not using Patek's macro or runes.
    I am using Pirul's macro, and runes I set up.
    I was comparing the experience Peace had with my experience.
    All recall mining macros essentially do the same thing.
    You recall to a spot, mine the ore there, recall to bank, throw ore in bank, repeat.
    Speed of the macro, safety of the miner, ore per hour, etc are the only things in question.
    When the system message "there is no metal to mine here" worked, everyone had nearly the same macro.
    Prior to ore golems in caves, everyone had nearly the same runes marked.
    So the question between macros becomes... who can deal with those issues better.

    From what I understand about Patek's macro, is it is set up for in safe zones.
    This means that when he recalls in, he has a 10-15 second wait for being able to mine.
    I think mining outside of guard zone and towns is faster, but not as safe.
    So... based on the numbers comparison between me and Peace, Pirul vs Patek, it seems safety doesnt cost that much, and I will suggest Patek's method for those who dont wanna risk dying.
    Zathuel likes this.
  4. Patek

    Patek Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Mar 29, 2017
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    Bit of an update.

    I was curious about just how far I could push the speed of the macro and looked at every single wait timer and trialed each one, through all components, down to 0.1 second intervals (0.05 in some cases) with a few spots tested at each speed.

    I've managed to increase the speed of the macro by 9-12% without any major issues and only a little bit more complexity, but it's essentially hit a brick wall (any further reduction WILL affect reliability). I'll be doing an 'interim' update in between V1.0 and V1.1 for those with PMM packs that'll include another set of custom PMM folders they can trial with the new speedier macros before I make it a 'final' in PMM V1.1. Should have this done this weekend.

    DaTamer is correct regarding spots out of town too. The updated out-of-town macros will be 10 seconds faster automatically because of the lack of a cool-down timer, which equates to around 12% faster. So with the speed boost macros i'm building out now + the out of town, the macro will go around 20-25% faster (so 57k * 1.20 = 68.5k. So you're looking at 68-71k per hour (more if you do all colour veins as the 57k test result is based on the guard-zone ore spread) at full speed with three characters when mining out of town with the PMM.

    Have also updated the "no ore" system and fully tested it as well that'll be part of the interim update as its also used to increase speed overall. So yeah, not only does it go faster based on the above, it detects empty veins almost instantly now too :)

    Cheers again all for comments etc, definitely keeps it interesting seeing how much it can be pushed heh.

    MasterCraft likes this.
  5. DaTamer

    DaTamer Active Member

    Jul 25, 2013
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    From what you and @LanDarr have mentioned, your macro is superior.
    But... if sys message "no more" was working, I believe Pirul's macro would give you a run.
  6. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    but it isn't.
    Eskeleto likes this.
  7. RIN

    RIN Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jan 4, 2017
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    I'd be careful with lowering all of the wait timers that far. Some people might time out if their latency is bad. Now, knowing you are in Aussie land, you should have the worst lag of most of us :p

    Just saying...
  8. FreeHugger

    FreeHugger Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2017
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    Yo @DaTamer, I have no idea why you keep comparing piruls macro in this thread but really bro, shut the fuck up.

    No matter how hard you try to make this about you and about Piruls macro, it's not going to work. So just shut the fuck up.
    Rextacy, Ravn, Merlin and 3 others like this.
  9. DaTamer

    DaTamer Active Member

    Jul 25, 2013
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    @FreeHugger If I was trying to make it about me, I would have succeeded, seeing how you addressing me with venom and hatred.
    I would have succeeded even more since @RIN and @El Horno are liking your comment.
    I would have succeeded even more once even more people will end up liking your comment.

    But... @Patek is asking a million gold for a mining macro.
    This macro (recall mining macro) can be found with a simple google search or a search through the forums.
    I am merely expressing that his macro is legit, conforms to Telamons changes, and is worth the million gold he is asking for.

    My question... why are you trying to make the thread about you?
  10. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Hey SoF is recruiting.
  11. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Phillip and DaTamer like this.
  12. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Don't worry, SoF will take you too :)
  13. RIN

    RIN Well-Known Member
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    Jan 4, 2017
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    First off, I have nothing against you @DaTamer . I had never even heard of you until a week or so ago when I started noticing your forum posts. I liked @FreeHugger 's post because I felt annoyed while reading your comments with the continued references to the other macro. I do not condone his choice of words but the general intent of his message is what I felt. Patek is selling a service. In this regard it is a macro. Either buy it or move along. But in both this and the original for sale thread, you brought up numerous times a competing service to what is being sold / discussed. In my most humble opinion, I find this behavior shady and fairly disreputable.


    I post a thread advertising my vendor. You then reply with a comment saying:

    "Man, the vendor at Ocllo is really awesome and sells everything RIN is advertising but RIN is 2% cheaper. I'm still currently buying from the Ocllo vendor but I might consider buying from RIN. Oh by the way you can find information about the Ocllo vendor easily by searching the forum. But since I'm considering buying from RIN I'm still cool with the trade forum rules."

    Can you in good conscience say that conduct is appropriate? You are in a round-about way advertising for my competition. In my thread.

    You are basically doing this here. You have in both threads done everything short of posting a direct link to this other macro.

    That is all I am going to say about this. Carry on.

    EDIT: Oh and I will continue to like what I choose to.
    Merlin and Killian like this.
  14. DaTamer

    DaTamer Active Member

    Jul 25, 2013
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    ... SoF already took me
    You actually took me to a champ spawn... I thought we were friends :(
    I got bracelets and t-shirts made with our names on them... QQ
  15. FreeHugger

    FreeHugger Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2017
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    My boy @RIN hit it on the head.

