It was also one of the easier skills to raise up high at the time due to the common bone walls. hmm, UOR resist events are the Bone Walls of today... sort of Anyway, people didn't raise skills as quickly as they do today and macroing skills was a no no. So if players were able to raise parrying and healing and feel like they were gonna kick some ass and tank some hard shit for the squad, they were in deceit training and then possibly getting their asses handed to them by pks, Ronald McDonald and Armageddon in my case on Baja. I believe AOS had made parrying a good enough skill to use during that era but not many Renaissance based private servers have had the determination to make it a worthwhile on any sort of template. I tried it out on my battle miner a couple weeks ago really hoping the masses were wrong, but unfortunately they are not. It's a turd of a skill.
This is the template I've been happiest using. I use invulnerability bone armor, so peacemaking helps slow down the deterioration of it which means less fort powder needed. Also less bandages being used. Better crowd control if I happen to keep hitting my button for last object/last target and pop two elementals. Can just peacemake one or both. Even with parrying, two marble elementals hit hard
I agree, with both your posts. #1 it was easier to raise parry due to the no macro rules #2 the damage scaling from monsters was much different I recall being able to enter the brigand fort north of the crossroads and fight brigands with my sword /shield all day. I was, in a reasonable amount of time able to take multiple brigand damage and kill them as well. I believe much of the damage table here is scaled to withstand damage from multiple dragons/mares from tamers. So, the monsters hit harder and take longer to kill. So much so that even with parry the hits are so hard it negates having parry at all.
100 Parry vs 100 weapon skill = block chance is 50% 100 weapon skill vs 100 weapon skill = miss chance is 50% If you only, only fight melee it may be worth it however Resist is a better'est option than Parrying.
Is that so? I always thought it was: GM Wep skill vs GM wep skill = 50% chance to hit vs GM Parry = 50% of that 50% chance to parry = 25% chance of being hit for 100% damage.
What I said is correct, what you said is not correct. To repeat, with 100 parrying you have a 50% chance to block. This is a separate dice roll from weapon skill vs weapon skill. On uo:r I can't say which is rolled first melee vs melee or parry v melee. And to go further into speculation area, if what you say is true, than uo:r is not classic. But I stand by what I said so far.
think you're both saying basically the same thing... GM Weapon skill vs GM weapon skill miss chance is a coin flip and GM weapon skill vs GM parry is a coin flip, if the target has both skills both flips are run, and the end result is a 25% chance that an attack fully lands.
I believe Baler is indicating these percentages are not cumulative, but instead each is a separate roll. An attacker swings against a defender, both have 100 weapon skill. The attacker has a 50%change to hit. If the defender also has 100 in parry, that same attack must pass another roll with a 50% chance to hit. Subject to the attacker passing both rolls, then the defender takes damage. I don't believe the addition of a shield further reduces the chance to hit percentage, the chance to hit will always be 50%. It just gives the person with parry and extra "chance" to get away. ---- Now whether which rolls goes first, I'm not certain either. But I would assume you would need to pass both rolls regardless of the order to score a hit
The only way it would really make sense is if the parry check is only called after a successful hit check. Of course, granted, UO does a lot of things that don't make sense.
Do you actually know how Parrying functioned during Renaissance or are you just making shit up that sounds good to you? More of a comment than a question. (I know I had to explain that to you)
I keep forgetting how bad your reading comprehension skills are. Always just fall into argumentative bitch mode without knowing what anyone is saying.
Joined:Oct 31, 2018 Are you a multi? Also you evaded what I said. So I'll just stick with my idea about you. No idea what the mechanics were during ren era and just making shit up that sounds good. k bye
So it’s two separate dice rolls? First one that is a 50-50 shot, and if it lands, then another that is also a 50-50 shot? Correct?
Wait, I just checked the compendium. Im pretty sure its either wrong, or parry doesnt work like it should here. The chance to parry is supposed to factor in the AR of the shield. The lower the AR, the better your chance to block should be. This is why bucklers (should) block more often than heater shields. Once the block is made, it (should) add the AR of the shield to the defense of the hit. **made up numbers to illustrate a point** For example, lets say you get hit in the neck 10 times for 20 flat damage each time. The AR on the neck is 3. If youre using a shield with an AR of 8, you should have around a 60% chance to block the attack. If, on the other hand, youre using a shield with an AR of 50, you should have about a 40% chance to block the attack. When blocked, the ar8 shield plus the neckarmor3 should reduce the hit to 9. Meaning you take 9 damage When blocked, the ar50 shield plus the neckarmor3 should reduce the damage of the hit to -33 (or ZERO) and you take no damage. So in this example, the ar8 shield would block 6 of the 10 hits, meaning youll take (6*9) + (17*4) damage equaling 110 damage total. The ar50 shield would block 4 of the 10 hits, meaning youll take (4*0) + (6*17) damage, or 102 damage total. Isnt this the way parry worked back then?
Theres alot of poison/fencer posts for pvp and completely understandable, but a unique and fun idea that jumped in my mind was a fencer/archer pvper and when you score a para blow throw and explo pot and switch to a heavy hitting bow. I just think its a dexxer equivalent to a stun punch/explo/ebolt. But yeah parry is obsolete, back when you were fighting like 100s of different ppl daily with a huge variety of dexxer templates it really made alot more sense to defend yourself against physical attacks. As far as provo/dexxer PvM is concerned, unless you want to fight solely ogre lords, its more important to have resist. PM me if you want more details on how I split my magery/resist.