I'm not upset (for example, I'm not the one calling people "whinny bitches") at all Viking King! People who do good deeds for others are incredibly good people! I do believe I never listed a single name of a person who only puts on phony public displays of good character. Perhaps relax a little, and if your intentions are pure, no need to defend yourself, for Valhalla will be your reward!
believe u got me wrong on the messages here , im not angry or mad was trying to clear up that all of us on here i believe are doing this from the joy of doing it not just to show good face to the community
Then all good here then. I've never thought negatively about anything you'd done personally. Most the efforts done for new people on UOR are genuine. It's a bit like seeing certain politicians getting photo ops holding children, we know which ones are crooked. Just makes me cringe a little when certain (and still unnamed, and not the OP of this post) players behave angelic toward new players when you know what a colossal twat-waffle they really are.
Sorry, can't resist... Carr Armory sells irons big enough to roast colossal twat waffles... And thanks for the add.
i just cant believe im saying this: im starting to think that trashing stuff is better than giving it away. cause thats what it seems to me after reading these comments. give away and your trying to fix a boo boo. dont give away and your a prick greedy bastard. without disclosing where the stuff come from cause that a totally different story: i just wanted somebody less wealthy got a nice usable item rather than me trashing(yes i would have trashed it all, YES even gold & plat) it wasnt mine and i dont wanna sit on wealth i that isnt on my name. the few that know me, they know. So far all i ve seen is bitching & whining (i m still thankful for those taking it up and investing in the very long & extensive posts) next time, ill just dump it on the floor. who knows who gets it. ps: i help anyone that seems to need help. i meet new comers every day in game, new names every day.. i spend hours talking to new players how to get around and how to do things. ive given stuff out in private chats. i bet im breaking records on who sits most on the cotton farms on the server. YET, for me forum is the most broad audience i can reach. and its the most fair protocol. im not trying to be a hero, or anything else someone calls me. im just trying to play & enjoy a game im fond of. you should all try do the same. over and out
Homicide is the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another. That doesn't apply in combat / war as by nature it is lawful since both are enemy combatants.
Don't let the busters get you down. Lots of us have faced criticism doing similar deeds. Here's the truth: Help 3 people = 5 pissed people 5 pissed people get lost amongst the other pissants, and then they just continue to be pissanting in pissantville with their pissantbros. Now, those 3 people.... They realize that there are nice people, and UOR isn't near as bad in game as it is on the forums... *They continue to play, learn, and hone their skills/uor life. *They establish themselves, and start to thrive if they keep at it. *They remember how nice people were, and continue helping in the way you did. LOL 3 of the last people i helped are waaaaay richer than me nowadays, and they are still paying it forward. They even offered to pay me back, but honestly, i'm just glad we have more people here. I felt like I helped with that, and that's enough for me. If it's enough for you, AWESOME. DO IT!
Ill leave the passing of judgement and critiquing ancient belief systems to you Just wanted to clarify that Valhalla is not a reward for killing/murder/homicide
@Labeler ... Fuck them dude, you are doing a good thing. I bet they have a problem with things like free resist events... But still turn up and complain when bandies run out. Seriously, fuck them.
I KNOW FOR ONE i got no help when i started. Zero, and i was getting PK'd going in places with risk involved, ect. It sucked trying to farm that gold to keep my characters macroing even though i did it in a risky way. But that is where the money is at starting out. That being said these simple deeds can go a long way. People can appreciate it, especially when they don't have much time to play. Some people have children, and are dedicated to their jobs/family. Not only do they see that as a nice deed, but later on they will probably without a doubt pay it forward. Its not like they are getting 1 mil for free. Their being helped finishing a template or getting a house to macro and feel safe in.
There's some that are getting very defensive about this. Here's the bottom line: If someone needs to continue to defend their kind gestures, they appear more concerned about their image/public perception of them for what they've done which plays back into my original statement.. Just sayin... If someone does something out of the goodness of their heart, do it, ignore what you might call "trolls" such as myself (though I never named names, its certain others who have gotten into a hissy) and in the infinite wisdom of another poster here: "Seriously, f*ck them!" . And if you continue to get upset about it, then perhaps take a break, its just pixels. For those helping the new peeps because you're cool like that - kudos! Rock on brother! UOR4Lyfe!
being this is completed, no need to continue posting to this thread...create a new thread and put the convo there...just saying guys....ya know cant we all just get along?
Well no need to read it the either Bucs since it said 'Closed'. I think everyone has stated their opinions. Hi Duke! Hype!