The Shadow Guard is a PvP guild comprised of the fiercest warriors and archers Sosaria has ever seen. You will not find mages, animal tamers, or thieves among our ranks - for we do not value these character traits. That which we lack in spellbook-smarts, we more than make up for with brute strength, dexterity and superior combat tactics. (We war guilds of like-mind and skill.) Current Wars: -Bluud'chok Hai [URK] -Order of the Crimson Legion [OCL] Members of The Shadow Guard must comply with all rules listed below: 1. Character profiles must be made public on the UOR website to ensure compliance with all skill-related rules. 2. Members are allowed to have up to 60.0 skill points in Magery. 3. Members are prohibited from having any skill points within Animal Lore, Animal Taming, Snooping, or Stealing. 4. Members are prohibited from using alternative characters or other non-guilded players to assist them during combat against warred guilds. *Rules are subject to change as seen fit by guild leadership. Life is hectic and I'm often MIA attending to it. Holden is the current guildmaster.
OHHH That sounds fun! I had a similar idea for "honorary" warring guild with no loot rules blah blah. I may join up!
Awesome! Personally, I probably won't loot (unless I see an irresistibly badass weapon) but I don't want to restrict others from looting because that may keep some people from joining the fray.
I remember a Viking guild that had similiar rules. They were stone-cold dexmonkeys who valued glorious hand to hand combat. No mounts, no magery, no thieving, no taming. It was awesome when they fielded their army of twenty or so madmen, they would overrun anyone who got in their way LOL I remember being hit by at least eight heavy X-Bow bolts almost at the same time, I died instantaneously while cursing the decision to recall in and check out their little siege
Count me in if youll have me. Ragnar the Red is the name. Swinging Axes is the game. When you say "(We war guilds of like-mind and skill.)" does that mean only other melee guilds. I would love to not need resist. IRC - Holden
Yes, with the only exception being URK, the orc guild. I allow this because they have very few mages and they don't use mounts. I may change this in the future if they become overpowered or if we get a good rival guild going, but for now we will stay warred.
The best part was when three other orcs appeared as if from no where! We were surrounded and we didn't even know it... I should have known the smell of orc feces was too strong to be coming from just one of these vile creatures.