
Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Qaddafi, Aug 9, 2014.

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  1. Hazy

    Hazy Active Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Why are you still here? Weren't you quitting? Is that not the point of this post is to show everyone how emotional you are over pixels? Is using uosteam not helping you with your e-tears? Please qad the UOR world would love to know.

    Because nothing is better than making a post saying goodbye to the server and posting in it when you say I'm "quitting"

    You got screwed over by your friend, hey bud welcome to the fucking internet where no one really knows anyone. Now take your wizard tears and go cheat on another shard.
  2. Qaddafi

    Qaddafi Active Member

    May 7, 2014
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    LOL. Razor only bud. Now be gone. Not even the mighty Blaise will chime in for your pathetic ass.
  3. Hazy

    Hazy Active Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Lets make things funny, if anyone has used skype and wants me to qoute any of this pm me. As anyone knows you cannot edit qoutes in skype

    [7/26/2014 9:14:40 PM] *** thesorrow sent AssistUOMacros.txt ***
    [7/26/2014 9:17:07 PM] *** Genocide . sent UOS_Latest.exe ***
    [7/26/2014 9:18:16 PM] *** Genocide . sent UOS_Latest.exe ***
    [7/26/2014 9:24:26 PM] razi raw: Ill need gold,regs,mix weps,peace
    [7/26/2014 9:34:58 PM] Hazy: wtf is that shit
    [7/26/2014 9:35:09 PM] thesorrow: uosteam
    [7/26/2014 9:35:16 PM] thesorrow: The best assist uo program
    [7/26/2014 9:35:22 PM] Hazy: lol
    [7/26/2014 9:46:09 PM] thesorrow: useskill 'Poisoning'
    waitfortarget 15000
    targettype 0xf0a 0x0 'backpack'
    waitfortarget 15000
    target! 0x40189928
    [7/27/2014 8:28:07 AM] Hazy: How is it people use illegal 3rd party programs, and yet still not good at uo
    [7/27/2014 8:28:27 AM] Genocide .: haters gonna hate
    [7/27/2014 8:28:55 AM] Genocide .: uosteam is just a less buggy version of Razor. Theres no real advantage to using it.
    [7/27/2014 8:29:11 AM] Genocide .: or are you talking about like Easy UO scripting?
    [7/27/2014 8:29:24 AM] Hazy: lol if there was no advantage to 3rd party programs theyd be legal
    [7/27/2014 8:29:47 AM] Genocide .: Can you tell me what advantage UOsteam has over Razor? Or are you just trolling?
    [7/27/2014 8:30:06 AM] Genocide .: Know whats funny ... Everyone said u would talk shit about it, funny to see you doing it
    [7/27/2014 8:30:24 AM] Hazy: I dont know I can use razor just fine

    Please continue cheating as a group then crying when rules are broken
  4. Qaddafi

    Qaddafi Active Member

    May 7, 2014
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    My name is where? Seems you are just trying to take the attention off of yourself.
  5. Hazy

    Hazy Active Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    I couldnt care any less about the "attention" on me qad the only one crying for that is you with your whining in forums in irc if you want i could scroll up 1 line on that skype convo and your name is there, but whats the point "muthatrucka". It doesnt matter what programs you guys used the only thing yall were capable of was spending life getting times and moving pixels. You cant heal each other on the field cant sync a spell to save your ass. Id say id miss the fights with you guys but they werent even a challenge.
  6. Qaddafi

    Qaddafi Active Member

    May 7, 2014
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    The administrations lack of judgement is what allows people like this to break rules and walk free to sling shit upon their victims.
  7. Genocide

    Genocide Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Feb 1, 2014
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    OH NO, sharing files with other players. You realize we play multiple servers right?
  8. Russell

    Russell Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2013
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    you realize razor is the only client allowed on this server correct? most super simple 10IQ thing ever...
    Baine likes this.
  9. Caleb Holman

