Yeah pretty much lol you can do what you want if that’s what you specified. Time is money man. Sometimes item or property values flux. You can’t blame someone for capitalizing and getting more money. That’s good business practice. I have done business with labeler quite a few times since Ive came here. Hes always on point, consistent & helpful so idk fam.
I've done business with Labeler, and havent had an issue. These individuals were in PM's he was saying one thing then just takes it down and sends them a new PM to tell them something different. He told them S/B is his selling price like hours before he pulled off his post, makes it hard to keep up since its all in PM's but anyhow, Id still purchase from Labeler only if he didn't have that shitty "I reserve the right crap.." because you know drama will just unfold and someone will get all butt-hurt when he does shit like this. I just wanted to point out he did not meet the greater business bureau review on this one.
Yes because this is what happened... Excluding the fact the bid came 45 days after his last bump. What a bait and switch artist! Burn the man at the stake!
im still waiting for like 3 UO resumes you have promised in the last few weeks.. your troll game is getting weaker whats wrong? are you HAPPY?
I’ll do them at work tomorrow, I promise. This whole being a dad and not having time to shit let alone play is hard.
My laptop is the one bill gates first invented in 1732 as he came across on the mayflower. It doesn’t survive being unplugged.
my goodness... thats a lot to read on a monday morning. 1st of all thanks to those not taking sides but just making this tread more of a joke. 2nd thanks for those backing me up. i appreciate it yet i feel urged to shed some light into this, because it seems that HAMMER is more annoyed than anyone else on the shard, unless PLentimon doesnt even have the guts to tell me in person he didnt like how this went down eventually.... but lets put this shit aside. to start off, indeed i had NO official reactions for more than a month and i kinda gave up. i posted them for sale, cause i needed cashflow for a larger investment. but sadly enough, i was TOO damn late and thus i missed the once in a lifetime opportunity. 2ndly, i was being approached by not 1 but 2 individuals for the SAME fort. they were working together and yet, they dealt with me individually. not only was this pretty cumbersome, the conversations were not that fluently... this lead to different perspectives, opinions, emotions and even negotiations... in ALL MY PERSONAL FAIRNESS: i was getting tired of it. this particular warning should have been the real deal here. and let me say: it was my 1ST reaction to Plentimon: " im open for discussion. please DO not that the start bid is only a start bid. i m really looking at the BO price. cause thats what forts been selling for in far more worse locations. " the note where i (accidentally) "the selling price is the SB" is just 1 tiny fraction and tbh, it was a typo. again, dealing to 2 ppl, often in paralel while im trying to play my game in uor, can be very distracting. its sad to see that once again, ppl just love drama like its kinda of a tv soap show. lessons learned: next time put ill put my foot down to everyone. no SB just BO, no personal negotiations just forum replies accepted. transfers within 24 hours only or no trade whatsoever. shit like this.... it gets very very simple for me. is that what ppl want? no space to talk or negotiate? cause thats where ALL THE FREAKING drama comes from. on the side note: you can sell your sandals for 100 mil for all i care. if you get a buyer, its worth 100Mil to him, not to the shard alright? godspeed! ps: i expect a lot more grief & shit that i WILL read, but i will NOT reply to any of it no more. NOT even PM not on this tread NOT in IRC. let me be clear on this.
My guy.....its spelt reneging. 'precicate I have my own use of the english language thats an acquired taste, but watch yo spelling homie haha
I don’t have all the information here but I’m bored at work and feel like posting my unwanted two cents... so here it goes... When I look at disagreements such as this, I try to put myself in both parties’ shoes. BUYER’S SHOES: I’ve been searching for a fortress for a while. I see a fort previously listed (but not closed) at 20mil SB with no other interested parties. I get excited at the thought of finally getting my hands on a fort and reasonably believe I will get it for 20mil or at least start the bidding war. I contact the owner and become confused and upset when learning he wants to add 50% to the listed price. (Maybe he’s seen my posts and thinks I’m desperate or maybe the property is still managed by the same realtor that bumped Thelax’s price point as well.) ** Personally I would have walked away from this property. I don’t think it’s worth 30mil (the auction failure speaks for itself) but I also don’t like getting treated like a fool. SELLER’S SHOES: I’ve been sitting on two forts (and then some) that I don’t use and have attempted to sell recently without success. A prospective buyer contacts me, offering the posted SB. I’ve seen him looking for a fort for a while now and think I may be able to get him for a little extra cash, so I counter his offer. ————- ** This is where I get lost as the seller. I would have accepted the SB/bump my auction, hoping it would put a fire under someone’s ass, launching a bidding war. I personally cannot see any other decision that makes me, the seller, not come out of this as shady or uber greedy. Sure we can all do whatever we please with our pixels and this is just a game but it’s my personal opinion that reputations matter, even in fictitious worlds, because the interactions are real. Like I said above, I don’t have all the info and this is just my uneducated, unwanted opinion.
I tried to get one of the aforementioned forts. Worked with Labeler to come to a private agreement, but we weren't able to meet at a price. Labeler was nothing but nice and professional even though things didn't work in my favor. The auction was made clear about his right to pull the auction. I don't understand why there is so much bitching.
No it's not they are rare items rarely seen... Meanwhile theres over 100 forts out there . The fact of that alone makes housing look broke . Keeps going for around 12 mil. God forbid a player runs out of room or needs more space. Better be prepared to pay almost triple that for a larger home? Okay
Economies aren't based just on rarity. They are also based on demand and usability. Fort's will always have more demand and usability than sandals.