SB 500k NO bo 48h if one bid 24 if more then one bid Irc: rick 6 book Spawning rares copy of the The Great Spawning Rare Guide - Players' Edition, Npc shops, Arenas, Hotspots, Mainland Caves, Island Caves, T2A, Lostlands entrences, Dungeon Entrences, LvL4 Lockpicking, Tmap set, Zookeeper, Bankroofs, Graveyards, 1 book each ore color, moongates, Factions, Guard outposts, Cotton/flax/wool, Bosses, Cities, 4 camp books, shrines and more. Full list Copy of the The Great Spawning Rare Guide - Players' Edition
No book for each dungeon. The books that have runes marked inside dungeons is hotspots, farmingspots and lvl4 lockpicking. Dungeon entrences is included.
was this ever sold or is it still available more than a year later? Current owner perhaps looking to sell?
was sold but I got a set I use I can copy it for you if you like @Eldstorm just need copper or runebook pens