Fender Fellhammers Memorial March - In Cherished Memory of a fallen hero

Discussion in 'Player Run Events' started by Jupiter, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Fellows and Maidens of our thriving Shard.

    It is with heavy heart that I convey the news of the passing of Fender Fellhammer. This story serves not only as a tribute to a great man who stands forever as an inspiration to all adventurers, but also as a request to help us commemorate him one last time.

    I ask that any who wish to join us, on our memorial pilgrimage, to post at the bottom of this post. The Date and Time of the pilgrimage will be conveyed privately. If you would like to be involved in the procession, please contact Jupiter, Blaise, or Mobolin on the forums.

    Those who wished to join will be asked to contribute a small donation of platinum. There will be a donation Pedestal set up at Paws where we invite any who wish to contribute to a memorial statue of Fender to leave their coins. However much you are able and willing to spare, which will be added to the fund for a statue to forever commemorate Fender Fellhammer at the Ossuary of Paws.

    Fender's Eulogy Story

    Gray Clouds passed over the peaks of the Dragonhame mountains. When the horizon delivered dark clouds from the caverns of the dragon lair, almost always came along with ill news.

    Jupiter knew he would have to investigate what had stirred the dragons of Destard. Muttering, Jupiter thought aloud, “The clouds will be upon us in a few days’ time. I only hope Fender Fellhammer and Bili the Ax will return before then. Their twin blades will be sorely needed.”

    And then as if on cue, the winds stirred and bent the trees of Spiritwood low. Another ill omen was carried over the airstream. Across the village proper Jupiter easily made out the form of Sir Orrin, but his shoulders were low almost like the trees; he was clearly burdened with a weight beyond any his mighty shoulders had borne. Even so great, Jupiter could see that Sir Orrin wouldn’t make two or three more steps and he was headed right for deep pool of water that surrounded the shrine. “Rel Por” Jupiter spoke quickly, and appeared at the side of Sir Orrin just before he collapsed. Supporting his friend, Jupiter carried him to the Tower and managed to get him up the flight of stairs to the dormitory.

    With a quick observation Jupiter could tell he bore no scars or evidence of battle, “What has you in such a state my good knight? What enemy could bring you so low to consider a permanent drink in the fountain of the shrine?”

    “Oh Jupiter,” Orrin didn’t even try to conceal his sorrow, “The man who sired my ax training, my sword play, my appetite for good ale. Oh of all greatest of all calamities! O vixen of most bitter sorrows! Of all the great foes he has faced, he could not beat this one. The ailment that comes with age has taken him!” The wail that followed Orrin’s exclamation of woe could scarce be rivaled by the gale that followed again over the trees.

    “We shall mourn with you good friend - you are not alone. Know this, that Fender resisted evil to his last day and now walks upon silver shores where he awaits us to join him to hear the beckon of the great creator. I’m certain he has prepared a seat for you and now eagerly awaits us to finish our tenure. I assure you what will seem like ages to us, will be but a blink of an eye.” Jupiter tried to console his brave friend, but felt his words squelched by the torrents of sadness which now raged in Orrin’s heart.

    Hoping to draw Orrin from his depression Jupiter pressed his mind to other matters, “Did Fender share with you any last wishes, and last hopes for us to carry about before we lay his bones to rest in the Ossuary of Paws?”

    Orrin nodded, and withdrew a bundle of candles tied, “He bade me my father, Bili The Ax, deliver these to Paws with hopes that you could muster enough adventurers to light all the shrines.”

    Taking the candles Jupiter asked, “And where is The Ax now?”

    “He remained by his brother’s side,” Sir Orrin strained to speak through his sobs, “he could not depart.”

    Handling the candles with great care Jupiter patted Orrin on the back. “You’ve done well good knight. I doubt you realize it, but you’ve endured far more than the weight of sorrow on your journey.”

    A puzzled look grew upon Orrin’s face, but Jupiter quickly followed up his comment with “Shhh, sleep now.” And Orrin collapsed completely into the bunk still dressed.

    Jupiter knew what would follow would not be easy. A mere trip to light candles at the shrines seemed easy enough, but with current omens on the horizon, he was sure this would not be an ordinary pilgrimage.


    If you wish to be part of the commemoration pilgrimage, please sign your name below and I will reach out to you with time and meeting place for the event.

    I, ______ , will share part in the march of mourning and swear to carry out the final request of Fender Fellhammer.
  2. Athena

    Athena Active Member

    Aug 24, 2013
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    Sir Orrin has been nothing but kind to me, and Fender was a wonderful joy to have in Paws.

    I, Athena, will share part in the march of mourning and swear to carry out the final request of Fender Fellhammer.
  3. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    The donation collection has been set up at Paws. If you are able, please take a moment to visit and leave a contribution.

