Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by beagle, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. Athena

    Athena Active Member

    Aug 24, 2013
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    Well to put the thread back in a normal spin, I've only done CTF 3 or 4 times so take this with a grain of salt,

    I found mana to be limiting, something is kind of wrong if you do consider getting yourself killed to regain a mana bar. I'm not sure how in UO mechanics this can be fixed changed though, most games where a mage is working against a resource less enemy the mage would have mana consumables or an ability to drop casting offensively and instead focus on regenerating mana. One other problem is CTF is non-stop action its not like a normal fight where theres lulls after a dump or you can back off and regen.

    Anyway I don't know how that problem can be fixed outside of a CTF only mana potion/stone or somehow if you break combat and can actively med for say 5 seconds your mana starts returning at an even more rapid rate than normal meditation. I'm sure there are many other players much more skilled at conserving mana than me though and I'll let them post their thoughts, but I do feel your pain in the mana department in the few CTF's I played.
  2. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    CTF is not meant to mimic field combat entirely, nor is it meant to be focused on PvP.

    The map variations cannot be changed on the fly based on sign-up numbers (how it's programmed). The map is predetermined beforehand and as for subjective opinion, I like all of them and only would like to see some minor variations on the existing maps and more maps in general.

    This game is called Capture the Flag, not Kill All the Peoples. That is called Team Death Match or Death Match in most game environments.
    If people aren't going for kills because they can grab a flag, that is what they are supposed to be doing. The enemy should be killing them to prevent that action and vice versa.
    If that is boring to you because there isn't as much PvP (standing there fighting one another solo or in groups), there are various other outlets for such desires. There are also other games much more geared towards straight up killing, that will be implemented in time (Double Domination anyone? 1v1/2v2/etc Tournaments). You can also opt to just practice your PvP in CTF and disregard flags altogether. Just don't be upset when I run away from the fight because you don't have a flag and/or I don't have yours yet. The game should only ever be won by meeting the objective that is clearly laid out in the name of the game.

    Mana regeneration and defensive spell timers can all be resolved by forcing a longer respawn delay, with the added bonus of making it feel painful/undesirable to die. Not enticing, like it is now when you're standing there with 10 mana and/or your reflect down.

    Flag respawn delay after capture is a great idea as well and should definitely be implemented if possible.
  3. beagle

    beagle New Member

    Sep 20, 2014
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    not meant to be focused on pvp? i hardly think that was the dev's idea for ctf.

    5 points for killing
    -10 points for dying
    faster mana regen


  4. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Please, find me any evidence that even remotely suggests that CTF was designed to be about killing each other. Please show me a game that awards such high points and deductions for kills and deaths (in relation to capture points), in CTF, anywhere.

    Also, feel free to gloss over the fact that when deductions for deaths existed on this shard, in CTF, games were won entirely by players standing around killing the people trying to capture flags, while never capturing one themselves.

    Winning Capture the Flag....without capturing the flag?

    pls <-----That's sarcasm
  5. beagle

    beagle New Member

    Sep 20, 2014
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    evidence: u can bring weapons in and cast offensive spells

    lack of incentive for killing (trophys) isnt evidence for staff not wanting it to be about pvp

    comparing UO renaissance ctf to another game's ctf is pointless. in other games you cant xheal someone repeatedly for more damage and less mana than offensive spells, or get 10 tiles away and then be invincible as long as you maintain that lead. in other games you can just get 1 shotted by a rocket, grenade, or headshot, and you cant recklessly charge in and succeed because you will get lit up.

    winning capture the flag by everyone standing around with no mana and 1 dexxer running back and forth while no one is able to effectively stop him makes for a boring experience. adding point penalties for death will give people a reason to use their brains, and not rush in mindlessly. right now CTF is extremely biased towards dexxers. I'm just trying to give suggestions to make it more enjoyable for everyone.

    i'm sorry that my suggestion clashes so much with your equally biased view for how ctf should be.

    also that wasnt sarcasm, that was incredulity

    hav a nice day :D
    Mes likes this.
  6. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    The only think I think CTF desperately needs is random teams. Other than that it's pretty much perfect.
  7. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    In my opinion this is false. Do dexxers play a role? Sure. But so do mages. Try putting together a dexxer heavy team and watch them crash and burn. If CTF was extremely biased towards dexxers I think you would see Dexxer heavy teams dominating. Instead I believe the opposite is true. The key at the moment seems to be having a good runner (Dexxer, scribe mage, heal mage) and mages supporting that runner by healing, throwing up stone walls, dispelling stone walls, and dumping to get their own flag back. A dexxer offers almost no support to a flag runner other then just getting in the way of others chasing and using your body to block people best you can. For discussion, if we had the ability to set your team without others joining etc, the top guilds would likely run a team composing of one solid dexxer to run the flag and everyone else would be a mage. Maayybe 2 dexxers, 1 to run flag and the other a nox fencer to put pressure on their healers. Either way, it would NOT be mostly dexxers and a few mages.
    Dalavar likes this.
  8. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    I lol'ed, because this was my thought as well.

