Buenos Dias, Sosaria! I am a Legitimate Businessman with low overhead. What does that mean? That means I have got some sweet deals for you!!! I will update this thread with items available as they arrive. All prices are negotiable, cuz I'm easy like that. These are single offers. If multiple items of a particular type are in stock, this will be noted. PM on this forum or in irc for questions and arrangements. We have opened a retail outlet at the BlackMarket Vendors! Rares, weapons, stuff you need! For direct sale: Black Sheep: 10k 20 Yds of 1194 cloth (blood red): 40k Light Fur: 40k Dark Fur, Standard price, 60-80k, Tuco's price: only 65k Dinner with Tuco (great conversationalist!) Only 2k!
a) What is the regular price of a dinner with Tuco? I want to know what I'm saving here. b) What does that price cover and who gets the bill if the price is just for the companionship? This dinner better not be at WispFelt, I hear Westra charges a pretty penny for her cooking.
a) Typically, dinner with a fascinating and charismatic guy like me could go for as much as 5k (but only amongst those truly starved for quality entertainment) b) The price covers an hour's worth of time and attention, conversation, witticisms, with a few non sequiters and perhaps the odd pun. Dinner should be provided by the client, venue of your choosing.
Tell you what, I will commission Westra for some pizza and give you 10 times your asking price (20k) if you beat me at a game of back gammon while we have dinner. I will also play chess but I am not betting on it because I am rusty. errr I mean I have a defective board...
You just haven't asked the right people the right questions I have a working board at my place. Can only be accessed by the owner if locked down but works for anyone if I unlock it. I would be happy to kick your ass also if you're willing to put something worth my time on the line EDIT: HAH I actually have 2. One is yours if you beat me. EDIT2: It can actually be secured and used the same way a container would be based on security settings.
I'm also rusty at chess! Even rustier at backgammon (not even sure I've ever won a backgammon game... so there's that). If I lose, you pay the regular price of 2k. What do ya say?
Ya I'm in for a game of chess under those conditions. After 10 PM EST works best for me weekdays. PM me and we will figure something out .
Can you please postpone till Friday? We are playing chess Thursday night. Won't be possible if you feed him to your Orcs... Great observation. You can remedy the situation by spending some of your ill earned money on the one remaining item on the list. Stop being part of the problem and become part of the solution!
You can try but I hear them Orcs like shinnies... Dunno if they will let you walk away with your head if you toss some fur at them.