    Caleb Holman Active Member

    Mar 10, 2013
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    This makes things a bit more clear.
  10. The Babadook

    The Babadook Member

    Jul 4, 2014
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    Did corruption quit? He's worth 10 hate crimes and 100 hazys
  11. corruption

    corruption Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 1, 2013
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    Everything napo states is true. I've been in refresh mode, holding out hope for something to actually show a sign of hope; but it just has become depressing. I've moved onto greener pastures. I'll be transferring my houses to my guildie very soon.
  12. corruption

    corruption Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 1, 2013
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    I'd also like to add that as far as integrity goes, the biggest question mark has *ALWAYS* been Ezekiel/Sandro. The fact that this has never been addressed publicly has always bugged me, and I brought it up a number of times to Chris. I'm glad that this cat is finally out of the bag, because the unwillingness to acknowledge mistakes has always left me with a sour taste. As time went on, I felt too many questionable judgements leaning in favor of -3- and HC in general left me wondering about the whole game plan. I won't lie, this has eaten me up inside for 2 months now -- do I quit, or do I hold out hope that things will actually get better and responsibility will be taken? I hate that I have no desire to log into this shard anymore, but thats where it is.

    Everyone who knows me knows how much I love this shard, but this current attitude of manipulating the core game to 'encourage new game styles' coupled with the huge questions about things that absolutely SHOULDN'T be allowed, but inexplicably are, has put me into a mode where I'd rather just not even try anymore. The energy I exerted for the last year+ somehow feels less.. worth it in light of everything.

    I don't want it to be this way. But, the opportunities to fix it aren't at the whim of the community, and they should have been out of that realm a LONG time ago. Since I know as well as anyone on this shard that no one but Chris, Ezekiel, and Samorite have ever had anything but limited counselor access, the onus is on Chris and Samorite to make this right.

    Also, Chris, stop the farce you keep telling people about how Ez had no GM powers. He redeemed plat rewards for me when you were gone for your wedding, and ran events in your absence. He also ran at least one event for Christmas. I've always known that you bold faced lied to me about it; and 6 months of hoping is too long to hope you could redeem yourself.

    You need to make this right. This is huge, and you've done nothing but try to pretend it didn't happen. Also, unban Liberation, you petty petty man.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2014
  13. Wodan

    Wodan Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2013
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    I understand alot of the frustration here.

    1) Stop bothering with Blaise, he's always a troll and he can't help it. People complaining in the forum magically attract him and I'm sure he wasn't wearing pants for most of his posts here.

    2) I hate to see you people leave. The older this server gets, the thicker the layer of scum players gets (not even referring to the people involved here) while so many good people move on.

    3) Alot of people here have incredibly high expectations towards Telamon. When he shows he's just human, we're disapointed. It's too much for a single person to handle I believe and I would love to see such disputes taken to some kind of community court instead of todays backroom deals which leave too much room for accusations and rumours which multiply the frustration some players here experience. Make all the technical details the GM can find and all accusations and "evidence" public in such high drama cases to make decisions ore transparent. Transparency will help restore trust in staff decisions here.

    4) You can all transfer me your remaining houses, I'll add them to my refresh loop ;) *cough* you can buy them back later for a small enormous fee.
    Xegugg, Descartes, Blaise and 5 others like this.
  14. Genocide

    Genocide Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Damn this shit is gettin real!
  15. corruption

    corruption Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 1, 2013
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    1) Blaise is a troll, but Blaise is also a bro to many here, in many ways -- which makes his inability to hold back on troll-isms harder to take, by those whom have been close to him. When you've spent intimate gametime with him, he becomes endearing -- but then when it comes to the trolling, that caustic burn just makes it sting...

    2) UO freeshards always have a wax and wane -- and with the current population numbers, regardless of infighting, drama and bitching, there will always be fresh blood. Its how freeshards go.

