Not sure I’d really want it implemented in that way either to be honest. It wouldn’t really be very efficient to pick up afk people sitting inside of their houses, which is the likely outcome of that solution.
Yes in part, but I think overworld only tracking would just return too many useless queries of ppl house sitting. I actually really liked @snap dragon ’s idea of removing the ‘arrow’ and replacing it with text that says “so and so is to the north..” etc
I've got an update formula ready to go, however all of the dungeons have to be re-regioned by hand which will take a bit. I need to be able to identify clearly that players are in different locations even if those locations share somewhat of a border. Once that is fixed I will update the tracking formula. Keep up the Halloween suggestions. I am open to ideas that are within our design directive.
Is the 're regioning' something that could be done by a volunteer? I appreciate that it eats into your most valuable resource (time) and would happily offer to do that if it was something a player could do on test server with temp GM powers and then applied to the live server. And back to the topic at hand - Halloween rewards. Hallowen hue Orange carpet dye Halloween hue Orange standing armour dye "Life Size" static skeleton statue (Animated?) Apple bobbing barrel (water barrel that produces x amount of apples a day similar to the tree stump plat reward that yields x amount of logs a day)
No it wouldn't remove tracking ability for your trammel hunts. You can read right? It say north, you go north. It says "a elf is to the southwest" then you go southwest. It's really that simple. In fact, arrow is exactly the same as this t2a text method. There is no fast moving npc so you can follow text right to them, but players move a lot and it's more difficult to read "the guy you want to pk is to the south east"... no wait "to the north"... no wait..."to the southwest" etc. But it's easier to follow an arrow without thinking. It changes absolutely nothing, except how the information the skill is providing is shown to you. Until you are on the same screen. Then you have to walk around the thing to find the exact tile it's on. But for holiday monsters... who cares. You reveal the general area and you got them. But it makes finding some farmer who hid from a pk just a little more difficult since often pk will just run right by them first.
Haha that’s awesome. I want to become a blood worm. How about - Ninja Halloween masks (most old Hybrid players will remember these)
Skeletal Horses (Warhorse variant), and Skeletal Dragons (careful with the fire breath this time). I liked these in the Lep events, and I think they were a big draw for participation.
Was thinking more the art from the skull candles, but someone with actual art skill to make it more the size of a lantern and shove some more pixels into it.. all of the pixels. every pixel we have on UoR and cram it into the skull candles. *goes to sleep "pixels pixels pixels"*