    Kill yourself and get reborn with full mana. See above, in this thread.

    Even without doing that, you can be much more effective by conserving mana. For example, if you're explo-ebolt comboing someone, and you see your explosion reflected, don't bother with the ebolt because you're not gonna kill the guy without a lot of help. Save the 20 mana for a better spot.
  9. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    Oh man tonight's CTF. 4 dexxers chasing around general babby for a LONG time, unable to kill him. Protection allows him to just spam gheal at whim. Dexxers OP? I don't think so!
  10. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    The focus of the game is the flag. Killing is absolutely part of it but absolutely not the focus or means of winning the game. Suggesting that because there is killing, that it should be rewarded greatly to the point of actually being able to win a match with kills, is ludicrous. However, as your opinion you're absolutely welcome to it. I would not recommend holding your breath for that to get changed back to how it was (terrible and everyone who played back then knows this).

    Comparing CTF to CTF is absolutely relevant, regardless of platform or otherwise. You don't have to think so, it's totally your right. I found that by making a habit of stopping to meditate when I get around half mana, I have been able to effectively conserve and avoid the desire to suicide for mana. I still believe a longer respawn delay would help as a deterrent to such ideas.

    Any time you're on a CTF team with a majority being dexxers, you are losing CTF (unless the other team is identical, ie: never). It is known.

    I'm sure everyone who desires random teams will be delighted when they are teamed up with their biggest enemies in the game. <-- sarcasm
  11. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    I actually planned on suiciding last night a few times, to refresh mana, but it wasn't really necessary. Though this is largely because I can't figure out a good way to set enemies to Last Target while holding a precast spell (outside of Next Target, which is really brutal in Small Cross with 25 people in the CTF)

    Mom bought me Reebok Pumps last week and I tested on the playground and they make me super fast when I pump them up, so I guess the equivalent would be paging Telamon to let my horse into the CTF game?

    Also, we need to implement a spawning rare called "Oreos", so I can give 2 to whoever picks me for their team.
  12. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Make a macro for Set Last Target, Target Nearest Orange, set to hotkey? Or just make a Set Last Target hotkey and manually click on people.

    I don't do that personally, I just use Target Nearest Enemy, Attack Last Target (hotkeys) and Last Target (mouse wheel).

    Never mind the horse, just get speedhax. lol
  13. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    I think when it goes to the "Target Nearest Orange" step, it would blow whatever spell I was holding.

    It may be possible to cast a spell, get the target cursor, hit my "Set Last Target" hotkey, click on someone, and just have it set the last target at that time. I hate manually clicking on people, but if that doesn't blow the spell, it seems infinitely better than clicking Next Target a couple dozen times.

    Yes, I do the same with my dexer, I feel like a roving madman just swinging at the nearest person at all times, but it works. But for holding a precast spell, it just doesn't work for a tank mage that relies on some weapon damage.
  14. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    If you're a tank mage, you can start attacking someone (target nearest/attack last) then pre-cast a spell, put your weapon back up and just hit last target when you want to drop that spell. It'll drop your weapon and unload.
  15. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    My favorite flag game was Day of Defeat (HL mod). You had like 5 flags and two bases. You pushed back and forth for control until one side managed to capture all flags at once. Problem is I don't think that'd work here. Not without a respawn delay of some sort.
  16. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    So it looks like this works.

    This makes sense, this would be better if it's tough to manually set someone as last target. On the other hand, I hate having to cast that first spell after I've already engaged someone.

    Will try both in the next CTF and see how it goes.
    Blaise likes this.
  17. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    PS: I'm don't want Oreos for you to be on the team but a headset/mic and mumble or skype would help.
  18. Godric Greycliff

    Godric Greycliff Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 22, 2012
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    I'd love to see this!
    But this is why I generally don't show up to any group PvP events. I appreciate the competitive edge but I really don't want to hear anyone screaming while I enjoy my leisure activities (no offense to anyone) and I certainly don't want to bring anyone down (not the least of which, my team mates.)
  19. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    For what it's worth, I haven't really ever heard anyone scream in the mic. Sure, some folks get a bit louder and/or curse a bit but otherwise, it's talking at normal tones and saying shit like "I've got the flag" "Can I get a heal" or "Drop on so and".

    This is the only way you will ever be fully coordinated with a team in any team game. I'm not saying you have to, but if you want to be a real part of any team, that is how you do it. You also don't get forced into audio chat simply for doing group PvP events. However, I would understand not wanting to go to the events knowing that people who are really into it, will be communicating for the win, while I refused and in turn know that I have no chance at it.

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