New Player "Startup Bag" Give Away

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Phoenix, Apr 8, 2020.

  1. Phoenix

    Phoenix Active Member

    May 16, 2019
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    Reposted from trade

    Hi all,

    Have been seeing a few new players popping up in the Discord and wanted to put something together for any players who are new or returning from hiatus.

    Who this IS for: This is most intended for players that don't have themselves established on the server yet and are looking to take their first steps out of Ocllo, maybe coming out of the young program, or maybe you haven't played UO in 20 years and want to see some of the things you remember from way back when. Ocllo Island is a great spot on this server and it is totally reasonable to use the awesome new player dungeon to get yourself setup but if you are looking to explore the world hopefully this will provide some assistance.
    I have always enjoyed the middle phase where you are scraping together gold and each trip to the bank you can see that house deed in sight. If you are in this camp read on.

    Who this is not for: If you have already gotten yourself established and have two or three characters with 5-6x GM you are probably well beyond anything here. If you are someone that would rather get a free house and 100k check....sorry not what I am going for here.

    "What's in the BOX" (bag)?!

    2 sets of armor - Barbed leather suit (I will be honest I had ton sitting around and didn't feel like cutting up regular leather) & Chain/Ring Dexxer suits (included a bit of plate optionally)
    5 GM Exception weapons - Katana, Short Spear, Double Axe, Warhammer, and Spear
    5 GM Exceptional Instruments - 5 Tambourines (Tamborine best instrument...change my mind)
    250 Bandaids (why is one not dyed? Don't worry about it)
    1 Runebook - filled with "medium" range hunting spots as well as well as some essential spots for restocking:
    *Note Runebooks are NOT blessed here so it is highly recommended not to carry it around, no refunds or guarantees are offered.


    Spots and why I chose them:

    I tried to come up with places that I always loved to hunt growing up on OSI and spots I have found success with here doing some more relaxed hunting. A couple spots are on towards a "higher" end of farming so are great to work up towards. Not the order in the book but in my personal opinion on easiest to hardest (based on spawn and player activity)

    Despise - Lizardmen - Level 1 of Despise is about the easiest you can get as far as combat goes but can provide a surprising income. The Lizardmen are easy foes but their hides can have value; selling these hides can be a nice source of income as you save up for your first home (or upgrade). Deeper in the spawn can be heavier but any reasonably trained warrior should be able to make a nice living here.

    Shame -Earth Elementals - Great place to skill up with non-casting monsters that give a bit of gold/gems. Scorpions for taming or training first aid from poison curing. Spawn can get rough deeper in and being surrounded by Earth Elementals while poisoned is a recipe for a visit to the healer.

    Covetous - Stone Harpies - Another solid farming spot for gold and feathers, great mobs if you are still working a few of those combat skills. The harpy boss can spawn here which is a tougher mob but can give you some nice rewards if you are getting started (any tamers will want the peculiar meat for bonding).

    Cove - Orc Fort - High up on my nostolgia farm list from OSI, the spawn can be pretty heavy and the bombers are happy to ruin your day with projectile spam but should be manageable with some care. Farm some Orc masks!

    Rat Valley - Rat Valley is a great place to farm arrows and gold the rats die easy but can surprise you with numbers and arrows. Take care to move slowly as you proceed South. Make it far enough in and you will find the entrance to another Orc Fort.

    Deceit - Mummies - This level of Deceit I always liked for some more laid back farming, any template should be able to handle the mummies and their loot will get you on your way. Most warriors, bard, and mages

    Despise - Cyclops - When I started on the server this was my go to location, decent gold, Titans casters so can be a bit tougher but player activity is usually pretty calm. This rune takes you towards the back so be ready to fight when you recall in. Terrific spot for those of you with a proclivity for the bardic arts.

    Yew Lich Ruins - Another nostalgic location for me from playing with my friends as a kid running up from Britain or Yew to try and handle a couple liches. Popular farming spot so you might need to do some scouting before you spend much time here, preferably after you get your hands on some Silver weapons.

