Holy shit I made Liberation's signature... Well my name did. /winlife I can now pass away a happy man.
If we loose our dragons we will die. They separate us and pick us off. When we circle our dragons and stay together they cant do anything. At this point its simply the fact we cannot organize ourselves that we die.
i'm gonna play devil's advocate as well on this one. As a previous member of the Britannian Police Department, gating thieves' horses to an 'impound' served as an added consequence to be exacted upon the nefarious thieves of the land. Also it's extraordinarily easy to block a gate, just stand in it. if it takes you out of town, you get the gump saying the gate is dangerous and you say no. then your pets don't go in.
Considering most pet gating would take place outside of guards, especially in the case of pks killing a tamer, standing on a gate would only send you immediately through it without a warning gump regardless of where the gate led to, unless you teleport on top of the gate to block it. It would be easier to have a hotkey for dispel field and a target by type(gate) macro to immediately dispel any gate someone casts in an attempt to steal your pet. This is the method I use to immediately dispel tamers gates when they try to escape with their pets when I pk.
Your right Mande. I was thinking of preventing pet gating from within town, ie thieves trying to steal a horse vendors stock. Outside of the guard zone, it's a brutal world
I approve of pet gating. Valid tactic. Its not grief, its the same as looting. As a tamer, you have already tons of reward, and your pet is jus tlike the armor on your back IMO. You die you can lose it. Not to mention, you can always pay ransom or get a summoning ball, so its not really lost. And yes, non-actively-tamed pets should not be able to go through.
Just to play devil's advocate here: you are gaining something. Think back to what Dalavar mentioned earlier, with the increase in bonding slots and thus increase in high quality dragons in the playing field. Looting a million gold dragon to let it unbond, go wild, and attempt to retame is not insubstantial, and I personally kinda see it as a 'spoils of war' type situation. This is not saying I advocate grief -- this is just me giving an example where theres something to be gained on the other side of the table. It does exist, and considering the budding tames market here, I can't discount it either.
I tried to avoid the drama but I just went through this thread and figured it's the best place to post my 2 cents on the Rikktor debacle. You killed my fisher too, loaded with loot, inside the confines of my fort. Which is in fact still in a safe mode from before Telamon restricted house killing a bit. Nevertheless, an exploit was used to kill some afkers in their homes. It's pretty shitty. I don't care about getting PK'd, dieing in factions outnumbered, or otherwise dieing to enemies in game. However, stooping to abusing a known bug before it gets hotfixed is really low. You speak about "honor amongst thieves" in regards to pvpers not respecting pvp tamers. You think pvpers respect this method of pking? You kill me afk in a dungeon is one thing, hell, I'll even give you the pre-nerf purple pot through wall kill.. But this was a blatant abuse of a bug, an exploit. People need to realize this was an exploit, not a genius tactic, not an acceptable form of PKing, not your standard afk house killing, this was an exploit. This hovers around the same level as speedhacking.. at least in my book. I am the first person to bitch if any form of griefing is fixed, unless it's griefing through the use of an exploit. I bitched every time snapdragon got shut down and bitched when pork fried got shut down.. This is night and day. I applaud Blaise for distancing himself from these shenanigans.
I hear you Gid, and I agree with you to an extent. I'm headstrong with griefing being an intricate part of this sandbox game. Although I very very very rarely take part in any type of grief I don't want to see it eradicated. I do understand that minimizing it is essential in keeping a still growing server thriving. I appreciate the balance thus far but I do get a little crazed when I see certain things that were always part of this game immediately shut down (like town gate fishing). With that said... I would never bitch, outside of just being sad, if someone house looted me using conventional methods like stealthing in or hoping my gate. However, I would bitch up a storm if someone found a way, using an exploit, to get into my house and loot me. These two forms of "grief" are different. One being acceptable and done daily, with another being an exploit, a cheat, unacceptable. This was just the point I was trying to make.
Risk vs Reward. UO has always been about that. As it sits, the way this server is set up, tamers have HUGE reward. Not having pet gating skews it even farther. Putting it in just skews it a little bit more to the risk side. I understand the concept of griefing. I do. I also understand the concept of player justice, knowing how to counter grief tactics, and risking my ass for reward. Seems some people don't see it like that. In fact, perusing over these forums, it seems like many of the people want UO:R era pub15 style pvp, with a bunch of things that they introduced later to pander to trammel players. Things like removing pet gating and anything else that might hurt somebodys feelings. Don't get pet gated, its easy. If you do, get even. It will breed interaction, and really, it wont even happen all that often. I guess I am just the type who would rather have that risk when I go out on my tamer, as it makes the game more meaningful. That's the real secret to having a thriving UO shard and community.
Having meaningful mechanics in place which force the player to do more than banksit or recall away safely is bad? (for example, negotiating the release of your pet, doing the things needed to summon it, and so forth) That is not why myriads of other servers have failed. And almost NO server allows pet gating, simply because its not enabled by RUO default, and there is not a lot of support for it in general, since most players prefer the easy way out, and things that make the game tougher are met with acrimony, consciously or not. That being the case, its era accurate, and serves as a little more risk to arguably the most rewarding way to play UO, pvm speaking.