I'm very new to the game and am unable to open game multiple times. I'd like to play a few characters together, but my Macbook Pro won't allow me to open another game window. I've searched the GettingStarted and Troubleshooting guides, and can't find much info on Macs. I did see the thread in this forum about Macs, which helped with some glitching issues, but haven't seen anything about opening multiple game windows. Any suggestions? Many thanks.
Open Finder, selecting Apps, find the UOR one and two finger click on my laptop to show a list and should have duplicate and you duplicate the app. I keep 3 on my lap top for the 3 accounts we are allowed and you just open one per account. Make sense or you can pm me and I can try to help you even more @aee
Yep - I do the same.. Easy! But beware, it is three different razor instances too, so you'll have to duplicate your macro file / profiles across all three applications.
Thanks for the great support. Now I have UO Renaisance and UO Renaisance Copy in my Apps folder. But after I open the first one, noting happens after I click the second one. Is there any adjustment do I need to do in settings or else?Kind Regards
I just duplicated one of my clients make sure I was telling you right and it worked for me asks me about WineskinX11 accepting incoming network connections but it loads when I double clicked the copy just like the original one. It's copying the whole UOR file right now just make a second icon to click?