
Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Qaddafi, Aug 9, 2014.

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  1. Miller-

    Miller- Active Member
    UO:R Donor

    Aug 9, 2013
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    The only one butthurt here is you. Everytime someone questions something Telamon does on this server you run in and start babbling, name calling, and all sorts of other counter productive shit. If Telamon making it so you can drop BODs into BOD books in the bank so he could help protect other players is "taking care of me", you are a fucking idiot that just happens to have good grammar. I never got those BOD books back, the only thing I asked of Telamon was to confirm they were stolen and not some funky bug. It sucked they were stolen but I took my lumps on that and moved on.

    We all get it, you have a soft spot in your heart for all the time, effort and money he puts into the server. Most of us do as well. All hostility aside, you and I (and others based on the last long thread) seemingly just don't agree on the importance of people playing by the rules instead of being afraid of rules and trying to dictate play styles so there doesn't need to be rules and enforcement of rules.

    Time will tell if Telamons approach of being afraid of rules will be sustainable or if he can continue to bandaid half ass chenges to mechanics to prevent people from doing things that will harm the shard.
  2. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    This seems pretty clear and well-written. It means that everything from Blaise's using his son's account to heal people, to whichever guy using whichever other guy's account to loot people, make you subject to potential penalty from the guy who built this shard. If you're playing here, you've got to trust he'll make the best decision he can. I don't always agree personally with these decisions, but that doesn't make them wrong. Likewise in this situation... just because you disagree with the decision (if one has even been reached) does not make an indictment on the trustworthiness of the shard owner. Perfectly moral, reasonable people can come to different conclusions given the same information, and each be totally justified.
  3. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    Noname is correct:

    1) This shard is full of assholes, scam artists, douchebags and all around limp dick pixel nerds.

    2) Trust people here at your own risk

    3) If you co-own people or give out your account information to another person it is 99.99999999999999% likely you're going to get burned.

    I feel for those that got scorched, it really really sucks donkey dick but this kind of shit has been going on in UO since I can remember (1999-Present). I've seen some really low down tactics and some cases have even went to court because real world money was involved, it got ugly to say the least.

    For those that want to vent and make their exit, thank you for playing UOR and maybe you'll be back or maybe you'll find another place to get your UO fix, then again maybe you'll move on to some other online game entirely.

    I have my issues with UOR and I like to bring them up whenever the opportunity arises, but overall it's been a pretty good server, I've played on many and every one of them has their issues.

    I hate to see folks rage quit but I understand. Hopefully you'll walk away, cool down, get some perspective in regards to just what you lost as compared to what can be regained here and come back. If you never return, best of luck to all of you.
    Basoosh likes this.

    NONAMEALLSTAR Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    You forgot to mention to them that they should give me their bod collection. So when they return I'll be able to host a "newbies come gets free shit event"

    Damnit, I cannot like my own post, this isn't facebook!
  5. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    You're superlatives are doing you a disservice. It's not 'everytime' or even "every time" that someone questions something. It even has nothing at all to do with my relationship with anyone here, ever. It has to do with calling shit like I see it. If this is how I see it, this is my opinion. Telamon doesn't encourage me to say the shit I say and more often than not tells me to cut it out because people get too mad at my words. Telamon was very concerned about how that problem impacted you and made a patch for it. I even tried to help convince you that it wasn't that big of a deal and it seemed to work. However, your disagreements with other patches and now this have left you bitter for your own reasons. By no means should you have gotten those books back, unless Lightshade or whoever he knew that took them, wanted to give them back. Just like by no means should anyone get that loot back from the keep.

    I absolutely agree that people should play by the rules and from what I see (me calling it like I see it), someone got nasty with a shared account and the account got the hammer for it. Seems pretty damned straight forward.

    Worst case scenario, I would possibly support all tied accounts getting banned but not IPs. Everyone should be welcome to come back after a hand slap, just like Mutombo, Reeferman, Double Vision, the list goes on. No, these people aren't saints and did some nasty shit but everyone including administration should know this is a game and rife with overreactions. Whatever the case, sorry to see good players leave. Not sorry at all to see house-hoarding crybabies leave.
  6. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    I think Blaise is right about banning all connected accounts but not IP's. This might possibly resolve the issue as the loot would be forfeit and those that used the account to loot would be punished with a ban. They would have the opportunity to come back and hopefully those that know them for what they are would get the word out and it would be more difficult for them to pull such scams in the future.
  7. Ervin

    Ervin Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Infantry and NONAMEALLSTAR like this.
  8. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    just want to say that Liberation was IP banned from the forums and IRC mintues after he made this post (all of the statements are true of course)

    without any explanation as far as I know
    Qaddafi likes this.
  9. Tsarkon

    Tsarkon Active Member
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    Jun 12, 2014
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    Emphasis mine.

