Hue 1159 Hat S/B: 2 mill SOLD - 2 Robe S/B 4 mill SOLD - 4.5 The highest offer after 24 hours from the creation of this post will win the item.
So you have a starting bid, essentially, of 4 million. But you want a higher starting bid of 4.5 million? can you clarify please?
Sorry, or is that 4 million offer not an offer? If nobody bids 4.5+, does the person who bid 4 million get it?
He's freshly returned so may need a little time to get back into the flow of things, valid questions though. Seems like a "I'll give you 4mil for it if the item does not sell"
Someone had offered me 4 mill. I decided to put it up for sale instead to try and maximize the gold I could get for it. The individual who had offered 4 mill just messaged me on the forums and backed out. I'll edit my original post and start the bidding at 4 mill. Sorry for any confusion.
Last time i bid on an auction like this, me and another person just both bid at the last minute to win it. I have no incentive to bid now, but just to wait till the last second to bid. If you want to make more money, you should put a 24 hour timer on it, starting after the last bid. More people will bid like this, and you will make more money.
Yea. I’d read the guide on forum etiquette cause this doesn’t really cut it, nor does it seem Above board. You have a 4 mill SB so you go for 4.5, when your 4 million dollar man backs out, you drop it to 4 Million. I dunno man, read the guide. Anyways, free bump and GL With the sale.
I had a 4 mill offer prior to making a post. I turned it down and started a sale thread at 4.5. After that person backed out later I found it only fair to lower my beginning asking price to match the original offer I had received. That meets my etiquette rules and I'm okay with that.
Definitely a good way to go. Thanks for the advice. I've been out of UO for a long time as well as any auctioning so I appreciate good constructive feedback. Cheers. I'll be sure to go that route in the future.