Why Mounted Elves in Dungeons changed

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Keza, Dec 12, 2022.

  1. VentedGibbon

    VentedGibbon Member

    Sep 4, 2021
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    It's a good thing there aren't more scrolls because there would be too many scrolls.
  2. Shiloh

    Shiloh Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Dec 30, 2017
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    An unfortunate by-product of the downward adjustment to Christmas mob spawns and scroll drops, is for all the recent new players that have come as a result of the campaign hyping up this shard. As a new player back in 2017, the Christmas event netted me, just from Ocllo alone, enough scrolls to bankroll all my builds. That event was so exciting, that it has kept me here all these years later. It is sad that the new wave of players will not be able to experience that kind of excitement. If you stroll through Occlo today, you would not even know a Christmas event is going on.
  3. VentedGibbon

    VentedGibbon Member

    Sep 4, 2021
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    Are you intentionally disregarding the imbalanced economy of Christmas Scrolls?
  4. NCCML

    NCCML Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 18, 2018
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    This event has run for how many years this way? The players that have been around for that time have enjoyed the ability to farm these things, either to sell them and bankroll whatever projects they are working on, or to just go ahead and run them themselves. It's, thankfully, one of the less grindy ways to gain a decent amount of holiday coin for reward store purchases too. Why all of a sudden is the number of scrolls in circulation a big deal? The instances were created to be enjoyed by players right? Making the scrolls more rare means less players enjoying these instances too. Oh and guess what? The same peeps you reference with however many books, that simply don't log off for 3 weeks straight, won't be effected by this at all. Its the less experienced, newer peeps that this has an impact on. Let's face it, the 24/7 nerds are gonna be the 24/7 nerds, you aren't gonna change that, or slow them down.

    This is/was a great way for gold to move from all the "whales" on the server to some of those newer players you seem to be worried about.

    On that note, if this balance was somehow supposed to help newer people with less rune books, how exactly has this had a positive impact on them? You made it more "fair"? Ok..

    My biggest problem with ALL of this isn't even the change. I mean ok fine, you nerfed a boss in dungeons. Whatever. In my opinion, we are in a place here with UOR where the shard owner is completely silent and basically not involved in this place, hopefully just for the time being, but who knows. Reality is, its been progressively worse over the last year or more, so we will see. Everyone is already sensitive to this. When you decide to change an event, and then just completely neglect to communicate anything with your player base, you essentially pour salt on this wound of perceived neglect.

    The attitude of your post sucks too. Like it's some sort of unreasonable expectation to want to know whats going on with the shard and events. Creating a new event, and dont want to share details? Fine. Thats your thing. You are changing an established event though, one that peeps already know and love. Thats a different ball game. The sad thing is that people are leaving because of this kind of crap. I've literally watched an exodus of people that used to play UOR over the last month or so, and this REALLY didn't help. I mean, in a place where population is declining, holding the middle finger up to your players that have stuck around and simply want to know what's up, is a really stupid idea. Or maybe you want a place where 12 guys pvm on triple box tamers all day, without any other interaction. I mean if thats the case congrats, thats where this place is going. We aren't far from achieving it.
    Codus, jgodd13, WarrenBuffet and 10 others like this.
  5. Zero

    Zero Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jul 6, 2020
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    id like to know how these guys are finding 6 mounted elves an hour. i mean i know there ssome seriously dedicated people here, but man, theres days i go by without finding 6 mounted elves in a day and that with 4+ hours playing
    jgodd13, Leeloo and Yukon Jack like this.
  6. Leeloo

    Leeloo Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2020
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    If you watched my stream last night I spent 2 hours farming dungeons non stop, and if I found 3 bosses I would say I was lucky.

    Of course no scrolls dropped and btw, there was WAY LESS elves and bossed around, I wasn't even seeing bodies of dead elves killed by someone else
    Kiryana, Gossow, Shiloh and 1 other person like this.
  7. Gelato

    Gelato Active Member

    Jan 16, 2020
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  8. Delstrudo

    Delstrudo Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2018
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    If only there was some kind of "Quick" fix.... RIP
    Codus, WarrenBuffet, eherruh and 3 others like this.
  9. Ron Jeremy

    Ron Jeremy Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2014
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    I'm excited to see town invasions like Landar put on for Thanksgiving, that drew the most people to the event in years.

    I know people sitting on 300 scrolls from all the years because they just "collect them" like bragging rights but will never use or sell them. I was forced to retool my rune books and play differently and still averaged over a scroll an hour in dungeons. The change definitely made it more challenging, I would say during peak times when things are rolling I do not play because the ROI on time is so low. See examples below.

    Last year: I would not play during busy times. Durin slack tide I would go from boss to boss to boss as fast as I could kill them
    This year: I do not play during busy times. Durin slack tide I go from boss to boss to boss as fast as I can kill them

    If that makes sense?
  10. Keza

    Keza Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Jan 6, 2015
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    You are correct! The RNG system doesn't work cumulatively towards your next scroll drop (this has been requested). However, we have to look at things here as dice roll simulators. Assume you threw a 100 sided dice looking for number X, rolled 10 times a minute for 200 hours. Each roll does not influence the last roll, yet each trial of 200 hours would smooth out close to 20 successful rolls of finding number X. Some trials might only be 15, while others yield 25 succsesses. Thus we look at the system overall as a cumulative drop rate because the more time players spend rolling those dice, the more scrolls they get within the 4 week period.

