Never seen one before and not listed in the compendium or anywhere on forum. Anyone know anything about it or could come up with a value or make me some offers to think about? a scaly bow - Hue 2018 New It's in the Compendium now 1 of 1
That's awesome. Wish these weapons were slayers pertaining to the instance they drop in. Btw, interesting fashion choice you have on your char...
Considering its 1 of 1, and looking at other unique weapon sales, I'd guess somewhere around 4m depending on the buyer.
Its the same as the demonic weapons from the abyss map. Its not what i would consider a rare weapon, more of a semi rare. If i pulled one and got more than 1m for it i would be stoked, the demonic weapons dont fetch anywhere near that now that several have been unearthed.