Coming Soon to Renaissance - Future Patch Q&A

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Chris, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Apr 3, 2013
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    IP grouping helps to an extent, but there are also legit situations where two different players could be playing from the same IP. AFAIK, the staff has to handle these situations manually today when it comes to the holiday Trammel events.

    Yea, that's a good point. It would reward the people actually progressing the spawn, which is an added bonus. But I think it still has some flaws. One downside is you've still got a problem with the Harrower and multi-accounts. The other downside is it promotes not-so-friendly 'competition'. I can see the overland Halloween event situation all over again - I do the work to bard up or tank monsters while someone comes cruising along with their 1337 slayer weapon or dragons and takes the kill credit.

    Definitely not a simple problem to solve. :(
  2. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    You're wrong Phuzzy. Sorry to be so damn blunt about it, but on a prior shard, the best dungeon/field activity was seen before and after CTF events and DURING those events, people had like an hour of PK free time because most PKs are PvP nerds and were attending the global events.

    Yes, people logged in for the events but they also STAYED logged in and fielded hard after. Look at how it goes with 0 events now......

    I also don't agree with platinum provisions, at least until the scoring and matchmaking has some major adjustments. People stack teams with mages for synch dumps and effectively win just by standing there killing people with dumps. If points are ONLY allocated for killing flag carriers, capturing flags or returning flags, then I can get behind some plat for the folks actually doing the work there. On a prior shard, people would multi-account, get on both teams and just idle on the team they wanted to lose. It was lame, and we already have proper restrictions in place to prevent that here.

    Getting people all together in one area for CTFs promotes community interaction and involvement 100x more than people going to high end spawns, by themselves, because the take is better.
    Hawkeye likes this.
  3. Stranger

    Stranger Active Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    So , SO , far away from close to the same thing its ridiculous. Your talking about essentialy making tons of gold while watching a movie vs making an extra 6 plat on a spawn you spent an hour and a half to two hours of intense gameplay on. The problem isnt with the abuse of the system and the multi accounting, the problem is the fact that 6 plat is to underwhelming of a reward. As stated by most of us in this thread who actually do champion spawns, we would rather not have to bring multiple accounts but would rather have the platinum boss drop upped somewhat. I think 10 would not be unreasonable.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2014
  4. Stranger

    Stranger Active Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    Not silly in the slightest blaise. If I can get 20 platinum an hour from farming the gold to buy it, vs 6 plat an hour working a spawn, whats my motivation? As far as the gold loot, the only mobs worth looting spawn at the end, and the loot is hawked after by most of the players doing the spawn. The reason no one picks up the gold along the way is everyone has tried it and found it to be not worth it. I really dont know why you feel the need to chime in and disagree with every single post everyone posts. Do you need a hug?
  5. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    You can't though because people aren't always selling platinum. Everything from middle tier to the top is worth looting if you Shift+drag piles and have a decent banking process.

    I don't know why you feel the need to continue breathing but I'm not going to try to convince you to stop....too much.

    I am opinionated. I care about the shard. Get fuckin bent if you don't like my opinion. There are filters/foe lists for that. ;)
  6. boothby

    boothby Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Nov 16, 2013
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    I agree with Blaise on this. The last champ spawn I went to I went home with about 60k gold. It is definitely worth it to be picking up as the champ goes.
  7. Stranger

    Stranger Active Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    Im fully aware of this. Not sure how this is relevant to anything?
  8. Iago

    Iago Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    You mean scams like advertising a vendor at various banks with good deals to lure people through a gate into your house? That was the behavior which spurred this change. I'm not sure how gating to Occlo to scam newer players sitting around the bank and then trapping them helplessly in a house adds anything of value to the server.
  9. Stranger

    Stranger Active Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    This is basically what most of us are saying. We dont want to have to "Exploit" this system to make the appropriate amount of platinum. Just enough platinum to make it worth doing.
  10. Stranger

    Stranger Active Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    I should have been more specific. I was refering to baracoon. Some of the other champs are certainly worth looting. At baracoon if you loot every slime you come across you come out with about 1k. If you loot all the ratmen, another couple grand. If you loot all the rat mages you will maybe make 10k the entire time it goes along, anotehr 10k if you loot all the serps, and another 10k if you scav the ground gold at the end. This may sound worth it but the problem is if you are spending this much time looting, you arent helping very much with the spawn.
  11. Stranger

    Stranger Active Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    I have tried to mend fences with you but you are just a hateful person. All I am trying to do is share my polite opinion, not bash the shard, not get into a 2 page argument. This is the kind of drama I dont need in my UO experence. Sorry blaise but I am going to have to put you on ignore because your jagged responses to nearly everything I post serve no function other then to vent some sort of frustration you have in life.
  12. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    This is what I was referring to Stranger. Also, thanks for putting me on ignore. My posts in response to you are venting my frustrations with you having your head up your ass or generally just being inept. The more inept the reply, the more jagged my rebuttal, typically.

    As for not helping with the spawn because you're looting, are you really that daft? Shift+click and drag to pack with auto-open corpses. It is really not hard to clean up a ton of gold at any champ spawn.

    As for
    Apparently what you deem appropriate is not what the shard administration deems appropriate. Opinions are like assholes, and I am one.
  13. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    It wasn't a scam. We never advertised a vendor. We simply said "We have platinum coins. We have slayer weapons. We have....." - we never claimed it was for sale.