    Sir Orrin has given much to the village, including our village's sapphire pond. Sure, he often forgets his pants, his manners, his good sense. Heck he even forgets to turn out the lights! But he never forgets to help out his family, and that is something we hope to show him we will never forget.

    I, Jupiter, will share part in the march of mourning and swear to carry out the final request of Fender Fellhammer.
  4. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I, Mes, will share part in the march of mourning and swear to carry out the final request of Fender Fellhammer.
  5. Xegugg

    Xegugg Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    I, Xegugg, will share part in the march of mourning and swear to carry out the final request of Fender Fellhammer.
  6. Markos

    Markos Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    I, Markos, will share part in the march of mourning and swear to carry out the final request of Fender Fellhammer.
  7. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    If you would like to take part in this, and you haven't been contacted yet, please notify Jupiter as soon as possible.

    The time and date is set, please contact me as soon as possible if you would like to know where and when to meet. We would love to have as many folks as are respectable and who knew or cared for Fender Fellhammer. If you wish to commemorate this fallen hero please notify Jupiter.
  8. corruption

    corruption Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 1, 2013
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    Thank you for all whom were able to make it to the ceremony, and condolences to Bili and Mobolin for their loss. I do hope that our small symbolic gesture carried with it the much larger weight that was intended -- that we are here for both of you in your time of need, in what ways may be possible. I'm very glad to have gotten to take part in this experience, and would like to provide a journaling of the final stage of the ceremony; the cremation at the Fire Temple.

    I am not a skilled RP writer as Jupiter, and as such, this is taken directly from my journal entries. I have, however, added in emotes to fill in the picture that is missing without screenshots.


    **** The funeral procession approaches the Fire Temple, clearing a path to the central altar ****

    Jupiter: alright
    Jupiter: lets put the casket up
    Jupiter: please take aspot

    **** The mourners assemble, leaving a clearing to the altar for the pallbearers ****

    Jupiter: Hearse stay

    **** The pallbearers remove the casket, and place it on the altar. Jupiter approaches the casket. Bili and Sir Orrin stand on either side of him ****

    Jupiter: May you rest well good friend,
    Jupiter: brother
    Jupiter: and uncle

    **** Jupiter bows respectfully, then conjures up the ethereal flames ****

    Jupiter: In Flam Grav [Fire Field]
    Jupiter: In Flam Grav [Fire Field]
    Jupiter: In Flam Grav [Fire Field]

    **** The mourners silently witness the final rites, until the final flame has extinguished ****

    Jupiter: Ces Fin

    Bili The Axe: Good bye brother mine

    **** Jupiter turns back to the crowd of mourners ****

    Jupiter: SIr Orrin and Bili if you'd like to share a few words please do so
    Jupiter: then please keep the ancient chest
    Jupiter: as a gift from all of us
    Jupiter: to you

    **** Jupiter bows, and looks conflicted ****

    Jupiter: I am terrible sorry but Jupiter the Stupider must depart
    Jupiter: to the real world
    Jupiter: I invite you all to stay and enter Hythloth after as a group
    Jupiter: if you wish

    Finn: Farewell

    Sir Orrin: Farwell Jupiter.

    Liberation: thank you, jupiter

    Sir Orrin: Thank you for all you have done.

    Athena: Farewell Jupiter

    Jupiter: Thank you all for coming

    Artemis: thank you for a memorable memorial

    Sir Orrin: It is truly, and deeply appreciated

    Jupiter: i'll put this to the internet as soon as i can
    Jupiter: *tips battered hat*

    **** The wizard departs with a poof ****

    Bili The Axe: i would loike all of you know joy he had in this world with all of you
    Bili The Axe: he had many hours of enjoyment here

    Sir Orrin: *smiles*

    Bili The Axe: Thank you all so very much

    **** Bili steps to the southwest of the altar, and reflects on the scene ****

    Sir Orrin: It's a strange thing...something like a game...
    Sir Orrin: Something so very simple...
    Sir Orrin: Fender, Gray Cload...also known as Kevin...was diagnosed with Stage 4
    Sir Orrin: Pancreatic cancer a year and a half ago.
    Sir Orrin: He found comfort in this little world we all enjoy.
    Sir Orrin: There were many nights I would speak with him, while he was going through
    Sir Orrin: Chemo, and other pains.
    Sir Orrin: And while many would have just laid down and called it a day...
    Sir Orrin: He felt the need to log on and perform our normal tasks..
    Sir Orrin: *chuckles*
    Sir Orrin: Collect bods, hunt monsters, do champ spawns.
    Sir Orrin: What a truly wonderful escape from his reality.
    Sir Orrin: What a truly amazing way for a family to stay in touch.
    Sir Orrin: He really, really did love this game, and it's community.
    Sir Orrin: Pixels they may be...but still emotions, and memories they create.