    I think this is a huge part of the uproar. It wasn't merely that someone accessed someone else's account. It was that they dry looted a metric assload of loot, too. In reality, unless the actions taken after using someone else's account were bannable, they shouldn't be factored into the punishment.

    Run around on someone's account spouting racial slurs and the like? Yup, insta-ban.

    Run around on someone's account PKing and looting houses? Assess the penalty based on the account's reputation. The rules say it's forbidden and you can be punished, but not that you certainly will.

    I think most people would be appreciative of the leniency the staff shows if you mess up. Not a lot of stuff should be an insta-ban, imo.
  10. Tsarkon

    Tsarkon Active Member
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    Jun 12, 2014
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    Wasn't he banned for liberal use of the f-word slur?
  11. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    well i quoted it man, read it yourself, he didn't say fuck but he got banned from IRC and the forums moments later. I have plenty of screenshots of players calling me nigger in game that noone cares about so I doubt that's the reason. It was pretty clear though: he made the post I quoted in this thread, minutes later he was IP banned from IRC and the forum.
  12. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    There, I fixed that for you.

    I for one would love to see evidence of gold being sold for USD, and a swift action taken as a result.

    The Sandro debaucle is out of the bag, but I agree it would be appreciated if administration would just make a post about it to say "Look, I know what I said but I messed up. It has been addressed and I'm sorry". What is obvious, is that Sandrekiel is no longer around and has not been since the situation came to light.

    HC has come and gone multiple times and the only one with evidence of what accounts he does or doesn't have, is Telamon. What accounts he has stopped using in lieu of another or deleted, are nothing we can actually say for certain. The only thing to go on is something as shaky as 'more than three chars logged in, known to be other people, at least at one time'. Maybe he was using Sandrekiel's accounts way back when we were TB. It certainly seemed like it at times but none could say if he just texted the guy and asked him to handle shit here and there.
    HC has been accused of a lot and yeah, it's pretty damn OJ-like that he hasn't been found flat guilty in certain situations. However, reasonable doubt. The perfect crimes are those that have at least one strong loophole to pull it off with. Looting Scribe in whatever that duel scenario was, was shitty, but when you put all the cards on the table, he couldn't be pinned for it. Just like this accusation now. But this time, the actual perpetrators have straight up said what they did. Whether or not HC even helped loot this deal, he's not the actual perpetrator. There's no mystery, so the lynch mob can rest easy until the next conspiracy comes up to try and exile him.

    Liberation is making bold accusations he can't back up, directly insulting administration and has every reason to expect the IP ban he was asking for, quite clearly.

    If he just chose to treat it like his 'friends' that he gets mad at, his silent-treatment might have landed him better results.
  13. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    So Telamon, how much shit are you going to let these people get away with before you actually do something?

    Whatever dirt crew has on you must be some good shit, because you let them get away with murder.
    The amount of shady shit and drama that crew has subjected this server is mind-boggling when I think about it, and I'm sure you don't really need me to remind you about it all, but here's a little refresher for the audience

    That time hatecrime fucked a dozen people over by the dropping their vendors in yew.
    Everything regarding the incident with Sandro (I'll do you a favor and be vague about this)
    The heavy account sharing that's been going on in factions since the start (like the fact that sandro's trap remover was a community property for minax, this was somewhat frustrating for us since everyone on minax could log on him, our traps were removed almost immediately even at times when Sandro wasn't playing)
    We've also had members of crew straight up tell us that HC and Sandro had access to their accounts while they were in crew, of course they'll deny this now.
    Hatecrime's habit of picking people to shit on until they leave the server. There's a ton of names I don't remember, but a few that I do - dank is one of them. During this incident, HC straight up told Mes that the shard wasn't fun for him if he wasn't picking people to shit on.
    Selling gold for cash - we've seen him liquidate his shit how many times now?
    That time HC gave up Sandro's CY rune for who knows what reason.
    Heavy ghosting, crew liked to kill newbies with gank squads of 7+ in ice. Of yeah, they like to dry loot people and call them faggots too.
    Hazy posting logs that show people from the group that is leaving sending him UO:Steam and EasyUO macros and files - while this shows that they were using unauthorized shit, it also implicates Hazy - he is obviously also using these programs as well. There's also plenty of evidence that the rest of the group uses unauthorized programs. Sandro used an auto-cure script, Jleem and Budou use auto-looters (or are fast enough with their mice to be professional starcraft players) and there are other crew members that use EasyUO to automate BOD collecting and MIBs which you (Telamon) could easily track down.
    HC also has a ton of accounts, we've seen tons of evidence of it. And Telamon, you can easily look at it but we've brought it up to you in the past and nothing happened.
    Oh yeah, let's not forget that time that HC and his buddies gave the whole server the middle finger, talked shit at Tel and the shard administration in public channels, and then went to An Corp when they couldn't keep their reds alive for more than 15 minutes. And now that An Corp is back, they've come crawling back.
    There was the time that HC started a fight with Corruption, and all Corruption was doing was announcing a public harrower that we were putting on for the server. For having the audacity to defend himself, Corruption was tossed out of the counselor program and de-modded, even though it was Hatecrime throwing a bitchfit that started it. By the way, for those of you who are curious, this is the reason that TT and friends have been much less active lately, about half of our players are disgusted with the server administration and are not interested in logging in anymore.
    HC looting sneakyT's house to fuel his gold selling endeavors.
    HC looting Scribe's house while his buddy Cynic was keeping him busy with a duel.
    And then there's this, more shit with account sharing (which has been a constant with crew) and more HC looting people to fuel his gold selling endeavors.

