Me when I click Open JMap and finally get to try out @JimmyTheHand's amazing work Here's a slightly longer demo from his latest update.
Two things not shown, but I can't be arsed recorded a video, so read my words! The map can be resized whilst in "borderless" mode. Borderless is achieved by double clicking anywhere inside the map. The custom "borderless" border is what makes it look like part of the UO Client and is the hitbox for the fancy custom borderless resize system. Custom map pins are also fully functional: -RightClick -> Add Marker Opens a small window where you can give the marker a name, adjust its coords (if you somehow need to do that?) as well as Extra Text can be entered. That marker will then be on the map permanently, between loads. -Hover the marker, it will get a highlighted box at it's coord. If it has a name it'll show it as well as coords, else it'll show just coords. -RightClick on the marker->Edit / Delete are available. Delete of course makes it go byebye and Edit opens up a window in the same manner as Add Marker does, where you can edit the details and view the Extra Text. Note: I have to say sorry for the slightly funky colours in some areas of the map. Whilst my colour palette is basically the colours available from UOAM, by matching algorithm from the razor/ultimasdk system to my palette needs a little more time spent on it. (Why the hell is that purple maroon colour matching for some greys!?!?) I've said before also, the coastal waters looking different will be optional, as will a whole bunch of things once I expose the map generation parameters for folks to tinker with Edit: Oh, and anything bad / not liked, definitely @Quick 's fault!
Allow R-click -> Add Public Marker: Add a marker then transmit it over party/guild chat so other members razor can auto add that marker. Allow R-click -> Send all Public Markers: Send all current public markers to everyone in group.
Nice idea, I like it. Should be easy enough to do and adds functionality I thought I'd be writing server code for. I'll tinker with it some. I suppose a message coming across chat, akin to: "<PlayerName>: New marker at: <coordX>,<coordY>" ? Options for white/blacklisting players as well as "markers only from leader" would be prudent I figure. @snap dragon Would you prefer to see these public markers as a different colour? entirely different graphic? auto save to your custom list? Sender of the marker can likely sit inside "Extra Text", or I could throw in a new variable for "MarkerOwner"? With an optional display on hover, or something Edit: Actually, I'm not 100% Razor can read text live in that manner. Possibly needs to be a sysmsg. We'll see anyway
A: if Telamon approves your new Razor version, you damn sure fishers gonna pop up the like mushrooms & strat mibbing the shit out of the seas. MIBBING is a nice income. T1 to T3 chests at random, very rarely any spawn comes with it. fuck loads of CUB (we all love cub). B: yes i would start fishing again.
this method would give windows users advantage over mac users (yes mac users do play and it shouldnt matter)
how about adding a new tab in razor, with mobile ID and buttons (buttons would functions as a hotkey) instead of assigning a key on the keyboard. (like stable pet A, claim pet a, bandage pet a .... )
Are csv files not creatable on Mac? Map system currently allows adding from right-click, but also will load up all map markers from a csv. When I say csv, thats just the file extension, the reality is simply a comma delimited file as below: 2733,323,OptionalName,OptionalExtraText One entry per line, as per existing guardline def files and UOAM marker files. How the files are populated outside of Razor code would be a per user / per OS question I assume. The extension used can be changed if .csv is an issue for Mac. Please advise
Is it gone? I think it can be clicked and it opens in the youtube website? Sorry. I dont really make videos, I may have done something to make it go away. Try clicky the text There is another video Quick uploaded of him using the map in its current state though.
This also lines up with the other project I have in the works. Relating to game UI. That aside though, it's possible but... is it taking razor outside of initial purpose? Text/Macro input is a feature of the era here on UO:R... this seems almost like the functionality of later client versions context menus. Almost. Of course, the boat control already in the works also does this. I think @Quick needs to speak on this, possibly I could show a little of the other project I have cooking too as it definitely fits that quite well. Whether it'd be approved or not, I have no idea
Yeah, what he said. I was just using Excel because it was the default CSV viewer, but any basic text editor would work.
@snap dragon I tinkered some, looks like it'll be viable as per your suggestion. Those quick Right Click options you mentioned will be a go, but those aside for a moment. Adding/Editing a marker (public would auto check that box and send the message on 'Ok'): Edit: I think also, I'll put in an option for "prompt for marker details", so that if desired, no window will pop up - allowing for really rapid on the fly marking/sharing with party Yellow guy is a public marker, green was horrid, blue equally horrid, yellow is now default public These and more nifty features to come in the near futu... Soon™
i assume by writing down a file from within razor, it uses windows text edit or excel light or some sort. i m curious if would behave the same way in a wineskin wrapped client for mac (like the downlaodable one on the uor page) im more concerned about the method to write down the file , than the file itself ps: hit me up and i can help you being the mac tester
Sorry @Erza Scarlet this got lost in the shuffle. For the first item, that would seem like a pretty significant change to how PvP would work, I'm curious what other UO PvP pros think. I don't want to be beholden to the past but I try to lean on the side of caution when changes to how Razor targets something being discussed. For the second item, they're broken? They always seem to work for me, what doesn't work? I'll look to see if buffs/debuffs are traceable.
It's a normal file that could be opened in Linux if you wanted, anyone can make a CSV file from scratch regardless of the OS. I wouldn't foresee any issues. Like I said, I just happened to have CSV files tied to Excel, but I could have easily used notepad.