Crafter Template, no Lj??

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Karris, Mar 18, 2018.

  1. Karris

    Karris Member

    Mar 13, 2018
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    So I looked around the forums at what a lot of people seem to be going for and I noticed no one seems to be including LJ'ing into their templates. Is there a reason for this? All I can surmise is that I assume people already have an axe dexxer with LJ'ing? Right now i'm Gm Tailor,Tinker,Miner,45 music, but I plain to finish it out with Carpentry,Blacksmithing,whatever magery is required, then the rest into LJ. Unless I'm missing something obvious,which is possible since its 1AM atm. Also, i'm not looking to get into alchemy,inscription, or fletching (unless there's a solid reason) on this toon. Any advice or constructive criticism is greatly appreciated! I'm new to the server but I'm brushing off some 19 year old cob webs and trying to soak up as much as possible. Atlantic ftw.
  2. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    What's the function of this character? Serious question.

    Is it to be your only/main crafter for personal use or, do you have eyes on a future of Bulk Order Deed-ing?

    Either way, I see it as two characters/teams.

    Team 1 - crafters
    Team 2 - resource gatherers

    A resource gatherer is after what I like to call, consumables. Ingots, lumber, leather, cloth, bone, etc.
    What character can collect these things without too much trouble?

    Tactics, anatomy, healing, lumberjacking, mining, swordsmanship, magery (GM preferred but can slide with 70.1/29.9 med)
    When gathering wood I like to mark the last tree I was at before I recall to my drop off location at the very least. You could also gate if you're "organized".

    If you're interesting in BoD (bulk order deed-ing), there's a few guides one wordsearch away on these very forums. I'll leave you to that.
    You may also want to look into "battle mining". There isn't much direct information about that subject though. The gist is you use special shovels or pick axes to summon earth elementals of different ORE origins and fight them until they turn into x amount of colored ore.

    Old style mining works here but compared to the amount one or three characters can pull in an organized ore elemental farm it's laughable.... like as in, I don't see why anyone would old-style mine unless they're okay with coming in last... which is okay too, so long as you enjoy your game.

    Anyway lots of open questions, I'm sure. I'll leave it to the pro's for any follow-ups you might have.

  3. Karris

    Karris Member

    Mar 13, 2018
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    strictly a crafter for the most part. I have a provo dexxer (fencing) which i kind of regret picking fencing. I also have a 6xgm tamer but i saved taming for im taming bulls atm.. I'm starting to dabble in tailoring Bod's but from what I gather you need several characters to make it worth a serious profitable effort. I'd like to do that eventually but until i finish my tamer money is a bit hard to come by. So i'm working on several large BoD's at the moment but have yet to get lucky enough to complete one. I see your logic behind the elementals now that you mention it but I wasn't sure what kind of yield it had. What kind of template would you suggest for something like that? the one listed in your post? Oh, I have my crafter on one account and my tamer/dexxer on another. Would it matter which account I put a resource toon on? Sorry for all the questions!!
    \I'm still getting a decent grasp of how people operate here so I'm relatively out of the loop and still learning. I've only been playing about 2 weeks.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2018
  4. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Yes, properly geared they obliterate them.

    I suppose since the path is only sharp from where you're standing, make the crafter an all-arounder with BoD's in mind so long as it supplies you with what you're looking for for now.
  5. Karris

    Karris Member

    Mar 13, 2018
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    properly geared as in...elemental slayer weps? I pulled a Reptilian Death Tamborine today so Im guessing that will help with some income.

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