In the Second Installment of "Beware of Bards Bearing Lutes" we have..... Judas Succumbing to a Bardic Lullaby...of the Dirt Nap Variety.... This foul criminal sought to attack one of the valiant protectors of this realm. His punishment was swift!
A VERY rare encounter with the "alien species" while in their formal robes. BACKSTORY: No, I was not in trouble. Just chilling making cloth and a GM comes walking down the street. He was very friendly as we talked about IRL stuff. He gave me very wise words about College. +1 for good interaction with Staff
I finally found the one that got away. Twas as massive and elusive as Zyrox told tell at the fishing docks. Arrrrrg.
I've had a very successful night twisting door knobs tonight, my best find so far has been this fur left unlocked on the porch of this home. Many Thanks I will put it to good use.
Enjoy it! The lesson here is, if you're drunk, it's really not that important to grab those bod's before bed.. edit: in retrospect, better that I accidentally unlocked the fur and not the housekeys. lol
Drunken UOing cost me about 6 months worth of gametime when I left my large tower unlocked with all my goodies inside. It also cost me a newbie house key because the same tower was also refitted with new keys instead of a new name when I drunk clicked the wrong thing and yes the gump too (on another shard).
If it takes smoking crack to res repeatedly and run to the bank while I listen to music and laugh at you guys res killing me... I guess a bunch. Way to be slow to the post though... How much H have you been doing man?! SHEESH.
i wasn't going to post until you did, and don't know what h is keep laughin, i'm sure you're really not mad! so not mad! you got us good too! tuna kills you like 200 times you owned him!