    Bili The Axe: yes he did

    Sir Orrin: He cherished them, I cherished them..we all do to some degre.

    Artemis: Aye

    Sir Orrin: degree*
    Sir Orrin: Ahem.
    Sir Orrin: I can't really express how much I already miss him.
    Sir Orrin: It's just...sad. I'm sure all of us have experienced loss of some degree.

    **** Markos approaches from the south, and quietly makes his way to the altar ****

    Sir Orrin: Such is life.
    Sir Orrin: I will never forget the real life memories, nor those of our litle realm here.

    Bili The Axe: or to his words what a life

    Sir Orrin: He really did lead a special one :)
    Sir Orrin: I could literally go on for hours...but I will simply end it with this.
    Sir Orrin: Thank you all so much for spending your time here with us.
    Sir Orrin: It will never be forgotten.
    Sir Orrin: And whatever your religious beliefs...I'm sure he's somewhere...watching this
    Sir Orrin: even now...and undoubtedly checking his welfare plat as we type :)

    Liberation: haha

    Sir Orrin: Thank you all again...so very much.
    Sir Orrin: I miss and love you Uncle Kevin..Until next time.

    Bili The Axe: Thank you all

    Liberation: *sigh*

    **** Pause a moment for grievance, and Finn approaches ****

    Finn: Bili and Sir Orrin. may the grief of your loss soon drown in the
    Finn: joy and comfort of your memories.

    **** Finn returns to the crowd, Artemis approaches ****

    Artemis: I did not know Grey very well, though we were cordial

    **** Steps before Bili ****

    Artemis: and unfortunately, I do not know you well either, Bili
    Artemis: but my condolences for your loss
    Artemis: clearly you hurt and I'm glad we could help with our meager abilities

    **** Steps back to middle ****

    Artemis: I do, howeve, know mobolin quite well
    Artemis: and I know how much this day means to him
    Artemis: as well as how much the loss has hit him

    **** Faces Sir Orrin ****

    Artemis: I'm here for you my friend
    Artemis: you know this

    **** Faces Bili ****

    Artemis: you as well, Bili, though we aren't as close

    Bili The Axe: thank you

    **** Turns to casket ****

    Artemis: Fender, rest in peace, I hope the comfort suits.

    **** Bows, places candle, steps back to crowd. Liberation approaches, facing crowd ****

    Liberation: i am not an eloquent speaker
    Liberation: so i will just say that grey was easily the nicest person
    Liberation: that i have met in a video game
    Liberation: and that mobo
    Liberation: i am your friend an am here for you
    Liberation: in any capacity that i can be
    Liberation: condolences

    **** Liberation returns to the crowd, long silence of nearly 2 minutes. Artemis again approaches the altar ****

    Artemis: In jupiters absence, I'll take the lead here

    Sir Orrin: *smiles*

    Artemis: if anyone else has any words they'd like to share
    Artemis: please speak up

    Markos: I would like to just re emphasize that Fender was a great, friendly person
    Markos: he will be greatly missed by us all

    **** Athena steps to the edge of the crowd ****

    Athena: Fender was beloved in the village and I always enjoyed the outings
    Athena: That I was able to spend with him.
    Athena: I want you both to know if you need anything the village
    Athena: Is always here for you.

    Artemis: anyone else?
    Artemis: last call

    **** 10-15 second pause ****

    Sir Orrin: Our thanks again...to all of you :)

    Artemis: On that note, we will pay our final farewells to a friend
    Artemis: a brother
    Artemis: an uncle
    Artemis: a well respected member of our community whom won't be forgotten
    Artemis: thank you all for taking the time totake this journey with us

    Finn: Bili and Sir Orrin,
    Finn: if you have not already done so,
    Finn: please remember to collect the guest book from the adventure time guild hall.

    Sir Orrin: *nods*

    Artemis: I would also like to make one last note
    Artemis: we have a collection for a statue of fender underway at the paws tower

    Finn: There is a second collection in A^T as well.

    Artemis: we are currently near the needed goal
    Artemis: we still lack 142 platinum
    Artemis: but once that is achieved, we will be able to have one last memorial
    Artemis: an a permanent mark on the servers history
    Artemis: please donate if you can, and if you wish, please do continue on to a
    Artemis: hythloth dungeon crawl
    Artemis: I unfortunately will not be able to attend.

    Sir Orrin: I would just like to reiterate once more, our thanks to all of you!

    **** Artemis bows to Bili, then Sir Orrin ****

    Artemis: once again, my condolances for your loss

    Sir Orrin: Fender was a quiet man, but we have all been here since Beta, and have enjoyed
    Sir Orrin: every moment, both old and new :)
    Sir Orrin: *cheers*

    **** Athena casts a gate to Paws stable, and the adventurers go their separate ways solemnly, and heavy of heart ****
    Vlar, Jupiter and Basoosh like this.
  9. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Corruption, thank you.

