Selling this house as is SB: 7mil No BO Bid Increments - 100k Plat @6k each, up to 300 max No HCoins No trades! Normal 48/24 hour rule
Primo spot, no neighbors, close to guard zone. IMHO one of the best keep spots in Britannia. Free bump just to say good luck on your sale and comment on how sweet this is.
7.3 i only did it cause it was sky, sorry dave also would like to point out his increment wasnt 100k it was 99,999
Yeah i owned this keep for 4 years. @Random and Xeg sold it to me for roughly ~1mil for all the smalls and the keep. I was told that I couldn't sell the keep since guildies helped me get it so it was "KoS property". I mention possibly wanted to sell it a ways back and was basically screamed at and guilt tripped. Since i had this amazing property that started to not get used, I gave it to @crazydaze AND HEY HERE HE IS A FEW MONTHS LATER FUCKING SELL IT. Bye uor.