    As for my words, IRL I am paid to be nice, however, here I just don't care to be nice and I have a repuation to uphold.

    That being said, figure your shit out or start your own thread.
  16. DaTamer

    DaTamer Active Member

    Jul 25, 2013
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    Let's see @RIN
    Your forum creation was Jan 2017, but one could assume you started playing in 2016 and didn't feel the need to create a forum account at first.
    I was here at beta, came over from UOSA with a few other people, and left here somewhere in 2014.
    I did a lot of RL stuff, played a few other games, etc.
    I met a guy at a Sci Fi / Fantasy Comic Con that was talking about Telamon's taming quest, etc.
    After talking to him for an hour about why I came here from UOSA, and why I left here for UOF, and why I left UOF for something else, it occurred to me that I missed some of the people here, and decided to come back like 7-8 weeks ago... about the time you saw me appear on the forum.
    So I was gone before you got here, is why you don't know me.

    Now... Pirul's macro was the #1 mining macro when I left.
    It is not for sale, it is not going to be for sale, and if you did some searching, it is posted script to script in this forum.
    I have never tried to compete, take away sales, etc. In fact, I have promoted this macro in IRC for people looking for it.

    Now, on several occasions and posts I have stated that Pateks macro is good/great/worth 1 million gold.
    I challenge you guys to find a negative post about the macro posted by me.

    If you now if you guys ever make it past a 3rd grade reading level, and can understand my posts, holla at me. I got some material you might enjoy :)
  17. MasterCraft

    MasterCraft New Member

    Dec 12, 2017
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    To return the thread back to the OP's intent, I have some feedback from my experience thus far with the mining macro:

    BOTTOM LINE: Patek is extremely professional, helpful, and timely with the macro delivery. The macro is everything Patek promised it would be. The break-even point for recovering the 1mil cost of the macro is achieved at around 25 hours of utilization with 3 miners running concurrently - since it requires you to be semi-active to click AFK gumps while taking up all 3 of your accounts, it's generally recommended for players who have large amounts of time spent at the computer doing other things, particularly during non-peak playing hours (can play at work/work from home, students, housewives/husbands, etc).

    1. The Macro only mines ore and dumps it into bank // does NOT smelt - would help to incorporate options for smelting into ingots so it's truly a one-click macro. This would include smelting all iron, dull copper, shadow, copper in full (they are 100% at GM mining), then breaking up the remaining colored ore into efficient chunks to smelt them while reducing smelt failure losses. Some smelting options here could include:
    a. Porting to spots in town where there is a forge in range of a bank. This could be a completely different macro that is run when the player is ready to log off.
    b. Adding another step to port to BS shops to smelt before going to the bank (not ideal, would add a lot of time)
    c. Utilizing a safe port spot setup in a home to smelt/dump (most players spending 1mil on a macro have a house that can be ported into - this would reduce a lot of work to make the macro, prevent issues with bank thieves, and allow players to house-store ingots so they can use them for crafting without needing to make bank runs)

    2. During peak hours (5-9pm CST), it is difficult to mine since several of the same macros with same locations are running. The randomization of the nodes doesn't help much - I'd estimate 1/2-2/3 of all nodes are stripped clean. Obviously this isn't something within the macro itself, but an external issue resulting from current usage/proliferation of the macro, and one that could only be addressed by expanding the runebooks to include non-guarded locations, as Patek mentioned he is already working on.

    3. I agree with @LanDarr - ability to use prospect tools and potentially mine stone/marble would greatly increase the profitability of the macro. Edit: prospect tools don't produce stone/marble.

    4. A quick note about location/value of the macro: As Landarr mentioned, many of the mining locations in the macro are rare to the extent you can't even see where/what you are mining sometimes - it's obvious Patek was thorough in fully exploring guard zones to find all available mining nodes. This in itself adds value to the PMM package - and - creates an argument against just "sharing" the macro with the public as Pirul did.

    5. It's important to note that the real profit (not the revenue) after expenses/smelting time is only about 12.5k/hr, maybe 13k for GM tinkers. This equates to a break-even time of roughly 25-26 hours. See results below.

    RESULTS (will update this when I have more - these are rough running averages from data I have so far, with characters at around 80 tinkering):
    - Reagent use: 90/hour (990g)
    - Ingot use: 150/hour (1200g)

    - Iron ingots: 1250/hour (10000g @8g)
    - Colored ingots: 300/hour (6000g @20g)

    Gross Profit: 13,810g/hour
    - "Smelting Tax": 10% (1381g) - this is a tentative rough estimate (effectively the time it takes to smelt all the ore, smelting all iron/dull copper/shadow/copper in whole and breaking down the remaining colored ore into 12 piece chunks to minimize smelting losses and maximize output/time)
    NET PROFIT: 12,429g/hour*

    *assumes play during non-peak times (all nodes have metal to mine)
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
  18. FreeHugger

    FreeHugger Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2017
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    Well it looks like we have another Resume to add to the list. Thread will be started shortly.

    Thanks DaTamer.
    One likes this.
  19. FreeHugger

    FreeHugger Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2017
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    My big question is how this will impact the prices of ingots coming forward
  20. Killian

    Killian Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 15, 2017
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    In a free market reducing the scarcity should bring the prices down. That would be my guess, but the macros may need to go outside the guard zones to really make that happen.

    Thank you for the review(s).

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