    Hedge Maze - I wasn't sure about including this but this location is so iconic I couldn't resist. Puts you right outside the middle, good place to test yourself against some Daemons in an open space with limited spawn. Dread spiders are also found here but wouldn't recommend those until you are very confident in your skills

    Fire - Efreets - This is going to be a tougher farm until so make sure you feel confident before going in here. Efreets provide solid gold and the chance at a miniboss spawn. Player activity can be higher here, wouldn't recommend this for starting farming but work your way up.

    Covetous - Liches - Nearing the toughest spots in this book, the liches spawn quickly though the doors can provide some measure of escape. Besides the Liches nefarious players will occasionally roll through here after visiting the Dragon nest in the floor below. Speaking on which, when you are ready moving East past the lich you can find the stairs down to said layer. Or if you prefer the corridor North will lead to stairs that take you to the home of the Rotting Corpses who's poison makes them a challenge for even seasoned warriors.

    Wrong - Executions - A great place to make some gold but the evil warriors can dish out some pain so that puts them higher on the list couple that with the player activity and you have a spot that can provide steady income but comes with some significant risks.

    Non Hunting Runes:
    Rune Library: LesClaypools tower, once you are ready to move to bigger prey you can visit any of the awesome rune libraries across the land but with limited room I chose this one. Has every spot you could need, crazy decor, and right outside of Moonglow.

    Wide eyed adventures need a place to store their gains! So I included runes to some of the best banks:

    Moonglow Bank - Always a popular location for players with a moongate nearby and all the amenities, puts your right near the event gate.
    Yew Bank - Steps away from a huge assortment of player vendors and more as you move East towards the moongate
    Ocllo Bank - Puts you right outside near the player shops of venerable ReZon's Bank n Buy as well as the S^T vendor house, steps away from the bank.


    "Geez Phoenix did it take you longer to put these bags together or type this...get on with it"

    How to claim: If you are interested in a bag just leave a message here, give a brief intro if you are new/returning so people can get to know you. That's it, I wanted to get these done before the weekend but ran a little behind. I will be around and will make arrangements to meet up as soon as we can. The bags have 25 items in them and weight 124 stones so make sure you have room. You can also find me on Discord under this name but make sure to drop an intro in here.

    I don't know if there will be interest in this and only made 10 but would be open to making more if there are more players out there. If you pick one up and find its missing something let me know, I did this over the course of a couple days and likely lost track and missed something.

    Hopefully some brave adventurer's find this useful, it was a fun experience going back out and exploring some old haunts. I love playing here and hopefully you will too!
    Holden, RavenMagi, Hydrox and 8 others like this.
  2. Jemima

    Jemima New Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I would LOVE a bag!!

    I played many years ago (about 20 actually), started on OSI (played Oceania, even though I am in the UK, as much less lag) then went to a free shard, and eventually started my own shard - which closed when I got divorced as ex-hubby set it up and held all the passwords etc.

    Anyway - I am starting again, and feel like a complete noob! I even had to look up what AFK meant, and I KNEW that!
  3. Phoenix

    Phoenix Active Member

    May 16, 2019
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    Hey @Jemima welcome! Sorry about your private shard that's a bummer! You can message me on here or if you are on the discord ping me under this same name and I can meet up with you to get you squared away with a bag.
    Jemima likes this.
  4. Jemima

    Jemima New Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Someone else mentioned getting on Discord - would love to, but not sure how to go about it!
  5. Phoenix

    Phoenix Active Member

    May 16, 2019
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    Download the Discord app and get your account all setup then once you are setup use this link to join the Renaissance Discord server
    Jemima likes this.
  6. Jemima

    Jemima New Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Downloaded and connected...
  7. Bandam

    Bandam New Member

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Just got here to play a bit. I would like to have one of these bags and ask you some questions if possible. Thank you ^^
  8. Phoenix

    Phoenix Active Member

    May 16, 2019
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    Hi @Bandam and welcome. Best way to get in touch and setup a meeting to get you the bag would be through Discord. Make sure to hop on the UOR discord server and ping me under the same name (Phoenix).
    Bandam likes this.

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