Impromptu, no tie required, we're running a Free Resist Training Session. Hopefully we'll get some gates up but drop all your loot and bring your ghost to my keep north of Minoc. Really not hard to find, but here's a helpful picture. Accepting donations in the form of fishsteaks, storebought instruments, wizards hats and bandages. Ask for help in if you have trouble or have no clue what any of this means. Happy New Year, UO:Renaissance!
lol dude... vice versa i am thankin everyone for making this happen absurdly quick. happy new year to all uor family.
oh, just gmd a guy there and might throw another one or two, so I'll donate 222,221 gp for the session
I think the longest was sometime over a week long. We've got about 5000 casts left but if there's enough interest we can keep it going longer.