Mage Med Music Provo Resist Hiding Tracking You can kill any and all christmas spawns with this build. It’s also useful for finding taming scroll mobs and nightmares for your tamer. Provoking mobs onto each other and then hiding works wonders for surviving PKs. You can swap out tracking for eval for defensive wrestling for more survivability vs pks, butI have found that it isn’t really needed. I think I’ve died on my bard to a PK twice since 2014
Thank you one quick question .I know eval increase spell damage but is that all spells? If it done affect the damage when casting blade spirits or EV. Then I probably won't miss it much. Thank you
I recommend Disco/Provo its fantastic and really completes the bard template! Also, I don't have wrestling but Eval at least give you some 'defensive' wrestling. Oh and of course... I have GM resist
Honesty I've gathered that impression from guides on this forum/shard. I never thought before hand having only 1 did anything.
Im pretty sure the formula still applies. Even if you have 0 in each, it still counts the modified skill. So with just one or the other at GM you have slightly better than 50% defensive wrestle. WHICH is kind of bogus. It would be like Tactics+Med giving defensive MagicResist, thus giving all no med weapon users 50% Magic resist.