I trained an archer from 30 - 90 over the past two days in an attempt to see what type of game play I want to pursue. Archery does insta hit from what i've experienced. The damage happens at the beginning of the shot, before my pixel man has even finished his animation. With high dexterity archery doesn't stink. Stutter your step based on your dex and you dont suffer the effects of shoot n' run. Heck I wish I could toggle it - to make my dude just not shoot unless i wasn't moving. but you can toggle combat for that so, yeah! Bow to your hearts content my dude.
Drink a dex pot nerd. I wish I could tell you but i've just deleted all my dudes and emptied my stash to become a fisherman. If "one" seeks an answer, the best I could say is, "one" should go do it. I took the bow up because someone was asking bow questions last week. I would say that bows are way better than what they were, bow/magery felt good and bow/axeman felt good. bow/magery/axeman felt real good, but that's probably because axes are insane compared to the halberds. Maybe next time I visit the Arrow point lodge, this place wouldn't be empty. The arrow point lodge even had a stable for my doggos. However, there was no vendor there... so we had to go elsewhere for breakfast. 3.5 stars, would stay again. The premises was clean and decorated. Didn't wake up dead. ----------- in comparison to most of the 'inns' I have seen during my trips, at least this one had an unlocked door.
I do run a Fencing / Archery / Hiding Dexer here, its an awesome and fun template imo. Bows can be utilized very good against Tamers, or Templates that go without wrestling in general. Accuracy after moving could be a little bit better, but yes... you can just toggle it with war/peace
Yeah - as @Hadrian and @Erza Scarlet have stated, Archery is pretty solid now. @Erza Scarlet Prior to the patch, did you ever try the bow? Accuracy even if you had thought about moving was amazingly crap. It does have to be this way though I think to retain balance with the other ranged in game versus playability of the archer. It's now a combat archetype that if you use your head and manage the character well, is very fun! I think it'd be less fun if we had guaranteed same accuracy regardless of moving or not recently. It adds juuuust a little bit of "is this the optimal moment?, do I have long enough to minimize a miss?" I reeeaaaly need to bring my Elf out to play... Angald, (formerly "Anga Alda") of Tel'Mithrim Elear tel'Taur (Eyes of the Woods) Infact... *checks stocks...* 45k boards... I just did.