    3) Transparency is all I've ever wanted, and its lacked severely. Of course theres high expectations of Telamon -- but you're wrong that people get disappointed when he shows he is human. People get disappointed when evidence that he's human is revealed, and he tries to bury it like it didn't happen. See Ez/Sandro.

    For the record, I don't count unreasonable pricks in my statement of people who don't get disappointed when he shows he's human. The people who don't understand the technical nature of whats involved in a lot of requests, the ones who will always be piddly clown babies no matter what they do, they barely count in terms of the population boost. When I say this, I mean the veterans that are at a point of struggling with the audacity of things.

    4) I'll give you the Yew tradehouse, and if you want, add you to the SAT stone. Feel free to carry on the tradition for me, my kraut brother from another mother :)
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2014
  16. Genocide

    Genocide Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Feb 1, 2014
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    This is all I hear when I read Blaise's posts ....

  17. errl

    errl New Member

    Aug 9, 2014
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    I support house looting lets remove secures
  18. The Babadook

    The Babadook Member

    Jul 4, 2014
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    Give your old friend ShadowJack free lewtz :p
    Apoc likes this.
  19. Wittol

    Wittol Member

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Wow... I get on a big drunk and come back to read all this. I just came because to forms I went to fart around/rob/look for errors with Idoc and saw a loot house gone... I miss everything! :(

    I don't believe ya'll just dropped the houses... stole the fun and anticipation. :mad:

    Take a break and hurry back...
  20. Unknown_Hero

    Unknown_Hero Active Member

    Jan 25, 2014
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    As I said skype quotes CAN be faked. Your informative is invalid and when I asked you for the quotes you refused.

    [10:10:23] <Unknown_Hero> hey i wanna see the quotes
    [10:18:13] <Hazy> lol
    [10:18:28] <Unknown_Hero> I'm serious
    [10:25:06] <Unknown_Hero> So when?
    [10:25:47] <Hazy> what
    [10:25:53] <Hazy> i dont even have you on skype for one
    [10:25:54] <Unknown_Hero> The quotes
    [10:25:57] <Hazy> dont really know you
    [10:25:57] <Unknown_Hero> add me
    [10:26:05] <Unknown_Hero> Then why did you say PM Me?
    [10:26:05] <Hazy> so i dont see the relevance of showing you
    [10:26:09] <Unknown_Hero> How will you show the quotes
    [10:26:26] <Unknown_Hero> Then please remove the post so you won't waste others time.
    [10:27:02] <Hazy> lol
    [10:27:07] <Hazy> you are a fucking loser rofl
    [10:27:14] <Unknown_Hero> Then I am PMing telamon and having the post removed.
    [10:27:19] <Unknown_Hero> Providing false info
    [10:27:39] <Hazy> this is coming from the moron who posted a pic of skype with my "name" on it?
    [10:27:40] <Hazy> lol
    [10:27:43] <Hazy> stupid fuck
    [10:27:57] <Unknown_Hero> Showing that you can fake it.
    [10:28:05] <Unknown_Hero> And that your information is invalid
    [10:28:20] <Unknown_Hero> So I want to see this "proof" you have.
    [10:28:49] <Hazy> I dont have to show you anything personally
    [10:28:51] <Hazy> you are a nobody
    [10:29:00] <Unknown_Hero> Then remove your post.
    [10:29:08] <Unknown_Hero> If you aren't going to follow through with what you said.
    [10:29:18] <Hazy> lol dont tell me what to do kid
    [10:29:23] <Unknown_Hero> I proved your informative invalid so you are getting mad at me for proving your lies.
    [10:29:34] <Hazy> i probably will provide qoutes to anyone except you
    [10:29:51] <Unknown_Hero> Once you get some intellegence and learn that anything can be faked then you can get back on the interwebs.
    [10:29:54] <Hazy> i already knew this would turn into something stupid the second you pmed me
    [10:30:13] <Hazy> lets go over your fake picture
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2014
    Apoc likes this.
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