    Not all of this is against the rules. All of it is shitty.
    Some of it is against the rules, and the response seems to be "well, the administration doesn't HAVE to enforce the rules if they don't want to"

    What kind of message do you think that sends?

    I'll be completely candid here Telamon - your policy of trying to sweep shit under the rug is short sighted and bad for the long term health of the shard. You have so many skeletons in the closet that you're struggling to keep the door shut.
    Being straight up and dealing with things in a fair and firm fashion is the way to keep drama from biting you in the ass. Rules have been broken, why aren't you enforcing them?

    If I were to summarize this bit of drama, it would go something like this:
    Hatecrime uses a shared account to loot a house, Hazy gets the blame, Liberation gets the ban.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2014
    Bamilus, Hedley Lamarr, Apoc and 5 others like this.
  14. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    That's more like it. Hope you don't get banned for that one napo.
    The summary left much to be desired but the rest of the points are well put. However, the Yew vendor incident was him rage-quitting and trust misplaced. He actually deleted chars that time and threw millions on the ground. That wasn't any sale at all.
  15. Genocide

    Genocide Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Feb 1, 2014
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    I would like everyone to know that Telamon made it very clear to me today in IRC that everyone gets 1 warning before they get banned. So feel free to do whatever the fuck u want at least once because you will not be banned regardless of the severity of the situation.... This whole situation sucks. Honestly i'm just butt hurt that my friends left because Telamon wont ban the people who broke the rules via account sharing.... But its too late now, he would rather stand on his decision than save face and make the right call.
  16. Russell

    Russell Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2013
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    I would ban him to, hes fucking annoying, only time he talks at all is when he has some lame negative shit to say. I talk frequently with Telamon about the shards future and potential things I can do to lessen the load. You little bitches need to realize he owns and operates his own company I believe, is newly married and still spends massive amounts of his 'free' time coding the shard and decoding your whining complains, on top of that pays more than likely 80% of everything out of his own pocket. I can almost guarantee he was having a busy night the other night when 3 of you probably pummeled him with complains and more than likely vulgarities. It takes a ton of time just to go through backlogs to check if a door was unlocked at said time. The accounts are frozen probably until he can get time to look into it, although I doubt he gives a shit at this point. Shit is so easy right guys, go run your own shard solo...
    Apoc, Descartes and Blaise like this.
  17. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I'm trying to stay out of this kind of drama overall, so I'm not going to take the time to separate your post piecemeal. I just wanted to get it out there that Lib was banned without explanation from IRC and the forums after making that post. And those things in the post are true (you know they are as well.) Me not having a video tape of it doesn't make them baseless. There's plenty of logs of his friends saying he sells gold for cash but you'd just say that wasn't proof so I'd be wasting my time. I saw him on 4 characters yesterday according to the players online part of the site, but I'm sure he gave accounts away or had his buddies on so that would be discounted too. We tried bringing it to light when he had 4 faction characters we knew and he got away with that (and his friends said they all got a good laugh out of it.) Instead of getting involved I'd rather just shake my head and try to do things I enjoy rather than be waist deep in this bullshit any longer than I already have been.

    I just wanted to be sure it's out there that the post Lib made in this thread got him banned from IRC and the forums - whereas things like screenshots of people using UOsteam, spamming nigger, logging onto people's accounts to loot them and such won't have real consequences.

    Oh and that the ban was for personal reasons imo. Guys are still here that have spammed that the server was trash in occlo or advertised for other servers.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2014
    Blaise and Qaddafi like this.
  18. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I have trouble doubting the accusations, logs, etc. I just don't have any proof and won't unless the aforementioned real consequences occur. Yeah, looks, sounds and smells shitty. But here in UO, we collect pieces of shit to decorate our homes with, so not sure if rare or trash barrel filler. I haven't seen the UOSteam screenshots but I still don't let Mut live down the EUO shot and can safely assume at all times that he's still using it. lol
  19. Hazy

    Hazy Active Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    All you've done is constantly attack staff because things are not the way you want them to be. From my dealings with you, I have always considered you a bit of a whiner.
  20. Qaddafi

    Qaddafi Active Member

    May 7, 2014
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    It's unlikely anyone gives two shits about what you think Hazy. Crawl back into the hole from whence you came.
    Apoc likes this.
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