    Next, We didn't target Ocllo. We targeted all banks equally knowing that (Young) players wouldn't be able to travel through, and knowing that the person who uses the gate would have to agree to a gate gump before they could even reach the destination. If someone took the 8 seconds to read the bump and then *gasp* used their brain to think about what they are doing, then maybe they wouldn't have wound up dead. Also, we were gating into DUNGEONS as well and that was still seen as bad

    And for the record, we killed less than 20 people in the short time we did his, 3 of which dropped decent vanquishing weapons, and a few others were riding nightmares. I'd hardly consider these people new players.

    Bottomline is if you jump a gate you didn't summon or ask for, and have no association with, you deserve whatever comes of it. I'll say the same for myself. As a red, if I jump a gate into town and die, that's on me, not the gater.

    I'm in support for the change that was made as it educates people and adds another layer reinforcing a core UO value - be responsible for your actions and the risk you're taking based on your actions.
  14. Paradigm

    Paradigm Active Member

    May 27, 2013
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    The last time I said I was worried that something might not be worth doing [bs bods/hand mining], I got a resounding go eff yourself instead of doing them then.

    Maybe we all have gotten used to a certain style of play and maybe it doesn't feel so good when your style of play gets taken away, huh?

    Maybe it doesn't feel so good when people who don't do champ spawns weigh in on your playstyle? I know that's the way I felt when you said I shouldn't be able to recall mine.
  15. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    you know, your butthurt is leaking into other threads, man. There were people that did and do recall mine that posted in that thread and were not upset at the changes. I was one of them. And btw I've done like 12 hours or more of recall mining in the last couple days and it's still stupid easy. Watched all my favorite TV shows and twitch streams and ate food while ore filled my bank box.

    A tweak as small as this does not require epic tantrums. AFK resource gathering was never a desirable mechanic here and I would expect staff to further tweak it.
    Descartes likes this.
  16. wvmtnman

    wvmtnman Member

    Feb 16, 2014
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    I was wondering will Plants ever been introduced to the game?
    boothby likes this.
  17. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Yes, there is intention for that, but it must be revamped to be suitable for the goals of the everything else. :)
  18. wvmtnman

    wvmtnman Member

    Feb 16, 2014
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    Thanks Blaise!
  19. Paradigm

    Paradigm Active Member

    May 27, 2013
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    Apparently what I said was misunderstood.

    Despite giving us three accounts and asking us to leave them logged in all the time, The staff does not want us to abuse the use of three accounts. Wether spamming gathering, putting three characters in a holiday event or multi boxing a champ spawn...

    Forgive me for finding it funny that some of the people who attacked/lampooned me and my ilk are upset that their abuse of choice is getting the ban hammer. Furthermore, I couldn't help but point out how funny it is that the argument is the exact same as mine. If X changes then it isn't worth doing anymore. /cry

    Mes, I have tried to be as peaceful, honest and respectable as possible. I even got the award from Jupiter! I feel within my right to speak my mind regarding these changes, but I am not posting about the changes here. I am simply calling people out for being guilty of the same things they condemn me for. I am sorry this came across as butthurt to you, but I assure you, my butt feels fine. I assume the epic tantrum comment is directed towards Mut and not my forum thread where I tried to remain positive and have thought provoking discussion about the future of the shard.

    The staff have a tricky situation on their hands.. There are several more ways that people abuse multi acts that haven't been addressed yet and maybe they will in the future. I wish it could be as innocent as just providing more char slots to players and having a buddy to spar. Here are some possible ways one could avoid interacting with other players or abuse 3 acts:

    - archer bot / gate houses / panda house 3 for1'n people
    - holiday events
    - resource gathering
    - marco off murder counts on a ghost while your alt kills
    - too many houses
    - multiboxing spawn sites
    - perma ghosting areas - fixed, i think
    - players getting 3 of each bod type per hour
    - multiboxing champ spawns
    - pk gate botting
    - running a peacemake/archer bot at spawn sites
    - dying and getting your alt to rescue you
    - etc?

    The amount of things that can be done with three accounts/dsl/razor is staggeringly inaccurate to era and we will see which stick around or get altered.
  20. Stranger

    Stranger Active Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    So your basically admitting that you here to "Stick it to me" and create an argument in this thread. I dont remember ever saying anything to you specific about recall mining, in fact I have no clue who you are. Sorry but this isnt the recall mining thread, im trying to bring up legitimate concerns about the champ spawn system which affects everyone, im not here to argue about recall mining. Champion spawns involve actually playing the game. And I believe the reward level should reflect the effort and risk involved. Honestly, I had thought that telamon anticipated multi account the champion spawns and that was why the plat reward was so low per character. I never looked at it as exploiting the champion spawn. People fish on 3 accounts, people mine on 3 accounts. There isnt some special bot macro for multi accounting a champion spawn, the trash spawn around the champion and the special abilities of some of the champions still pose a threat to the 3 characters you are trying to play and there is very much a risk that one or more of your characters will die as a result of trying to play 3 at once. And while I dont like recall mining, I didnt say it should be illegal, the specific change I was all for was the 3 shovels at once. To me that felt like a bug, and I am glad it was fixed.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2014

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