    Also, thank you @Blendax for your level headed assessment of the post :D
    Reemer and Blendax like this.
  11. Jesus Is King

    Jesus Is King Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2015
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  12. Valentina108

    Valentina108 Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    It sure would've been nice to have some kind of incentive, like more plat/HC, along with the nerf of the boss adds.

    Also, I'm surprised this doesn't bother more of you. He just said we aren't worth his valuable time, but because he had nothing better to do he would give us the "luxury" of an explanation on such a huge change to the event. Even as a volunteer with limited time, why would you not notify the playerbase when the changes were pushed? Even a little heads up would've been fine, with a promise to explain later.

    You have people in this game that work as hard, if not harder, than both you and Telamon, and you come in here suggesting your time is more valuable than ours. We only have limited time to play too, and a big change like this to a limited-time event without any explanation and with your arrogant attitude is a slap in the face to all of us.

    So try doing the volunteer job that you signed up for, the one that Telamon gave you the privilege and trust to do, in a respectful manner that he built this shard on.
  13. Mac Daddy Slim

    Mac Daddy Slim Active Member

    Aug 13, 2020
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    Or don't make a massive, unrequested change based on your personal views, without including the end user and then tell us it's privilege and a luxury for us to even know about it. I'm glad you decided to give an explanation, but the entire thing seems a bit above your pay grade, as you mentioned.
    Yukon Jack, eherruh and Leeloo like this.
  14. NCCML

    NCCML Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Well the trick is to make sure you are marking runes in dunge... oh. Wait. Hold on, nm.
  15. WarrenBuffet

    WarrenBuffet Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Aug 21, 2018
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    Thank you for the explanation and insight into this decision.

    I am curious though, "The idea for this change was mine, and I didn't explain because my time is limited." Does this mean that other staff/volunteers were included in this decision? I would think that if someone is changing the mechanics of a shard established event they would at the very least, consult other staff/volunteers on their idea before implementing them.

    It seems like you made a unilateral decision that impacted the entire shard without anyone else's consideration. I am curious because now I wonder what other changes have been made that we "did not have time" to receive an explanation for.

    These are just some observations of how certain actions are viewed. I think it would be helpful if you keep that in mind.
    Kiryana, midgetbob, eherruh and 6 others like this.
  16. Bill

    Bill Active Member

    Dec 26, 2021
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    The change makes sense to me, I'm all for evening the playing field. I do think experience should reward a person with more scrolls but when some stack over 200 and others get 15 after a bunch of hard work, the disparity there seems a bit extreme to me.

    Some of the people here (this is not directed toward everyone) complaining about farming for hours in dungeons with no results would try to gank and run me off at any given chance. If that's you and you don't like the change, GOOD I hope you die and get dry looted.

    People will complain no matter what, the silent majority appreciates your time staff.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2022
    Ogrotten likes this.
  17. Fenrir

    Fenrir Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Feb 19, 2019
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    So to be clear. Keza did discuss this change with me PRIOR to making it. This is a volunteer organization, there is not one JEFE in charge of everything (Well there is, but he has more important concerns right now) But he HAS empowered certain volunteers to make changes based on their best judgement. Whether the change is universally loved, hated or middle of the road, is very subjective. But as Volunteers, we all stand behind the change, regardless of any personal feelings towards it.

    So this is not "Keza's Change" its is UOR's change.

    Its easy to sit back and criticize and pick apart someone elses work. Hell I have done it too. Its quite another to give up your play time and focus on helping out here so OTHERS can enjoy their playtime.

    Did Keza express himself well in the Original Post? I might have gone a different direction, but leaving aside the emotional dislike of his words, the information about the change was factual and precise, You may not agree with his logic, but it does answer the question of "Why?"

    So looking at the posts here and on discord:
    This change is loved, hated and meh. With some very vocal people at the extreme ends.

    I dont have the drop numbers from last year, but the DROP RATE was not changed. Just the number of mobs. Anecdotally it was said that last year Scrolls were dropping at about 150 per day. Here is the Item DB numbers from just BEFORE the season and this morning

    [​IMG] upload_2022-12-14_6-47-51.png

    Average of 137 scrolls daily.

    Finally, this change was NOT made to help or hurt any individual or group. It was made with the best intentions and while not perfect, its not the doomsday end all change that destroys this place.
  18. Bill

    Bill Active Member

    Dec 26, 2021
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    If I played here for many years I might feel stronger about the change, but the reasoning sounds logical to me. All I can say is I'm having fun getting scrolls and thankyou UOR. Please never be hesitant to make changes due to a fear of complaining, I wouldn't want to see this place get stagnant. Of course I don't mean neon AOS change, you know what I mean.
    Leopold likes this.
  19. Leeloo

    Leeloo Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2020
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    Isn't this Bill the same guy that was complaining he couldn't create a toon named Donald Trump?
    PaddyOBrien and Bill like this.
  20. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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    <<< Well-written rubbish. Thank you for not choosing your colleague's storytelling style. ;)

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