Fighters Only Area

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Wulver, Dec 7, 2018.

  1. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    I brought up a similar idea back in 2013, since then we have had perks/event areas for tamers, treasure hunters, crafters or whatever else, it's time for the fighters to get some love.

    I envision a multiple passaged area similar to old Khaldun that you can't recall into or bring mounts/pets. You will only be able to utilize your weapons, bandages and potions just about. Music will fall on deaf ears, magic will fail to conjure, but you will have access to something that isn't used that often; hirelings.

    As you enter the passage you will fight your way through normal type spawns until you branch down multiple paths. These paths will have harder encounters that you can camp and farm with your fellow fighters and hirelings for decent loot. The gold drops will be increased to incentivize fighters from all around the land, but it won't match a tamer with dragons of course, just not a waste of time. At the end of each passage will be a Gate Keeper, after you defeat one a temp gate will open to a more difficult area. After the final Gate Keeper (or kill all 3 get 3 stones to combine to open a gate, if that is possible) it will open up to the main encounter. A banker will be in an area to deposit gold since this will be a heavily restricted area.

    Main Encounter:
    A small lawless town with a banker/healers but guarded by a ruthless leader and his knights within a large daunting castle, you would need a good team to conquer this stronghold!

    Why hirelings? Fighters can heal them, they aren't utilized much and are interesting. I think Chaos and Order affiliated fighters should have access to more stronger, highly skilled hirelings. This would also create interesting contests within these specific areas if you so choose.
    Jupiter, One, WarrenBuffet and 5 others like this.
  2. Bluecrush

    Bluecrush Active Member

    Nov 22, 2017
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    I was thinking of something like this but different before I took a break for about a year. One thing I miss is fighters having their spot in the game. Like with order and chaos when towns had no spell damage. To bad we couldn't limit spell damage just to warring guild's/factions or have a option with warring guild's to allow or disallow spell damage. Then everyone not in a warring guild's/order and chaos wouldn't take spell damage. Meet somehow in the middle with it in all town's. I think this would make a environment for people new to pvp or into a less advanced pvp to maybe have a spot to fit in. I remember playing t2a shards that had a fair amount of town fighting with order/chaos and with guilds in general cause of this. Maybe some skills like parry would get more use?
  3. Raajaton

    Raajaton Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 21, 2018
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    10/10 - would fight
  4. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    That's awesome!
    We need more of those that like the sweat, blood and broken teeth of the battle!
    Plates, shields, blacksmith armor, halberds, a real medieval fun.
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  5. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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  6. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    That would actually be very fun... a dungeon that was only accessible by melee warriors. Maybe hard enough to where soloing it would be extremely difficult, but instead you had to form a party of other melee warriors and hires to make it through, which is what the game is supposed to be about. A dungeon that would require some preparation and strategy kind of like AMIBs.
    Wulver likes this.
  7. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Yeah. I really would like this.

    what would be interesting is how to unlock it in a challenging way similar to the zoo keeper quest requires finding certain animals.

    I think some potentially doable requirements could mimic the "Zoo Keeper" scroll. With a list of unique and randomly spawning monster creatures, non-tamable creatures. The goal would be to kill one, skin it and take it's hide/head to the Quest master. Once the scroll is filled, you could unlock an area that doesn't allow you to gate in an followers, and which would have hirelings available on the inside and would block summoning crystals.

    "A marauding orc"
    "A fanatic mage"
    "Grendel the Troll"
    "a gargantuan ettin"

    The missing element I can't solve for (due to lack of knowledge about the inner workings of UO coding) is how to make a viable 'skill check' to at least somewhat require a 'fighter' to try and secure these tasks. Of course we are all going to seek out the easiest way to kill one of these creatures if we found one.

    I think we should unlock one of the unused Virtues (i.e. Honor) which you can build up by doing melee-only damage. This could award Honor points and build up in tiers of the virtue. Then, similar to sacrifice being used on Liches, you could use your Honor points to target these special spawning creatures, to allow you to battle them.

    This would mean that if one of these special creatures spawned it would be similar to a vendor type class -not attackable, not aggressive - until after it has been converted, once converted it would become attackable (would be interesting if this could be limited to only the player who 'unlocked' it). This way only somebody who has been regularly playing a melee class character could have enough 'honor' points to convert these randomly spawned creatures to be attacked and thus harvest the hide/hide for the quest scroll.
    k1w1uk, Wulver and PaddyOBrien like this.

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