Each day more Pirates be joinin' our fleet! Soon we be invading your cities, riches not be safe for we be claimin' all your booty! ARR! We be needin' more ships for all of the pirates that be enlistin' every day! I have sent a fleet, hold's full of treasure on a mission to seek out a shipwright who be lookin' to get rich! They have set sail, beware scallywags! ARR!
Arr! Callin' all pirates! We be findin' a shipwright upon the high seas who be sellin' ships! Fast ships! There be a storm ragin' that be stirring sea montsters from the deepest depths. This be a call to arms for all pirates, I be sendin payment to the shipwright at this location. Protect my fleet and I shall be rewardin' ya in coin! ARR!
We be findin' the shipwright and we be bringin' him his payment! These vile creatures of the sea keep comin! We be needin' help to keep these monsters at bay while we wait for the fleet of ships to arrive! Arr! Dare I ask him, how much for his wench?
Yarrr, what be this, a band of Orc's lost at sea. These pirates be recruiting these scurvy dogs to make the seas dangerous. They all bowed before me,but alas, their boat was not unlocked. Treasures were not bestowed upon the victor.
Arr! The Orcs be greedy monsters and not be sharin’ their booty. I crossed paths with this crew and almost met me end! Still, I be sad to see another pirate crew perish. RIP pirate brothers!
@JohnM I think you killed Keza's fishing boat crew. That will significantly slow his tourney progress. LOL
I think you are right. I crossed paths's with you shortly after that. I contemplated taking out the "Beard" crew as they were fishing at the front of the boat and ripe for the looting. Maybe next time.
Arr! me Pirate brothers be reportin' a congregation of scallywags outside their encampment. I be settin' sail with me crew! We be arrivin' to a bloodbath! Land lubbin' scallywags be murderin' each other... So we joined in! ARR!
Arr! Great fun today. Thanks to all the murderous land lubbers, the area now be clear for pirates to set up camp!
Arr! While on me patrol my crew spotted the pirate tamer ship on the horizon. We be hearin' their dragons wail. As we be arrivin' the culprits be on the run so we pursued the criminals! One of two ships I be seein' got away, but the other fool not be so lucky. To Davey Jones with this one! We be makin' our rounds and see that Mrs. S be lurkin, awaitin' our departure. So we be chasin' her off again each time! In the distance we be hearin' trouble on the tamer ship again! We be at battle stations when we arrived to a half dead crew, tending to one another. Their dragons be slain and the survivors be preparin' to abandon ship. A volley of arrows was not enough to stop their attacker, and another battle raged! We be throwin' everything we got at these scallywags when one of them be droppin' a cocktail on themselves! We watched as the two perished with their ship... To the depths by your own hand you fools! We be takin' back the booty that be stolen from our brothers. These treasures Arr! to be returned to the pirate tamers to provide for those families who lost theirs upon the high seas tonight. Arr you scallywags, BEWARE for the pirates be growin' stronger everyday!
Arr! I stopped by the old encampment where I be raised, in search of me ole friend @HoneyBooBoo . I hoped she be makin' a fine plate of Sketti but alas, she was out tricking orcs. I be crossin' paths with another individual instead... I be thinkin' perhaps a prank be in order! @Zyler My apologies if the pirate hunters be makin' a mess of your docks with this poser. Arr!