    Thank you to Finn for setting up the spectacular welcoming and warming setting at A^T.

    There were many things about this that went perfectly, and all because people did things that I hadn't even asked them to do or which they had not agreed to do in advance. Finn had not been asked to make a spectacular display of food and a guest log that was set up before the guests arrived.

    Liberation, Zyler (afk, Johari... I mean aka), and Finn for being Pallbearers.

    And thanks to Liberation for bringing to special Golden Dragons to watch over the cremation.

    Thanks to Artemis for helping provide gates for the horses when we hit a few rivers that couldn't be forded.

    Thanks to everyone who came and lit candles.

    The only thing I can add in closing is a few pictures of the proceedings which will be up in a few moments after I perform my mediocre at best editing skilzz to them.
    corruption likes this.
  10. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Oh yah! And thanks to Liberation for not casting Night Sight on me!

    I would have outright raged quitted
    Mes, Xegugg and corruption like this.
  11. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    And now, the top documentation E-PICS, in no particular order:

    Wodan, Mes, Xegugg and 1 other person like this.
  12. corruption

    corruption Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 1, 2013
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    I think that was Athena... I was one of the 'abandon ship via teleport' ones. :)
    Jupiter likes this.
  13. Athena

    Athena Active Member

    Aug 24, 2013
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    Actually I think it was Zola haha I might have done it once though but I think it was a group effort! I'm suprised we trusted Jupiter with the horses :p
    corruption, Mes and Jupiter like this.
  14. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I had to be out of town for this and I wish I had been there. Thank you guys for taking pictures and the journal. I ran into Gray Cload a few times in game but really only know Mobolin well. I was able to participate in the summoner's sprints once or twice with Bili the Axe though. I have somewhat of an understanding of how this server and UOSA and the Paws communities brought Fender, Sir Orrin, and Bili together in fellowship. I'm very sorry for the family's loss. Special thanks to Jupiter and Corruption and Chris for making this memorial adventure possible, and for all of my friends that rallied to attend and support the event and the family.
    Jupiter likes this.
  15. corruption

    corruption Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 1, 2013
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    Mobolin and I had a chuckle about this after the service: when I was reviewing and cleaning up my journal to make the above post, it had all of the journal entries, including new names coming on the screen.

    Artemis: On that note, we will pay our final farewells to a friend
    Artemis: a brother
    Artemis: an uncle
    You see: a dragon

    I had to re-read it 3 times while glancing through the log, trying to figure out how I missed some jackass calling Fender 'a dragon' :)
    Var likes this.
  16. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Thank you all so much for the journal and tale of this pilgrimage and memorial service. Of all the time I've missed out of game in the past couple of months, this is the most important. I was 1/4 of the way into a road trip with just my son and I when word came from the ether of this occasion's timing.

    All I can say is that I am grieved by the loss of a friend and deeply moved by the compassion and friendships in this little world here. I wrote a eulogy of sorts, in the book locked down at the guild hall, on top of the memorial statue fund I started there. I realized after writing it that it can't be read when locked down (forgot about that bug or whatev).

    Gray Cload Memorial by The King of OoO

    "This pile of platinum is the fund for a memorial statue of our honored guildmate, Gray Cload. If you knew him, you knew he was a man of few words but also a man who would not think twice about giving you the shirt off of his back, if needed. This is the true spirit of Adventure Time. I feel the pains of loss more than I could imagine possible for someone I've never formally met in the flesh. Regardless, he was one of us, a good man who made this place his home with us, until the very end.
    Rest in peace, brother."


    Further, if the 173p I started the fund with at A^T, can make the erection of the statue in Paws any more expedient, that is fine by me. Les can access it, if he's around, in my stead.
    I will be offline for several days mostly though.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2014
    Mes and Jupiter like this.
  17. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    I am terribly sorry Blaise. It was hard to find the 'right' time for this, and based on the rise of nefarious deeds at large I decided not to make this a largely public event so I couldn't really announce a time as I would have liked to.

    BUT! I did hold it in the land of OoO to pay homage to Fender's first home. Also, you should give Finn/Bogugh a raise. If you're paying him in cookies, you should upgrade him to extra chunky choco'chips!! He had the A^T guild hall all spiffed out for the occasion, without even having been asked to do so.

    We have reached our quota for plat towards the Paws statue of Fender.
  18. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Quite all right. We all know how tricky these things can be and you arranged a glorious showing of honor. Finn is indeed exemplary in his actions and will absolutely get extra chunky choco'chips. Maybe even better than week-old at that! The images of the gathering indeed wet my eyes.
    Jupiter likes this.
  19. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Finally at long last

    Fender now stands guard ever after and acts as keeper of the keys to the Paws tower. SUFLARE VITALE!!!

    Vlar, Basoosh, Markos and 3 others like this.

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