Several old player/ noob questions

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Brentshiver, Mar 27, 2019.

  1. Brentshiver

    Brentshiver New Member

    Mar 26, 2019
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    Hey guys... Been running around killing some stuff with a complete noob character. Kind of digging the nostalgia so far lol. Im a litltle concerned with the lack of players I have seen, is there a busier time that people are on, or locations that are more popular? I mean Im seeing people, but its a little sparse... maybe what to expect from a private server.

    Also... the music.... any way to get the old, t2a or original music? Whatever is playing when you go into combat mode is NOT what was in the game back in the day. Its god awful. Any way to change that?

    Also I got waxed by a dragon northeast of Britian... is there random spawns or was that someones pet gone awry? I dont remember if gone wild dragons used to attack everything in sight.. but this thing was killing monsters animals wandering healers and me... it seemed pretty mad lol.

    And lastly, is a tank mage still a viable template here? I was gonna go swords/ halberd mage like I had years ago. Will that work? If so whats a good way to raise swords and wrestling do I need to macro it on another toon or just keep fighting orcs and skeletons until I am not so helpless?
  2. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jul 18, 2016
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    1st of all, welcome to the shard.

    the population is quite good. 600+ active players means in reality like a good 250 - 300 actually players, give or take. exact numbers arent available i think.

    the music, i dont recall a way to do this but perhaps some genie does know.

    the dragon is likely to be a "fluffy", usually close by an eastern bunny. these spawns are event spawns. like you say, no wild dragons just randomly pops unless it was abandoned by its previous owner.

    template: i leave that rly up to you tastes & what you think is fun.

    wish you good luck in your future explorations.
  3. Alvien

    Alvien Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2017
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    Last edited: Mar 27, 2019
    Steady Mobbin likes this.
  4. Steady Mobbin

    Steady Mobbin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2016
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    THANK YOU for posting that music thread.
  5. Andrakus

    Andrakus Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    Magery is top of the line here for pvp. It's pretty hard to do much without it. A tank mage is definitely viable but stunmage seems to be the preferred class for most PKs. You will absolutely need to include evaluating intelligence in any template with magery for damage.
  6. Brentshiver

    Brentshiver New Member

    Mar 26, 2019
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    I was thinking magery, eval, medi, resist, wrestle, tactics, swords. That was always the preferred template back in the day (could alternate swords/mace/fencing).

    I am also considering doing a stealth mage... dropping tactics and swords for hiding and stealth.

    How hard is magery to raise here? I remember it being a grueling process in real uo servers that would take thousands and thousands of gold. Similar here?
  7. Steady Mobbin

    Steady Mobbin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2016
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    Go to the main page of this forum and scroll way down to the “support” then “guides” section. You’ll be amazed at how many guides there are for not just Margery but just about anything and everything.
  8. Andrakus

    Andrakus Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    I think it's extremely easy to GM. The skill gain is moderate and by no means the slow grind of other games but it's also not the hyper speed of other servers. Expect to spend about 40-50k for the regs if you start at 50 magery. It will also cost more if you gm resist without attending a resist event. Some gracious vet players usually host a magic resist event every 3 - 4 months i'd say and you will GM resist fast and free. We just had one a few weeks ago. In regards to magery-- You just need the resources. It takes about 24 - 36 hours of nonstop casting on a loop. Easy to set up a macro and keep an eye on it. I usually cast invis on myself until skill ~70, then flamestrike my spellbook until about ~90 and then try to rez a ghost until 100.

    That template is decent as a tank mage. There are some but few peeps running around with swords and magery. You may want anatomy instead of wrestling for the extra damage on the swords. Like i said -- the stunmage is the choice of most pks but it's about whatever you enjoy the most.

    A stealth mage could be plenty of fun depending on how and what kinda role you play in the pvp world. You have to be careful though because your armor level does limit your stealthing ability. Not many want to walk around with little armor.

    You should definitely read about the templates in PVP University. It will help a lot.

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