I've had the same issue. It seems that when you open jmap it tries to overwrite the csv file with the data for pins it already had, which removes any which were captured since the last time it was opened.
Ok cool, I'm certain it doesn't have that issue in my current local version. Thanks for the report and confirmation guys
Also in the process of trying to figure that out, it decided to just entirely delete all other csv files on its own.
Not sure if this has been reported yet, but this is a weird one I've been meaning to report for a while. When I switch characters that have different profiles, the game freezes. Assumptions: A character named "Character 1" has a Razor profile called "Profile 1". A character named "Character 2" has a Razor profile called "Profile 2". Actual: Open UO and Razor. Razor is already set to the "Profile 1" profile. Log into the game as "Character 2". Razor loads the "Profile 2" profile. A message appears that change will take effect next time I start Razor. Client freezes and has to be restarted. Expected: Open UO and Razor. Razor is already set to the "Profile 1" profile. Log into the game as "Character 2". Razor loads the "Profile 2" profile. Game loads normally. Edit: It looks like changing profiles after you're logged in causes a problem with the /profiles/chars.lst file. As soon as I delete that, I'm fine as long as I don't change profiles after being logged in. If I do, I have to close everything and delete that file again.
I log in and out and have Razor change profiles quite often and haven't experienced this. Can you do me a favor? Install Razor in a new location and create new profiles and let me know if you experience the same issue.
So I had 13 mibs pinned. Noticed they're repeated in the csv file. It was up to 75 lines. Then I closed and reopened the map a couple times and it was at 350 lines. one more time and it was at 700 lines. But future reopens didn't increase it past 700.
Hey guys, just a friendly Christmas Day reminder to try to keep bug reports on the other thread created for that http://www.uorforum.com/threads/razor-1-5-bug-issue-release-tracking.33405/ This thread is for people to be able to put in feature suggestions and have discussions around that. I realized I missed some requests post by @dissident recently -- sorry about that. For anyone else, if you posted a feature release on this thread that I never replied to, please re-up this post with your idea(s) and/or just contact me directly. I maintain a simple Kanban board that has a list of "Ideas/Suggestions", "Approved/TODO", "Doing" and "Done" to help me track it all.
Did I ever share this idea? Inspiration comes from watching some UO streams over the last year -- I'd sometimes see these static looking magic fields. I did some digging around, it's a feature in another assistant client. So playing around, I added a checkbox called "Static magic fields/walls" and it does this.. You can also toggle off those labels from popping up as well.
yeah, nice one -it would make it a lot clearer for my tamers to know where the para fields are on bumpy terrain. As another suggestion, I have been using the absolute target variables and they rock -I can now make generic macros that will work across different toons. Would it be possible to create similar variables for DoubleClick, Lift, Drop and any other one that uses an absolute parameter? That would simplify macro libraries a lot...
Along with a few bugs reported here, updated the attack indicator overhead option to also include the name of new targets. Also, a text indicator over your new target if you opt in. You can make it only display when you aquire a new target vs. every time you set a target. Also added boat orientation controls:
ok! This is a rough one and as a novice programmer I can understand the difficulty HOWEVER! is there a way to assign mouse buttons to macros in Razor somehow? I know its probably a pipedream because I doubt you would be able to pass the keystroke to UO but that would be amazing!
You can assign mouse buttons in the hotkeys tab, but not left or right mouse button. I've got two thumb buttons and middle mouse bound in razor.
I've thought of a new feature that I think would be a "quality of life" improvement. Presently Razor allows you to toggle hotkeys on/off with a single hotkey. Mine is the minus (-) key. It would be nice to have a command or hotkey that toggles all hotkeys on if they are off, but does nothing if they are already on (one-way switch). Forgetting to toggle your hotkeys back on can get you killed, and I am less likely to engage in friendly chat with unknown blues in Felucca because I don't want to switch off my hotkeys. If I had a hotkey (enter key) that would switch my hotkeys on (but not off), I would be able to hit (-), quickly type something, hit enter, and then my hotkeys are instantly back up again. True, each time I typed a new line I would have to hit a key, but that doesn't seem like a big deal to me. I also find it annoying when I think I am done with a conversation, put my hotkeys back on, then have to answer a quick follow-up question and end up spamming spells. An alternative would be a momentary "disable hotkeys" that requires the key to be held down (a bit annoying because you can then only type with one hand) or a timer that always turns your hotkeys back on after 5 seconds or some pre-set value. If it is super easy to implement, I think just adding enable only (and maybe disable only although I cannot think of a use for this) right under the razor hotkey option for toggle hotkeys on/off.
hi, i know transparancy is an uo client option but i was wonder if it is possible in razor. just a thought... regards.