Defensive mask (dyeable) - adds plus 2 AR like the cloaks and robes. Cost - 300-500 plat? Defensive boots/sandals (leather dye tub dyeable) - add 2 AR like the .... cost - 1000 plat?
I definitely want to do less damage when fighting wealthy mages on my dexxers. /end sarcasm I like the idea but not where it leads.
Come on is 2 AR gonna make that big of a difference Theyre all wearing blessed invulv suits anyway those richies
Question is, is the 2 AR of for example the robe only for "chest hits" or does it add to any hitregion? How handle the boots? Adding +2 to legs? Mask is ok, because you cant wear any helmed if wearing a mask
That's precisely why masks should not provide AR. If people want the vanity of wearing a mask into battle, they should be subject to the damage you'd expect by not wearing a helmet of any sort. Definitely no to armor bless deeds.
Pet Dye Tub (no impact or benefit, can be controlled to restrict hues to natural looks only) Saddlebags for bonded mounts House Teleporters. This is probably on of my most Trammie desires that I really don't even want to see here. I never played when they existed but the ability to teleport at least within a home, would be nice. Perhaps retrictions on placement accessible from the outside? I dunno, I just think they're cool. I would love to link my homes.
Foot protection is very important! Imagine getting stabbed in the foot with a spear. OUCH I would definitely wear boots if they provided some AR bonus (most my pvm chars wear boots anyway only the bard and mage have sandies) Great ideas!
Running boots [blessed] - increase walking/running speed by x% obviously much slower than being mounted (can cost less than an ethy as a stepping stone reward)
More dye tubs, sure, but only if I can get an ice white ostard. No to saddlebags, this is essentially a beetle. I want to say no to teleporters but being able to avoid chopping that god damn trash barrel 3 million times a day would be nice. I'd buy a teleporter the second it got put on the vendor.
This is a public service announcement that the "Defensive" robes and cloaks provide no defensive value. And given that one can have 36 AR for 2500gp with no major hit to meditation rates, I think there's quite enough armor on the shard already.
Also, bear in mind, most of the platinum rewards are deco and vanity stuff. And the one that isn't - the runebook bless - is part of what gives us even more automated miners and reagent buyers, with even less risk. Any plat reward that has a mechanical impact on the game WILL be exploited to the fullest extent possible.
Custom house sign deed - allow the user to customize the house sign in a basic way (preset patterns and colors to choose from) Sort of like the different options we have now but more customizable. Afterthought: Can also be applied to private houses. I always wondered why only public homes were able to change their house sign. With x amount of plat, so could the vet
I got an idea, how about you can insure some armor so that if you die it acts like it is blessed, but you have to reinsure after every death. This idea is completely original and has not been taken from the Advocates for Trammel on All Freeshard's Website. Remember people: Bubble Boy was fine after he stepped out of his Bubble.
Joking aside, what do people think about slight and realistic hue changes for buildings? The gray stone of the larger buildings I think would look fine with a touch of shadow or brown...
I would be all for this. Death shrouds rock. I like the idea -- but I think this is a .mul change, and not something that could be enforced server-side. I could be wrong about that, but I think that this is the case.
I wouldn't be opposed to some lighter hues, but by no means ever an ice-white. I had a friend who doesn't play UO (Or games reall) who came over once and saw a WW and thought it was a glitch in the game, based on how it looks so out of place. I'm of the opinion that nothing should have that hue outside of WWs. The problem with beetles is that they look like utter shit. Saddlebags aren't so bad, especially for the horse-killing populations out there. It might even make it a little more comfortable to run a battle miner without a runebook.