Cost: 175K Plat @ 5k HC @ 3k January 11 - 11pm EST. Just wait at the fence near Papua to be awarded the slot. You can be AFK - just leave your tamer there as a ghost in war mode and I can add you during the quest. Slot is guaranteed (or 100% refund). 1. Reserved 2. Reserved 3. Trifectafunk 4. Jeebs 5. Epikur* 6. Pinky 7. Hollywood 8. Fenster 9. Rmarc69 10. Sayer 11* Epikur might not make it so there is room for a backup @Epikur @trifectafunk
I would like to participate but 11pm EST for me is 5am in the morning. I always have a disconnect during the night. So it is very unlikely that I can make it.
If I get someone on a standby list we can try for it. That way if you aren't there I can refund you without having a vacancy. How does that sound?
Sounds good! I simply park my char at the fence and if you have a slot free and I am there, then add me.